View Full Version : Rumour : Habbo hotel completely useless? :o

18-10-2005, 07:01 PM
I'm being harassed, and asked for a name change via help tool, I've even been receiving death threats, I know name changes are only done in extreme cases, and I know mine is extreme, as I no longer feel comfortable playing the UK hotel.

So I send in an email via help tool, and this is what I get :


We have closed your help request because it is now over a week old. We have done
this because we have found that most Habbos either send in another help request
if they have not heard back from us within seven days or no longer need

We apologise for closing your help request - we received a very large number of
emails when we released the latest version of Habbo Hotel and we simply cannot
reply to them all. If we tried it would take us almost an entire year to get
through them all! So we thank you for understanding.

If your problem is still unsolved, or if you have not sent in another help
request, please use the Habbo Help Tool again.

If you were emailing us to ask for a new password, you will find that the 'I've
forgotten my password' function works again now.

Please do not reply to this message - you will be sent an automatic reply asking
you to use the Habbo Help Tool.


Player Support
Habbo Hotel UK

Oh, so am I just supposed to ditch my gold HC account and start new because you won't take two minutes to change my damn name?

Please note: I realize perhaps this isn't the right section, but to be honest, I don't care. For all who bad rep me, I will bad rep you back and my rep power is 4.

18-10-2005, 07:03 PM
They'll only change it if you have a good reason.

18-10-2005, 07:04 PM
erm ione?

18-10-2005, 07:05 PM
I'm sorry NintendoNews, I didn't know you make posts without actually reading the thread. If you read the post like your supposed to before posting, it clearly says that I am being harassed, and even receiving death threats (whether they are legit, I don't know)

Yeah Shadows.. I made my account 4 years ago so it still says 'ione' on all emails I get from Habbo UK

18-10-2005, 07:05 PM
I see why it's annoying,
Same happened with my cuz smegheadman, they permed him because they bobbad smeg about a year after he'd had the acount,
Now they are not replying to him as he is just asking for a name change and has not actually done anything wrong.

18-10-2005, 07:05 PM
Wats the reason for the death threats?
and whom ever is sending these probaly lives 100's of miles away.

18-10-2005, 07:06 PM
What name is so bad that you get death threats?

18-10-2005, 07:07 PM
ahhh ok 4 years a true habbo

18-10-2005, 07:07 PM
Wats the reason for the death threats?
and whom ever is sending these probaly lives 100's of miles away.
A lot of the death threats are because they don't like who they am, they say I'm a 'safety kiss up'

18-10-2005, 07:08 PM
Ione is player support staff, she just left as Hotel Manager and you shouldnt believe these death threats..

18-10-2005, 07:09 PM
A lot of the death threats are because they don't like who they am, they say I'm a 'safety kiss up'

ok i see.
but if u change habbo names uve still got the same personality and wont they still think the same whether they no its you or not?

18-10-2005, 07:09 PM
So do what the email tells you... "If your problem is still unsolved, or if you have not sent in another help request, please use the Habbo Help Tool again."

The email explains the reasons why the help request may have been closed, was it to do with any of those? Perhaps you missed a reply from them and didn't realise or maybe it actually was an oversight or some kind of glitch at Habbo's end, whatever the case, just do what the email tells you to, simple really. :)

18-10-2005, 07:11 PM
So do what the email tells you... "If your problem is still unsolved, or if you have not sent in another help request, please use the Habbo Help Tool again."

The email explains the reasons why the help request may have been closed, was it to do with any of those? Perhaps you missed a reply from them and didn't realise or maybe it actually was an oversight or some kind of glitch at Habbo's end, whatever the case, just do what the email tells you to, simple really. :)
I guess I could try that, I've been being harassed for ages now, I sent a request in April 2005 for a name change, and just got a response 1 month ago, and guess what... it's an automated repsonse asking me if I know how to join Habbo Club, and if I read all the FAQs.

That's why I'm switching to the USA hotel until something is done.

18-10-2005, 07:12 PM
What made you get death threats?
I mean even if the person isn't near you i'd still be pretty overwhelmed
I don't blame you at all drewar,

18-10-2005, 07:16 PM
Yeah, thanks Burton :) Even if they are miles away, it's still hard to go onto a game aimed for kids/teens, when your receiving pure acts of hatrid, and people wanting to 'kill' you, over the internet. Whether they are bluffing or not, it's still not acceptable

18-10-2005, 07:17 PM
I'm sorry NintendoNews, I didn't know you make posts without actually reading the thread. If you read the post like your supposed to before posting, it clearly says that I am being harassed, and even receiving death threats (whether they are legit, I don't know)

Yeah Shadows.. I made my account 4 years ago so it still says 'ione' on all emails I get from Habbo UK

The reason is pretty stupid. You are getting death threats from some brainless dimwit over a completely harmless name? How exactly is he going to kill you and what other threats have you received?

18-10-2005, 07:19 PM
Leave it to gommeinc disagree with me, I used to think that you were one of the only ones with a brain on this forum gomme? Was I wrong or..

18-10-2005, 07:21 PM
But the reason is stupid, they want to kill you because you are a Safety kiss up? What on Earth makes them feel that is a bad thing? It is better than being a berk, who sits on habbo, threatening people and questioning them. Those types of people are sad people with problems themselves.

I wouldn;t worry about it, laugh and say that's nice, so your point is?

18-10-2005, 07:23 PM
But the reason is stupid, they want to kill you because you are a Safety kiss up? What on Earth makes them feel that is a bad thing? It is better than being a berk, who sits on habbo, threatening people and questioning them. Those types of people are sad people with problems themselves.

I wouldn;t worry about it, laugh and say that's nice, so your point is?
Yeah, your right, but it still ************(am I allowed to say that word?) knowing that people hate you so much just for helping people?There are also some more personal reasons I want a name change done

Concentric - Super Mod - Please don't avoid the filter.

18-10-2005, 07:24 PM
Why don't you just move account and not tell anyone?

18-10-2005, 07:25 PM
Exaclty what he said
People DO prefer a safety geek rather than a little hater- who hasnt got anything better to do than start trouble with people.

18-10-2005, 07:25 PM
You ******ed moron.....
1. How can someone threaten you on the internet ?
2. They won't change your name just because you're a little ***** who can't take a little bit of arguing.

18-10-2005, 07:27 PM
You ******ed moron.....
1. How can someone threaten you on the internet ?
2. They won't change your name just because you're a little ***** who can't take a little bit of arguing.
Congratulations, I just took away your rep power.

18-10-2005, 07:29 PM
Congratulations, I just took away your rep power.

lol. good as there was no need for his comments :$

The Stapler
18-10-2005, 07:31 PM
590 is right in some ways. So what if some 7 year old is threatening you? You can easily ignore them. Delete them off of your console, block them from sending you e-mails, block them from MSN, use the ignore button, report their habbo. If you run and hide then it just shows weakness and this guy will proberly come back for more. don't run and hide all your life. This is habbo dude, no-one is going to come and knife you because you kiss callies **********. There are a million safety habbos out there, this guy isn't going to kill them all.

Concentric - Super Mod - Do not avoid the filter.

18-10-2005, 07:36 PM
I'd bad rep you for agreeing with the prat, but you actually thought out your post before you posted it, plus I'm not like that. However, I still don't agree with your post haha

18-10-2005, 07:41 PM
I totally agree with what you are saying if u were a as they say 'well known habbo' (not trying to be offensive) Your name would be changed within minutes but because your normal like the rest of us they cant be bothered :(

18-10-2005, 07:42 PM
The title of this thread is correct.

Habbo Hotel is completely useless, when you need them most they don't help.

18-10-2005, 07:45 PM
If you ever get your name change, it needs to be to an unregistered account name not one you've registered already. Incase you didn't know :).

I'm sure if you e-mail back, and explain your situation something will be done. In the mean time, CFH when people are harassing you.

18-10-2005, 07:46 PM
I'd bad rep you for agreeing with the prat, but you actually thought out your post before you posted it, plus I'm not like that. However, I still don't agree with your post haha

aww you think your leet cause u can bad rep <3 Great Job. Now Get rid of your acne. And i dont care if you bad rep me. Cause ill just report u.

And Habbo problaly wont do anything cause u problaly threatened them.

18-10-2005, 07:51 PM
Jesus guys,
He is getting troubles from people and getting offended, not his fault,
if you have somthing against him posting it then you must be just out looking for a fight.

18-10-2005, 07:56 PM
Jesus guys,
He is getting troubles from people and getting offended, not his fault,
if you have somthing against him posting it then you must be just out looking for a fight.

he's threatening people cause his Reputation. like omg who cares. u think your cool cause you Dont have a life?

18-10-2005, 08:00 PM
he's threatening people cause his Reputation. like omg who cares. u think your cool cause you Dont have a life?

Too true, who gives about his reputation.

Anyway, I have had loads of threats from people on the hotel but I dont make a post saying that ''Omgzz sum1 iz sayingz dey iz gunna killz me!!!!one1'' You should really ignore it as if you complain they are just going to carry on..

18-10-2005, 08:30 PM
he's threatening people cause his Reputation. like omg who cares. u think your cool cause you Dont have a life?
You're the one with no life, you were going to report him about bad repping you when you don't care about rep? Which one is it?

18-10-2005, 08:31 PM
he's threatening people cause his Reputation. like omg who cares. u think your cool cause you Dont have a life?


Good luck DreWar - I hope you get it changed over. You shouldnt hav to move all your furni and lose your gold HC cos they wont do anyting about the harassment. And to the people who are saying its silly to worry about death threats from 7 year old please remember habbo is becoming more and more popular with the 20s age group too. Hence the over 20s rooms springing up all over the place.

18-10-2005, 09:23 PM
If someone gives you death threats.

You know what i do, i laugh but i guess people have different breaking points for these things..

Heres a quote from some guy who didnt like the way i was talking to people so he came up to me and whispered " Im going to come to your house and stab you up" What kind of empty threat is that -.-

Just deal with it.

18-10-2005, 09:30 PM
Death threats **

Thinks to my Self

1, how they gonna kill u
2. its only habbo they aint gonna jump out the screen at u

Ziploc Bag
18-10-2005, 09:43 PM
this is odd
just ignore those chavs threatin you

whats ur name neways?

18-10-2005, 09:54 PM
death threats? Lol its Habbo, are you that overly senistive? Its life kid, live with it

19-10-2005, 02:12 AM
First off Jo, I think you need to reconsider what you just said, as as soon as I show the flaming you just shot at me to Lindsay and Hannah, you can basically say 'goodbye' to their friendships, as I've known Hannah for close to 3 years, and Lindsay for 2.

Also, you should think before you go around bitterly flaming people just because you got banned. I'm ashamed of you.

Drew (aka Externals, the one who was your friend before I just found out your true colours)

19-10-2005, 02:40 AM
Death threats? Wow..

I think you deserve a name change, that's just ridiculous.

19-10-2005, 03:21 AM
If someone is threatening your life you should simply report them through the CFH and you should easily receive prompt assistance. If they fail to assist you in such an extreme case I would be quite shocked as Habbos #1 priority is the protection and security against violent threats or actions.

If it's that serious then you should just change to a new character or refrain from playing for the time being. Reporting someone on the CFH for a death threat will usually result in the person making threats being permed and IP banned.

19-10-2005, 10:31 AM
If someone is threatening your life you should simply report them through the CFH and you should easily receive prompt assistance. If they fail to assist you in such an extreme case I would be quite shocked as Habbos #1 priority is the protection and security against violent threats or actions.

If it's that serious then you should just change to a new character or refrain from playing for the time being. Reporting someone on the CFH for a death threat will usually result in the person making threats being permed and IP banned.
That's what I've done for now, I'm not going to use that account until I get a name change, and I'm playing another hotel in the mean time

19-10-2005, 10:45 AM
what if i sed i would kill you all would they all want there habbox name changing

19-10-2005, 11:10 AM
habbo staff are ryt nub's they wnt change my account Jiis to .Rebecca when i have most of my rares on it.

19-10-2005, 11:16 AM
Incase nobodys said it, thats an automated response.

19-10-2005, 07:09 PM
First off Jo, I think you need to reconsider what you just said, as as soon as I show the flaming you just shot at me to Lindsay and Hannah, you can basically say 'goodbye' to their friendships, as I've known Hannah for close to 3 years, and Lindsay for 2.

Also, you should think before you go around bitterly flaming people just because you got banned. I'm ashamed of you.

Drew (aka Externals, the one who was your friend before I just found out your true colours)

And I Care Why? tell me. And I Thought U "quit forever" LOL

omg i could go on forever...

"i quit cause of no reason"

^^ i think that was you or that other guy u gave your account too. Anyways yea thanks for ****ing me off, i dont care.

19-10-2005, 07:39 PM
Wow Im In The Mood For Double Posting.

Life Is About being happiness as written in the bibble. Habbo Also Has "a bibble" and it says something like have fun make new friends Etc. If You feel threatened then think of it this way. The Person making death threats is problaly 1000 miles away from you, so y panic? and now your threatening others By saying your gonna bad rep them?

If They Take the time to track you down theres something called a restraining order. have it placed on them.

And im still laughing at the fact you can't fight your own battles. you gotta bring in linds and hannah? WOW your pathetic.

If You Dont feel safe, use the Cfh. Running makes it worse. Trust me on that one -_-

And If Your Gonna Complain, Take it somewhere else cause i hate people that do that.

And theres a bunch more i want to say, but i'd problaly get perm'd for saying it so yea.

20-10-2005, 07:44 PM
This is for attention I think..
Who cares if you're getting death threats.. There are probably people on other hotels who have death threats and dont frankly care.
If your scared of a simple habbo who says they are going to kill you then stand up for yourself don't make a post saying 'Omg someone keeps on threatening me saying they are going to kill me'

20-10-2005, 07:57 PM
Lmao <- now im in a laughing mood fool. You Shouldnt go bragging that you have a high rep, and you shouldn't go around thinking your bigger than every1 else. And how come me hannah and linds still get along? I though because i was sticking up for the newbs im not allowed to be their friends? your pathetic:rolleyes:

20-10-2005, 07:58 PM
;l ;o ;o ;o

20-10-2005, 08:08 PM
I Got Abused And I Got The SAME Email.
Stupid Eh?

20-10-2005, 08:12 PM
I'm being harassed, and asked for a name change via help tool, I've even been receiving death threats, I know name changes are only done in extreme cases, and I know mine is extreme, as I no longer feel comfortable playing the UK hotel.

So I send in an email via help tool, and this is what I get :

Oh, so am I just supposed to ditch my gold HC account and start new because you won't take two minutes to change my damn name?

Please note: I realize perhaps this isn't the right section, but to be honest, I don't care. For all who bad rep me, I will bad rep you back and my rep power is 4

Ur not allowed 2 revenge rep

20-10-2005, 08:13 PM
Ur not allowed 2 revenge rep

Lmao Well it must be okay for him cause hes special + pathetic all in one :rolleyes:

20-10-2005, 08:18 PM
+Rep for that one that was funny

20-10-2005, 08:23 PM
+Rep for that one that was funny

You cant rep me cause im cautioned :P

20-10-2005, 08:24 PM
K when r u uncautioned

20-10-2005, 08:29 PM
dunno i know my other account (gonemad) is unbanned sunday so this will problaly monday-tuesday :P

20-10-2005, 08:43 PM
Send another e-mail. That's an automated response, I got exactly the same thing.

20-10-2005, 09:02 PM
They dont listen so why bother

20-10-2005, 09:05 PM
I sent my name change request directly to sulake and i got one because my old name became bobba'd when they filtered emails its was always ebobba lol when people said my name !

20-10-2005, 09:05 PM
I sent my name change request directly to sulake and i got one because my old name became bobba'd when they filtered emails its was always ebobba lol when people said my name !

That happens to the popular fansite owner called 8888888888999999999 or something lol.

20-10-2005, 09:31 PM
Hey Drewar,

I can see the trouble you are going through with habbo at the moment, in the end of the day we are on habbo for fun, not to have death threats thrown at us. If you are continualy being ignored by The help tool, i suggest you write to the offices. Explain your situation and they just might email back. In the mean time, continue reporting the idiots threatening you and they will be banned. I am sorry to hear the trouble your going through. I also reccomend you log what the people are saying to you, looking on the FAQ section of the Habbo UK Site it says NOTE: Habbo can in very rare circumstances offer account name changes, but this is only done when the Habbo in question has registered an unacceptable name, or they are suffering from harrasment on the site and they have reported it using the 'call for help' In your circumstances it seems serious enough, so log the events and the habbo names and continue reporting but i personally advise you write a letter.
Good luck with the name change. :)

20-10-2005, 09:37 PM
Hey Drewar,

I can see the trouble you are going through with habbo at the moment, in the end of the day we are on habbo for fun, not to have death threats thrown at us. If you are continualy being ignored by The help tool, i suggest you write to the offices. Explain your situation and they just might email back. In the mean time, continue reporting the idiots threatening you and they will be banned. I am sorry to hear the trouble your going through. I also reccomend you log what the people are saying to you, looking on the FAQ section of the Habbo UK Site it says NOTE: Habbo can in very rare circumstances offer account name changes, but this is only done when the Habbo in question has registered an unacceptable name, or they are suffering from harrasment on the site and they have reported it using the 'call for help' In your circumstances it seems serious enough, so log the events and the habbo names and continue reporting but i personally advise you write a letter.
Good luck with the name change. :)

Mr.Pathetic Will Bad Rep You Know, You Didnt Cry with him :P

20-10-2005, 09:51 PM

21-10-2005, 06:06 AM
i got my name changed from 10987654321 to DJ-Simpson because they banned me for havin more than 5 numbers in my name

21-10-2005, 06:08 AM
I've never had a name change, i just create a new account and move stuff on there isn't that alot easier?

21-10-2005, 06:58 AM
Death threats "/ over habbo.. umm thats not a reason for a name change..

21-10-2005, 08:00 AM
You take death threats seriously? C'mon now dude.... their goal is to get to you, don't let it happen. They aren't actually going to kill you, the ignore button is there for a reason.

21-10-2005, 08:01 AM
You take death threats seriously? C'mon now dude.... their goal is to get to you, don't let it happen. They aren't actually going to kill you, the ignore button is there for a reason.

Totally agree. They didn't make that ignore button for nothing. And it is very hard to find someone on habbo without them on your console etc.

le harry
21-10-2005, 08:07 AM
LoL, He sends Death Threats, you send Death Threats back.


21-10-2005, 08:29 AM
LoL, He sends Death Threats, you send Death Threats back.

That doesnt always work.

le harry
21-10-2005, 08:55 AM
That doesnt always work.

Since when and how :)

21-10-2005, 08:56 AM
Its only 'completly use less' because they havnt done what he demanded

21-10-2005, 06:56 PM
Thanks for all of the good reps, including Cheezy2 and some others :-) The issue is still alive, but as I said, I'm just going to keep emailing until I get a response, I'm persistant. As for those of you who are saying I'm doing this for attention or another reason, leave my thread, if you don't like me or my posts, don't read them.

21-10-2005, 06:59 PM
LoL, He sends Death Threats, you send Death Threats back.

Loving the attitude, wouldn't do it another way. ;)

21-10-2005, 07:18 PM
I'm being harassed, and asked for a name change via help tool, I've even been receiving death threats, I know name changes are only done in extreme cases, and I know mine is extreme, as I no longer feel comfortable playing the UK hotel.

So I send in an email via help tool, and this is what I get :

Oh, so am I just supposed to ditch my gold HC account and start new because you won't take two minutes to change my damn name?

Please note: I realize perhaps this isn't the right section, but to be honest, I don't care. For all who bad rep me, I will bad rep you back and my rep power is 4.

Send any Complaint via Help tool, Im 99% positive this is the auto reply you will get Almost immediately after sending. Must be broke again.

21-10-2005, 07:23 PM
How can we know if we like ur posts or not with our reading them 1st ?

26-10-2005, 07:04 PM
lol, kiss my friendship's away because im sticking up for people. hannah laughed at this when i told her what i was doing, lindsay didnt care. and u can also stop kicking me/erroring me in the maze + In my room (erroring in room)


26-10-2005, 07:10 PM
Surely you wont get Death threats from people on Habbo, unless thy know where you live..

26-10-2005, 07:56 PM
Well I dislike the Habbo Help Tool. Mind you, getting a reply within a month and a half was pretty good. I got a reply with "Sorry, we are not allowed to discuss your Habbo's ban record with you", or something like that. Mega bummer. Rofl, there will be riots next. Good luck with getting your name changed. Maybe mailbombing mailman with the same subject in CAPS will make them notice. Alternatively, keep using the Habbo Help Tool. xD

26-10-2005, 10:44 PM
I think he deserves a name change, i wouldn't wanna go through all the fuss with shifting furni and stuff, any way, im not to sure about internet and stuff, but if someone's sending him death threats isn't it possible to track down a computer?

26-10-2005, 11:00 PM
yea 'help tool' eh
i got banned today and lost 240t
i doubt im even going to bother trying to get unbanned.
Good luck with your name change mate
youll need it

27-10-2005, 07:54 AM
You ******ed moron.....
1. How can someone threaten you on the internet ?
2. They won't change your name just because you're a little ***** who can't take a little bit of arguing.Its rather easy to type:

I'm going to kill you..

There, theres question 1 solved.

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