Recently having decided that Habbo CA is getting a bit boring, I've decided to join RuneScape. I'd like to have a bit more cash on there so I'm putting this offer out there for anyone who'd like to take it up!
I have an unreleased, super rare Aqua Ice Cream Machine on Habbo Hotel Canada, valued at 20-25 HCs. For proof of price, click here for HabboWay.net Canadian rare values. I'm looking for a minimum of 2 million RuneScape Gold Pieces in return for this super rare.
I will not go first, however, I can prove that I'm trustworthy. I'm a Habbo X CA Team Leader, with proof on this page. I don't mind meeting you in-game before our trade to prove that I am in fact Skream.
If you're interested, post here or send me a Private Message.
If this is in the wrong section, I do apologize!
Edited by Bomb-Head (Forum Super Moderator): Thread moved, please post in the correct section, thanks