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  1. [Building] My attempt at the White House
  2. [Alteration] What if.. Habbos had the option to add makeup onto their clothes
  3. [Building] Scp room
  4. [Building] My Rubbish Savannah room
  5. [Building] Jelly Falls Wildlife Reserve
  6. [Building] savannah room
  7. [Alteration] Ariel - Disney Princesses
  8. [Building] Savannah Hills Wildlife Reserve
  9. [Building] Savannah Wildlife Reserve Cube
  10. [Alteration] Hotel View Alts
  11. [Building] Rakker Design - Mirage "Fata morgana"
  12. [Building] Savannah - The Watering Hole [PLEASE VOTE]
  13. [Building] VOTE: [VEGAS] - The Mirage Casino
  14. [Building] Outside Romantic Cinema
  15. [Building] Habbo Farm
  16. [Building] summer event room
  17. [Alteration] This Is Ajujeja!
  18. [Alteration] messin about
  19. [Alteration] Ajujejus Goes Hunting
  20. [Building] Summer Event Room
  21. [Building] UK Lounge :)
  22. [Alteration] "Habbo Facepalm" (Something I made randomly)
  23. [Building] [Habbox] Nightclub!
  24. [Building] my attempt of a room with this stupid furni.
  25. [Building] My Jungle room
  26. [Building] Jungle Adventure, Here we go!
  27. [Alteration] Wow this is so cool
  28. [Building] [VOTE] My Jungle Tree Fort Entry
  29. [Building] Woodland Retreat
  30. [Building] [HoD] Chat and Chill
  31. [Building] My rooms - Habbo.ES - Important.
  32. [Alteration] Lady Gaga :)
  33. [Alteration] first alt..
  34. [Alteration] another alt!
  35. [Building] the wonderful habbo zoo!
  36. [Building] Haunted Habbo Hotel!
  37. [Building] 2c Grabber
  38. [Building] Room Reviews
  39. [Building] BCM [Nightclub] coming soon.
  40. [Alteration] Habbo Country House.
  41. [Alteration] some awards
  42. [Building] Oldschool Casino / Arcade
  43. [Building] Japanese Gardens
  44. [Building] The 'Chill' Room
  45. [Building] Bunny Empire V2
  46. [Building] River Restaurant - 1 Year Later
  47. [Building] Just think its a well designed room..
  48. [Building] World War 3 Resistance Warehouse
  49. [Building] Buckingham Palace
  50. [Building] The 20c Challenge! (Apartment)
  51. [Building] Tower of London - Vote? :)
  52. [Building] UK Lounge v2
  53. [Building] Hide & Seek
  54. [Building] Any good room designers out there?
  55. [Building] Bunny Empire Flooded
  56. [OFFICIAL] Design Tutorials
  57. [Alteration] Doctor Who Handbot Alt
  58. [Building] UK Lounge v3
  59. [Alteration] Doctor Who Handbot Alt Updated
  60. [Building] 2001-current casino design screenshots
  61. [Building] Classic Summertime.
  62. [Building] Norm Casino
  63. [Building] my new carni
  64. [Alteration] Did someone fart?
  65. [Building] Caffe Nero™.
  66. [Building] Cool Room of the Month ~ August
  67. [Building] Rakker Design - HabboxForum Preview
  68. [Building] [HELP] Rocket Ship
  69. [Building] [Merc] Super Dino Casino
  70. [Alteration] Alteration *+*+*+*
  71. [Building] (YoshiEgg-) 1c Grabber!
  72. [Building] Jungle themed room
  73. [Building] Cute Waterfall Casino
  74. [Building] Outside 1c Grabber
  75. [Alteration] Check this alteration.. what do you think?
  76. [Building] Mock event room thing.
  77. [Building] Revolution Nation - All rooms so far!
  78. [Alteration] Mk,'s Silver Bar
  79. [Alteration] Mk,'s Bronze Bar!!! (sequel to silver bar lol)
  80. [Alteration] KickWars badges
  81. [Alteration] Habbo the game xbox cover
  82. [Building] Rakker Design - Cinema
  83. [Building] Rakker Design - Preview
  84. [Alteration] My attempt at a simple Alt
  85. [Building] Zombie Run
  86. [Building] Rakker Design - Library (Free To use/Illusion Example)
  87. [Building] Cathedral Exterior - Demolished
  88. [Building] Cool Room of the Month ~ September 2012
  89. [Building] Habboxlive Festival Garden!
  90. [Building] Rakker Design - Party Boulevard
  91. [Building] Rakker Design - Basic rooms (Pets Walk 2012)
  92. [Alteration] animation
  93. [Building] event room :)
  94. [Building] Under Construction: Telephrase Maze
  95. [Building] My Arcade
  96. [Building] Under Construction: Riviera VIP Boulevard
  97. [Building] Katy Perry's Sweet Treats Room
  98. [Building] Wired Reloaded Maze
  99. [Alteration] First Signature
  100. [Building] [VOTE] - VIP Boulevard French Riviera
  101. [Building] [VOTE] - Red Carpet Academy Awards
  102. [Building] [WIP] Hansel and Gretel death run
  103. [Alteration] Jet Ski Recolour
  104. [Building] Rakker Design - Building Place
  105. [Building] my ickle room hehe
  106. [Building] [VOTE] - Las Vegas Vault
  107. [Alteration] holoboy
  108. [Building] Ooooer. Found a room dedicated to me. Check it out!
  109. [Building] R+N Red & Blue Casino
  110. [Building] Made this room but don't know what to do with it?
  111. [Building] Sea monster aquarium
  112. [Building] [♥] Fast 24/7 Boost! [♥]
  113. [Building] [COOL] - Hawky's 'Treehouse Cafe'
  114. [Building] Rakker Design - Disco
  115. [Building] Rakker Design - Free To use (TreeHouse)
  116. [Building] Habbo Design - Room Review (Worldwide)
  117. [Alteration] Frankenstein Alt
  118. [Building] Rakker Design - Free to use (Library illusion example)
  119. [Alteration] brain slug
  120. [Building] Cool Room of the Month ~ October 2012
  121. [Alteration] What to add?
  122. [Alteration] My alterations!
  123. [Alteration] First Alt ! :)
  124. [Building] Halloween Theme
  125. [Building] Habboween - Luna Park
  126. [Alteration] Donay's Alterations
  127. [Alteration] Mona Lisa Habbo Alt
  128. [Alteration] Some Alts/ Edits
  129. [Alteration] Pokémon Battle (alt)
  130. [Alteration] Cultural Stereotypes
  131. [Building] Room Review (Worldwide)
  132. [Building] Check out my new room! :) HABBO.ES
  133. [Building] Small Icy Grabber
  134. [Building] Habbo Central Park
  135. [Alteration] (MORE) Cultural Stereotypes
  136. [Alteration] matt & lego man
  137. [Alteration] Pudsey Woodsy
  138. [Alteration] Habbo Winter Apartment.
  139. [Building] Rang's Casino!
  140. [Building] [50c challenge] Mrs.Pennykin's Café
  141. [Building] quick comp room
  142. [Building] Habbo Tutorial - Rakker Design (Mill)
  143. [Alteration] halloween thing
  144. [Building] Christmas Room- Too Early?
  145. [Building] Events Room [Not Christmas]
  146. [Building] Habbo Design - Show us your Talent!
  147. [Building] My Events Room
  148. [Building] Cool Room of the Month ~ November 2012
  149. [Alteration] l[GS]l - Spider-Man!
  150. [Building] «CITY ROOMS!« Post your URBAN/CITY rooms here!
  151. [Building] Mucky Duck™ Pub
  152. [Building] Christmassy McDonalds
  153. [Alteration] matt claus
  154. [Building] The Pig & Fiddle Pub ™
  155. [Building] Get Your Room A Review On Habbox News
  157. [Building] Cafe Christmas
  158. [Alteration] [MORE REFINEMENTS]
  159. [Building] The Pig & Fiddle Pub ™ *update*
  160. [Building] Deal or No Deal - By Mk,
  161. [Building] christmas room
  162. [Building] The Pig & Fiddle Pub ™ *update* 2
  163. [Alteration] Soldier ALT (Post Opinions)
  164. [Building] Christmas Cabin Room
  165. [Building] [2012] Santa's Workshop!
  166. [Building] Idea for those looking to make a popular room >
  167. [Building] The Pig & Fiddle Pub ™ *update 3*
  168. [Alteration] Bunch of alts
  169. [Building] The Crib Hangout and Chat Room
  170. [Building] Room Review: Merry Christmas.. HABBO!
  171. [Building] Hab-Boulevard
  172. [Building] Ship-Wrecked auto game
  173. [Building] [RST] Super Casino!
  174. [Building] [VOTE] - Royal Christmas Library
  175. [Building] quick christmas comp room
  176. [Building] A posh cafe type room
  177. [Building] Castle Comp Entry
  178. [Building] Here's my little one
  179. [Building] christmas castle hangout
  180. [Building] Evolution of my *not* amazing sino
  181. [Building] The TARDIS!
  182. [Building] Sunnyside Bar™
  183. [Building] The Pig & Fiddle Pub Outside™
  184. [Building] event room
  185. [Building] My pool of the habbo.com.br
  186. [Building] Habbo Church
  187. [Building] Cool Room of the Month ~ December 2012
  189. [Alteration] Aperture Science furniture.
  190. [Building] Woodland Beach
  191. [Building] The Advocate Pub™
  192. [Building] My rooms on habbo.es (old looking)
  193. [Building] My Bar
  194. [Building] McDonalds
  195. [Building] Finnegan's Pub/The Dirty Duck Pub
  196. [Alteration] My Alternation
  197. [Building] The IMPERIAL Zone
  198. [Alteration] Alteration: Habbo Girl
  199. [Building] The Pokémon Centre
  200. [Building] My Event Room
  201. [Alteration] Habbo Enlargement :: Donay
  202. [Building] Meu Cinema [Dj-Willian96]
  203. [Building] my first room
  204. [Building] My Christmas room and my room now.
  205. [Building] ŞImpossible MazeŞ - Elite Rooms
  206. [Building] Rooftop Cafe Replica
  207. [Building] Dirty Duck Pub - Remade
  208. [Building] Dirty Duck Pub Replica
  209. [Alteration] Collection of basic alts
  210. [Building] [NEW] - Habbo Parliament Building
  211. [Building] My villa [ Inside ]
  212. [Building] Habbo Cinema Replica
  213. [Building] Rooftop Replica
  214. [Building] Habbo Tutorial - Rakker Design (Train)
  215. [Building] Habbo Design - Public rooms (Replica)
  216. [Building] Habbo Design - Worldwide
  217. [Alteration] Enlargement for NOTSackRace
  218. [Building] New events room
  220. [Building] Two game event rooms (ES)
  221. [Alteration] alt
  222. [Building] Cabin event room.
  223. [Building] Habbo Hogwarts!
  224. [Building] Temple Run Is Back!
  225. [Building] Small Chatroom
  226. [Building] Orphanage [Habbo BR/PT]
  227. [Building] HABBO PALACE, update for D'Embassy
  228. [Building] Cool Room of the Month ~ January 2013
  229. [Building] Habbo Pool (New) [Dj-Willian96]
  230. [Building] My Room: The Office
  231. [Building] Restaurant
  232. [Building] City Buildings
  233. [Building] Chill Room
  234. [Building] (ES) Anti-Scam Info Lobby
  235. [Building] Chinese Subway Station (Teaser)
  236. [Building] [ES] Dead Cinephile Society
  237. [Building] Café Hangout
  238. [Building] Habbo Swat Team's HQ
  239. [Building] Mc Donald's [Dj-Willian96]
  240. [Alteration] [QUIZ] Guess the image!
  241. [Building] Cherry-Bomb's Room
  242. [Building] HABBO PALACE, update for valentine
  243. [Building] Pokeball
  244. [Building] Chatroom B - +18 Habbo Park
  245. [Building] From Venice WIth Love!
  246. [Building] Venice Town Piazza
  247. [Building] Dj Bondy`s crib
  248. [Building] Veneza - Othello, the Moor of Venice
  249. [Alteration] Into the city..
  250. [Building] [ES] Old Skool (Mobiles Disco) (Old public room)
  251. [Alteration] hi! :D
  252. [Building] Venice :-)
  253. [Building] × Forest walk ×
  254. [Alteration] Enlargement WIP
  255. [Building] Old School Runescape Trades :)
  256. [Building] × My new Aqueduct ! ×
  257. [Building] Different events room. (again)
  258. [Building] AMAZING Old Hotel View Building
  259. [Building] Wedding Chapel
  261. [Building] a cute help desk
  262. [Building] Jungle Run
  263. [Building] Countryside Mansion
  264. [Building] Cool Room of the Month ~ February 2013
  265. [Building] Tomb Raider - 24/7 auto game entrance
  266. [Building] Bondys Coin Grabber
  267. [Building] Shockerz 1c Grabber
  268. [Building] Library Run (24/7 Auto Game) - Entrance
  269. [Building] Heaven (not by me)
  270. [Alteration] St. Pats Badge
  271. [Building] New Wired Maze
  272. [Building] VOTE - Steampunk Machine!
  273. [Building] a well designed shop
  274. [Building] Rakker Design - Preview (Across the second dimension)
  275. [Building] Habbo Design - Wired Elevator (Tutorial)
  276. [Alteration] General game badges
  277. [Building] Rakker Design - Dimension 2.0
  278. [Building] Opinions on these rooms:
  279. [Building] The Rusted Cog Tavern (vote please <3)
  280. [Building] Habbo Community School ™
  281. [Building] My new Hospital in Habbo BR/PT
  282. [Alteration] HFFM Carnival Badge Creation
  283. [Building] London Bridge
  284. [Building] Habbo.es - Room Review
  285. [Building] Deal or No Deal
  286. [Building] RPG - Room Review
  287. [Building] The Temple of Beauty
  288. [Building] sirjonasxx's best rooms on habbo.nl
  289. [Alteration] Max1674's Alteration
  290. [Building] Easter Mad Tea Party
  291. [Building] My Easter themed events room.
  292. [Building] [Habbox] Dragga's Events Room
  293. [Building] Auction Room
  294. [Building] [HxL] Bondys Event Room
  295. [Building] My Maze Entrance
  296. [Building] THE GREAT ESCAPE! (WIRED MAZE)
  297. [Building] My Rare and Norm Arcade
  298. [Building] Rakker Design - Habbo.nl
  299. [Building] Check this out!
  300. [Building] Childline Room

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