View Full Version : Life, love and looks

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  1. Do you have a good effect of weed etc?
  4. im unsure..
  5. Plimsolls/Canvas with white soles
  6. where is this jumper from?
  7. Just, don't know.
  8. my new cardigan
  9. skinny jeans
  10. jobs in ireland
  11. Always eating
  12. Ano this is an odd q
  13. Really messed up...
  14. Whats a good way to break up?
  15. Social life seems to go downhill
  16. Terminally Ill Grandad
  17. Question about working out
  18. Knee
  19. I want a piercing.
  20. Age you had your first bf/gf?
  21. Okay
  22. Short or long?
  23. Male Ear Piercing?
  24. I just cant do it :(
  25. Diet Plan - Bodybuilding.
  26. What should I do first; Cardio or Weights?
  27. Which trainers? +rep
  28. Fashion help pls!!!!
  29. Urinary Tract Infections
  30. Is it wrong...
  31. Little help...
  32. Shall i do it?
  33. Uniform Project
  34. Mum or Dad?
  35. Helpp please !
  36. Half brothers/sisters +18 rep
  37. Earings for my girlfriend
  38. Have you had Grommets (T-Junctions/Tympanostomy Tubes)
  39. Just Wondering!
  40. hoody design +repp
  42. Becci went ginger !?! ... ish.
  43. omg
  44. i decided to get some new trainers
  45. xmas presents
  46. these pumas
  47. Question for me julies & bros
  48. Does age matter?
  49. Him or him?
  50. Zebra PJ's
  51. They get Jelous to easily
  52. How to get defined muscles
  53. Getting in shape.
  54. What shall I do to lose weight
  55. Calvin Klien underwear
  56. Nail Polish +REPX2
  57. Drug help.
  58. Hair Advice :)
  59. i got a tattoo!!
  60. How to bond? +rep
  61. new haircut tip
  62. Nose Piercing
  63. Is friendship affected by distance?
  64. Pressure Sensitvity within Mouth.
  65. What would you do when..
  66. Blog about relationships...
  67. Purses
  68. Have you ever been in love?
  69. cringe but kinda need advice
  70. Waiting for someone to relpy?
  71. Make Up
  72. Hair Dye or Not
  73. Slacks question
  74. Relationships Advice Database
  75. Hearing
  76. What do u think?
  77. mates tonight
  78. Hair Dyed.
  79. School Bag Difference
  80. What?
  81. Tetanus question
  82. Clothing stuffs gotten for Xmas
  83. Posh Or Cheap Anti-Perspirant
  84. New school bag
  85. Some new stuff for school
  86. Neglecting the gym.
  87. Best way to gain mussle?
  88. What are, or were, your school bags like?
  89. Worried about what people may think
  90. Scaphoid Fractures
  91. people are so homophobic :\
  92. Water challenge
  93. getting a tattoo
  94. nose bleed
  95. How would I ask someone out in a romantic way?
  97. my tattoooo
  98. my tattoooo
  99. tatoo
  100. Akward Momments.
  101. Testicles
  102. What do u call this type of Mohawk?
  103. New Leather Coat
  104. A friend from QueerPersonals added me...
  105. which one
  106. side effects of giving up smoking?
  107. Black Clothes Help (No Emo :l)
  108. Tights suck!
  109. Tattoo
  110. Too nice.
  111. My eyes :(
  112. Where are you when it comes to Fashion?
  113. Lump in throat (cyst maybe)
  114. What do you guys think??!
  115. Is anyone else tired!?!?
  116. What am I to do?..
  117. Gym adivce - +5 rep
  118. Incident
  119. how to put someone off me?!
  120. I hate boys, I hate love.
  121. What do you think is your most attractive trait?
  122. What do you look for in a partner?
  123. my toe nail is falling off
  124. Boys get confused...
  125. Thinking of dying my hair
  126. Drinking advice needed
  127. Facial hair
  128. synthetic vs. real hair wigs?
  129. Friends and relationships?
  130. Navy Jobs
  131. Sexuality Thread 2.0
  132. boys, wow.
  133. Talking or Texting / Iming
  134. what can i say?
  135. Them dappy hats do my ******* head in
  137. Can severe coughing cause anything?
  138. Fostering
  139. Lump inside my ear
  140. Weight/body image
  141. friends help
  142. Hunter wellies
  143. 6 pack abs
  144. Piercing healing
  145. OK This Girl
  146. New T-shirt
  147. Worst way you've ever been dumped?
  148. Interesting theory about life
  149. Have you ever had an STD/STI?
  150. Are friends more important than family?
  151. What willl you teach your children?
  152. Have you ever been on a blind date?
  153. Does the 'perfect relationship' exist?
  154. Post Your Outfit.
  155. The Dance Circle
  156. New hoody
  157. My ear is hurting!
  158. How did you start smoking?
  159. Mixing drinks [+9 rep]
  160. Is it normal?
  161. What job would you like when you're older? #2
  162. Somethin's gone wrong :(
  163. What's this style?
  164. This girl has breast implants at the age of 12!
  165. Not eating
  166. Spots
  167. Bi-curious - Would you agree with this statement?
  168. heavy or light sleeper?
  169. m8s letting me down
  170. Hair Dye
  171. Tattoos
  172. Tattoo's on your Toung ?
  173. I wish i had a big sister
  174. What do you look for?
  175. not that i care about sterotypes
  176. For your valentines day..
  177. what to wear with dunks?
  178. About a boy
  179. Reps or Weight
  180. My cigarette quiting diary.
  181. how often do you exercise?
  182. Which pair of jeans will best match this Leather Jacket?
  183. Prom - What should i wear?
  184. Worries
  185. TOMS
  186. What is Freshening Treatment?
  187. Sleeping Patterns.
  188. Drinking too much milk?
  189. Ganguro - Your thoughts? [Pics & info]
  190. Find these for +rep :D
  191. i was thinking of getting my hair cut short. +rep
  192. [Guys] Do you check for lumps?
  193. I need new hair!
  194. This girl i like
  195. Will you be alone for Valentines Day?
  196. Getting motivated
  197. Is anyone engaged?
  198. Advice on Love and Friendship
  199. Any idea where this dress is from or something similar?
  200. What to do about her?
  201. Help me find please +rep
  202. Quick advice
  203. Does your Parent(s) spoil you?
  204. Your current relationship: Have you found the right one?
  205. I say it, I can't help it.
  206. Jewelry for Lady GaGa !
  207. Feeling left out :(
  208. What do you wear under a suit.
  209. I need your help!
  210. Does it matter what time you brush your teeth?
  211. doctor said i have a voice cyst again and body dysmorphic disorder:L
  212. Soooooo
  213. New Hair / look xx
  214. Ware do you see your self in the future ?
  215. Relationships!
  216. Best friend caught..
  217. Your Sexuality and You.
  218. Blackheads...
  219. me hair
  220. Stuck - Advice needed +repp
  221. Help needed [+9 rep]
  222. Where do you buy your jeans?
  223. Skin Care Routine
  224. Is it normal for piercings to go..
  225. Bit random but
  226. Primark
  227. London Fashion Week
  228. which hair colour looks better
  229. Where to get...
  230. Being Healthy
  231. tattoos
  232. Gah. Relationships.
  234. What do you wear in bed
  235. How often do you poo?
  236. Providing the other side of the Cholesterol argument.
  237. Would this be a bad decision?
  238. Tattoo
  239. Tat writing
  240. I am a Habbo IRL!
  241. How ....
  242. Please help me!
  243. How can I move on?
  244. Would you say
  245. What time do you wake up on the Weekend's?
  246. What time do you normally go to bed?
  247. Shoes
  248. Hip Piercings
  249. need to put on more weight? D:
  250. Do you have a really annoying mate?
  251. Going out safe
  252. Fake Tan
  253. Do you care if your kids are gay?
  254. horrid fashion sence
  255. Long top over leggings..
  256. Information on Acne/pimple/zit (With Pictures)
  257. Festival clothes
  258. Help pls +rep if i can
  259. Jogging schedule
  260. dilemma
  261. Hard to read.
  262. Nasty Rumours at School
  263. norovirus
  264. Loosing Weigh
  265. Hair help [+rep]
  266. MMR Vaccine
  267. Died 2.30am Thismorning
  268. Problem
  269. Nutrition
  270. Workout Routine.
  271. Personal Cleansing
  272. I am quite shocked and sad.
  273. Abuse in relationships?
  274. Is it okay to sleep around with someone else when you're in a r/s?
  276. How many of you...
  277. Man Uggs
  278. Cold Sore!
  279. Would you ever hit your kids?
  280. +REP Competition to get a six pack :\
  281. Condoms in 'extra small' for boys age 12 set for Britain's shelves
  282. Liking your friend is the hardest thing ever!
  283. Do you wear any accessories?
  284. Jaw pain
  285. Best way to get white teeth
  286. Wonky >=l - Need suggestions
  287. [GIRLS ONLY] How old were you when you started your period? :P
  288. Would you forgive your partner if he/she cheated on you?
  289. How much make-up do you wear?
  290. Need New Hair [+Rep!]
  291. Should flirting be considered cheating?
  292. Makeup: Good or Bad?
  293. morning routine
  294. do you have health problems?
  295. Stuck in the middle... AGAIN :/
  296. How old was you when you had your first
  297. Childhood?
  298. Is this allowed?
  299. Help please ;(
  300. Can't tell if he likes me. +Rep

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