- [Notice] Muscial Chairs 9pm BST
- [Notice] Trivia ~ 11pm BST
- [Notice] Shout It Out 2am BST
- [Notice] Anti-Stab - 12pm BST
- [Notice] Unscramble - 1pm BST
- [Notice] Higher or Lower - 2pm BST
- [Notice] Fastest Typer - 3PM BST
- [Notice] Don't get a carrot - 4PM BST
- [Notice] Chair Races ~ 5pm [BST]
- [Notice] Bingo - 6pm BST
- [Notice] Latest Competitions
- [Notice] Telephrase - 7PM BST
- [Notice] Fallin furni - 8PM BST
- [Notice] Name 3 - 9PM BST
- [Notice] Addition - 10pm BST
- [Notice] Lucky Colour - 11pm BST
- Four new Debates
- [Notice] Stab - NOW
- [Notice] Grab a Seat - 1pm BST
- [Notice] Heaven or Hell - 2pm BST
- [Notice] Don't touch my wall - 5PM BST
- [Notice] Pass the drink - 6PM BST
- [Notice] Name 3 - 7PM BST
- [Notice] Trivia Races ~ 8pm BST
- [Notice] Bingo - 9PM BST
- [Notice] Unlucky Chair - 10pm BST
- [Notice] Higher or Lower - 11pm BST
- [Notice] Telephrase - 1AM BST
- [Notice] Pass the drink - 12PM BST
- [Notice] Higher or Lower - 1PM BST
- [Notice] Bingo - 2PM BST
- [Notice] Stab ~ 5pm BST
- [Notice] Tug Of War 8pm BST
- [Notice] Name 3! 9pm BST!
- [Notice] Don't Roll A 6 - 12am BST
- [Notice] Higher or Lower - 1AM BST
- [Notice] Silent Stab - 1pm [BST]
- [Notice] Bingo - 2:00pm [BST]
- [Notice] Fridge game 3pm BST!
- News Reader of the Month
- [Notice] Heaven or Hell ~ 7pm (BST)
- [Notice] Beat the bear - 10PM BST
- [Notice] Generate a Word ~ 11pm BST
- [Notice] Tug Of War 12pm BST
- [Notice] Name Three ~ 1pm BST
- [Notice] Stab - 2:00pm [BST]
- [Notice] Lucky Number ~ 7pm (BST)
- [Notice] [Weekly Event] Animal Speedway - 8pm [BST]
- [Notice] Generate A Word 9pm BST
- [Dev] vBulletin 4.2.2 Upgrade!
- [Notice] HXL Bingo 6AM to 8AM BST
- [Notice] Backstabber 5pm BST
- [Notice] Latest Competitions
- [Notice] Fridge Races 10pm - BST
- [Notice] Beat the Rabbit ~ 3pm BST
- [Notice] Habboxlive.com Gold Bar Competition!
- [Notice] Silent Stab ~ 7pm BST
- [Notice] Furni Missions - 8pm BST
- [Notice] Grab A Seat 9pm BST
- [Notice] Radio events this week!
- [Notice] Team Bingo - 10pm BST
- [Notice] [habboxlive.com] Mutiple 50c competitions!
- [Notice] Black Hole - 4pm [BST]
- [Notice] Fridge Game - 10pm BST
- [Notice] Falling Furni - 11pm BST
- [Notice] Halloween Telephrase - 12:00am (BST)
- [Notice] Radio Giveaway - NOW!
- [Notice] [HabboxLive.com] 50c Giveaway!
- [Notice] Heaven or Hell ~ 8pm (BST)
- [Notice] Musical Chairs - 9pm BST
- [Notice] Tune Into Habboxlive.com!
- [Notice] Quick Quiz Winners
- [Notice] Telephrase - 12:00am (BST)
- [Notice] Bingo 11am BST
- [Notice] [HabboxLive] Giveaway!
- [Dev] Forum search disabled.
- [Notice] Name the Singer and Song - 6:00pm (BST)
- [Notice] [HxHD] Saturday Night Quiz ~ 7pm BST
- [Notice] Latest Competitions
- [Notice] Pool Attack - 12am BST
- [Notice] Backstabber 1pm BST
- HxHD Layout Change
- [Dev] [Habbox] Halloween Skin Released
- [Notice] Radio Giveaway - NOW!
- [Notice] Bingo ! - 7pm BST
- [Dev] Halloween Forum Skin Released
- [Notice] Name Three - 8pm BST
- [Notice] Telephrase - 9pm BST
- [Notice] Falling Furni - 10pm BST
- [Notice] Fridge Races 11pm - BST
- [Notice] Higher Or Lower 1pm BST
- [Notice] [HabboxLive.com] 50c Giveaway!
- [Notice] Trivia Races ~ 16:00 BST
- [Notice] Unlucky Chair ! - 6PM BST , 21/10/2013
- [Notice] Habboxlive - Giveaway
- [Notice] Addition ~ 7pm (BST)
- [Notice] Silent Stab 8pm BST
- [Notice] Team Bingo - 9pm BST
- [Notice] [Weekly Event] Animal Speedway - 10pm [BST]
- [Notice] Melting Carpets - 11pm BST
- [Notice] Latest Competitions [Halloween]
- [Notice] Name 3 Races! 5pm BST
- [Notice] Bingo 7pm BST
- [Notice] [Habboxlive.com] Giveaway!
- [Notice] Unscramble - 7pm BST
- [Notice] Generate A Word - 8pm BST
- [Dev] Network issues.
- [Notice] Grab A Seat 9pm BST
- [Notice] Fridge Game - 10pm BST
- [Notice] Fridge Game - 4PM BST !
- [Notice] Bingo ~ 7pm [BST]
- [Notice] Grab A Seat - 8pm BST
- [Notice] Fallin' Furni ~ 9PM [BST]
- [Dev] New network issues.
- [Notice] Stab! - 10pm BST
- [Notice] Jump The Fence 11pm BST
- [Notice] Black Hole - 10am [BST]
- [Notice] Telephrase - 2pm BST
- [Notice] Team Bingo - 3PM BST
- [Notice] Fridge Races 4pm BST
- [Notice] Anti Stab 5pm BST
- [Notice] Don't Touch My Wall ~ 6pm [BST]
- [Notice] Heaven or Hell - 7pm BST
- [Notice] Don't Roll A Six 8pm NOW!!!
- [Notice] Trivia Races ! - 9PM BST
- [Notice] FRIDGE GAME~ 5AM!
- [Dev] Halloween VIP Now Available!
- [Notice] Don't Roll A 6 - 5pm BST
- [Notice] [HxHD] Saturday Night Quiz ~ 7pm BST
- [Notice] Habbox Lottery + Bingo ~ 8pm BST
- [Notice] Name 3 - 4am GMT
- [Notice] Fridge Game - 5am GMT
- [Notice] Dodgeball - 6am GMT
- [Notice] Team Bingo - 4pm GMT
- [Notice] [Halloween] Latest Competitions
- [Notice] Haunted Dodgeball ! - 9PM GMT
- [Habboxween] Happy Habboxween!
- [Notice] Halloween @ HabboxLive
- [Notice] Frightening Furni Missions - 12am GMT
- [Notice] [Halloween] Pumpkin Hunt
- [Notice] Musical Chairs - 1am GMT
- [Notice] Freaky Fridge Game - 1pm GMT
- [Notice] Devil's Dodgeball - 2pm GMT
- [Notice] Terrifying Trivia Races - 3pm GMT
- [Notice] The Whole 15 Yards - NOW! (Civilisation)
- [Notice] [Weekly Event] Animal Speedway - 8pm [GMT]
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Freaky Frightening Fridge Races 9pm - GMT
- [Notice] [Halloween] Latest Competitions
- [Notice] Gruesome Grab a Seat - 8pm GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Petrifying Pod Races 9pm GMT
- Habbox Help Desk Survey
- [Notice] [Forum & Events] Habboxween Mazetacular! - Big Prizes!
- [Notice] Owl's Odds and Evens - 7am GMT
- [Notice] Nightmare Name 3 - 8am GMT
- [Notice] Undead Unscramble - 9am GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Unnerving Unscramble - 5PM GMT
- [Notice] Horrifying Higher Or Lower! 7pm GMT
- [Notice] [Habbox] The Whole 19 Yards [8pm GMT]
- [Notice] [Habbox] Deathly Don't Hit My Wall [9pm GMT]
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Heaven Or Hell 10pm GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxween]Gruesome Gulping Guillotine 11pm GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Zombie Prom
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Unearthly Unscramble - 4pm [GMT]
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Giveaway - NOW
- [Notice] [Halloween] Latest Competitions
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Zombie Prom - King & Queen & Prince and Princess!
- [Dev] Human Error - Recent Downtime
- [Notice] Hair Raising Snakes & Ladders - [11pm GMT]
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Terrifying Telephrase - 6PM GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Horrific Heaven or Hell ~ 7pm (GMT)
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Sinister Snake - 8pm [GMT]
- [Notice] Haunted Dodgeball ! - 9PM GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Bogeyman's Bingo 10pm GMT
- [Notice] Name Three - 1am GMT
- [Notice] Name The Artist - 2am GMT!
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Black Hole - 12pm [GMT]
- [Notice] Don't Touch My Wall ! - 1PM GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Beat the bear - 2PM BST
- [Notice] Latest Competitions
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Generate A Word - 5PM BST
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Fastest typer - 8PM GMT
- [Notice] [Habbox] Higher or lower! 9pm GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Telephrase - 10PM GMT
- [Dev] Halloween VIP & Skin Removed
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Bloody Bingo ~ 11pm (GMT)
- [Dev] Small change to Rule A5
- [Notice] [Habboxween] Terrifying Unlucky Chair [12am GMT]
- [Notice] Snake - 16:00 GMT
- [Notice] Latest Competitions
- [Notice] [Habboxween]Grab A Seat 6pm GMT
- [Notice] Dodgeball of Doom ~ 8pm GMT
- [Notice] Generate a word - Now!
- [Notice] Black Hole - 11am GMT
- [Notice] Fallin furni - 3PM GMT
- [Notice] Pass the drink - 4PM GMT
- [Notice] Pod Races - 5PM GMT
- [Notice] Pod Races - 5PM GMT
- [Notice] Higher or lower - 6pm GMT
- [Notice] [HabboxLive] Giveaway - NOW
- [Notice] Add it up - 7PM GMT
- [Notice] [Weekly Event] Animal Speedway - 8pm [GMT]
- [Notice] Find The Tele 9pm GMT
- [Notice] Habbox ~ Black Hole [10pm GMT]
- [Notice] Number Races- 11PM GMT
- [Notice] Add It Up - 12pm GMT
- [Notice] Bingo - 1PM (GMT)
- [Notice] Grass Attack - 3PM [GMT]
- [Notice] Unlucky Chair 5pm GMT
- [Notice] Jump The Fence - 7pm [GMT]
- [Notice] Pass the drink - 8PM GMT
- [Notice] [Forum & Events] Habboxween Mazetacular - Results!
- [Notice] Higher or Lower - 11PM GMT
- [Notice] Unlucky Chair 6AM GMT
- [Notice] Name 3 - 12pm GMT
- [Notice] Higher or Lower - 6PM GMT
- [Notice] [Habbox] ~ Jump the Fence [8:00pm GMT]
- [Notice] [Habbox] ~ Unscramble [9:00pm GMT]
- [Notice] Habbox Marathon 10pm GMT
- [Notice] Telephrase - 11PM GMT
- [Notice] Pay Day - 12AM GMT
- Member Of the Month ~ October 2013
- [Notice] Grass Attack - 5PM [GMT]
- [Notice] (Search .Cymru.) Don't Touch My Floor - 8PM GMT
- [Notice] Jump The Fence 9pm GMT
- [Notice] [Habbox] ~ The Whole 19 Yards [10:00pm GMT]
- [Notice] Name Three - 12am GMT
- [Notice] Unscramble - 1am GMT
- [Notice] Beat the bear - 6PM GMT
- [Notice] Jump The Fence - 11pm GMT
- [Notice] Intersocial - Black Hole - NOW
- [Notice] [HxL] Giveaway ~ 1PM GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxlive.com] Giveaway!
- [Notice] Bumper Cars - 6PM GMT
- [Notice] [HxHD] Saturday Night Quiz ~ 7pm GMT
- [Notice] [HxL] The Chatathon! - NOW
- [Notice] [Habbox] Name 3! - 9pm GMT
- [Notice] [Habbox] Melting Carpets ~ 12:00am GMT
- [Notice] [Habbox] Snakes & Ladders [NOW!!!!!]
- Five New Debates posted!
- [Notice] Find The Black Mat - 3pm GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxlive.com] Giveaway!
- [Notice] Unscramble - 4pm GMT
- [Notice] Musical Chairs - 5pm GMT
- [Notice] Jump the Fence - 9pm GMT
- [Notice] Snake - 10pm GMT
- [Notice] Heaven or Hell - 11pm GMT
- [Notice] DODGEBALL - 12AM GMT!
- [Notice] Beat the bear - 4PM GMT
- [Notice] Shout it out - 6PM GMT
- [Notice] [Weekly Event] Animal Speedway - 8pm [GMT]
- [Notice] find the tele - 9PM GMT
- [Notice] [Habbox] Dodgeball ~ 10pm GMT
- [Notice] Musical Chairs 11pm GMT
- [Notice] find the tele - 4PM GMT
- [Notice] What's the time Mr' Wolf - 6PM GMT
- [Notice] [Habbox] Name Three 7pm GMt
- [Notice] [Habbox] - Jump The Fence [9pm BST]
- [Notice] Bingo 10pm GMT
- [Notice] Generate a word - 11PM GMT
- [Notice] DODGEBALL - 12AM GMT!
- [Notice] Musical Chairs - 3PM GMT
- [Notice] Human Marbles - 7PM GMT
- [Notice] Name 3 ~ [8pm BST]
- [Notice] Habbox ~ 5 Seconds To Kick! [9pm BST]
- [Notice] Dodgeball 10pm GMT
- [Notice] Pool Attack - 11PM GMT
- [Notice] Black Hole - 12am GMT
- [Dev] Downtime
- [Notice] Pool Attack - 5PM GMT
- [Notice] Tug of War - 6PM GMT
- [Notice] Generate a word - 7PM BST
- [Notice] [Habbox] What's the time mr wolf!
- [Notice] Name Three 9pm GMT
- [Notice] Dodgeball - 10pm GMT
- [Notice] Musical Chairs ~ 11pm GMT
- [Notice] Trivia - 12AM GMT!
- [Notice] Fridge Races 9pm GMT
- [Notice] [Habboxlive.com] Giveaway! 3pm - 5pm GMT
- [Dev] [HabboxForum] Thread & Forum Ignore List
- [Notice] [HxHD] Saturday Night Quiz ~ 7pm BST
- [Notice] What's The Time Mr Wolf? - 9pm GMT
- [Notice] Multitasking - 3pm GMT
- [Notice] Intersocial - Dice Dominoes - 4pm [GMT]
- [Notice] Falling Furniture - 12pm GMT
- [Notice] Team Bingo - 1pm GMT
- [Notice] Tug of War - 5PM GMT
- [Notice] Don't get a carrot - 8PM GMT
- [Notice] Fallin furni - 9PM GMT
- [Notice] Human Marbles - 11pm GMT
- [Notice] Higher or Lower - 12AM GMT
- [Notice] Roller Derby - 2am GMT
- [Notice] Find the Phrase - 9am GMT
- [Notice] Higher Or Lower - 10am GMT
- [Notice] Tug of War - 11AM GMT
- [Notice] [HabboxLive] Down under with DJ Monique Show 2PM
- [Notice] Tug of War - 8PM GMT
- [Notice] Dodgeball - 9pm GMT
- [Notice] Roller Derby - 10pm GMT
- [Notice] Mario Maze - 1AM GMT
- [Notice] Latest Competitions!