View Full Version : Boys straightening hair

23-10-2005, 07:18 PM
I'm a boy and I don't straighten my hair. But my sisters..THATS ANOTHER STORY!
They;re like GHD'ing allll the time. Well a few Fridays ago me and me mate went out. It was like 2am and water landed on his head yeah. We are already sorta mad and crazy and he was like OMG MY HAIR MY HAIR MY HAIR
He's funny but he borrows his mums straighteners and uses frizz-ease
Do u straigten your hair.

23-10-2005, 07:26 PM

23-10-2005, 07:27 PM
Nah I Dont Straighten My Hair

23-10-2005, 07:27 PM
LOl he was like frettin n i was like
so i muffed it up even mmore

23-10-2005, 07:28 PM
Hes One whos Like OMGMYHAIRISWET People

23-10-2005, 07:32 PM
Can't read it..

23-10-2005, 07:37 PM
emoz boys straighten -slits-

23-10-2005, 07:38 PM
highlight the text if you cant read it
lol and no i dont

23-10-2005, 07:43 PM
Are you just asking boys? Because if you was asking all, I straighten my hair ALOT :) My dad wonders why it hasn't all fallen out yet.
And if you're talking about boys, there's a lad in my form and he has quite long hair but it always used to stick up and be curly and stuff. We told him to straighten it and he has straightened it ever since. :)

23-10-2005, 07:46 PM
i dont cuz my hairs straight anyway.

23-10-2005, 07:51 PM
I don't.

I think if a boy was to staighten his hair, surely it would need to be a reasonable length to do so :s

Ahh, I just let my hair grow anturally, none of this nonsense :p

23-10-2005, 07:54 PM
I straighten my hair at least once everyday xD I get it treated every 2 weeks though, so it doesnt snap. My bf straightens his hair to ;P its not long or anything, I cant really explain, I'd post a pic if I could.

23-10-2005, 08:01 PM
*** lol, i find it pathetic realy when people have to spend hour doing all that **** for no desienable prupose, who gives a **** its hair "/

23-10-2005, 08:02 PM
emoz boys straighten -slits-

23-10-2005, 08:16 PM
he spent like 1-2 hours onit
his mum did it for him aww

23-10-2005, 08:25 PM
*** lol, i find it pathetic realy when people have to spend hour doing all that **** for no desienable prupose, who gives a **** its hair "/
Yeah but whilst someones straightening their hair, all you/other people are doing are typing on here. So it isn't time wasting or anything.

23-10-2005, 08:25 PM
*** lol, i find it pathetic realy when people have to spend hour doing all that **** for no desienable prupose, who gives a **** its hair "/
I want to look pretty though

23-10-2005, 08:27 PM
lol he straightens his hair but he still looks ugly!

23-10-2005, 08:27 PM
Same here. :)
Nobody would like to see me when all i've done is dried my hair. OMG haha, you WOULD laugh. It's like.
*F R I Z Z E A S E N E E D E D*

23-10-2005, 08:33 PM
LOL he dont even have a lotta hair.
I sorta ruined it by messing it up then sayin it looks cool then i showed him pictures of me hawt mates n sed DO U WANNA LOOK HOT LIKE THEM he goes no.

23-10-2005, 08:40 PM
nope. i hate my hair. :)

23-10-2005, 08:45 PM
Once i got extensions in my hair
Like 3
1 red, 1 blue and 1 orange
It was so funny
cause i have really short hair :P

But never straightened mine o.O
Never had hair that long :P

23-10-2005, 08:57 PM
I do it :P

23-10-2005, 09:22 PM
I do, I got my hair chemically straightened and now it's straight, I just use straighters to help it along in the mornings.

23-10-2005, 09:31 PM
^^ My mate got tht done, she wishes she hadnt now.

23-10-2005, 09:48 PM
i no have no longe hair 2 b straightened plz

24-10-2005, 09:24 AM
Why put please?
Trunks thats kewl!

24-10-2005, 04:15 PM
It depends how I wanna look.
TOO straight hair doesnt look too good..
Just looks a bit fake.
It depends what kind of face you have
It can look really nice with round faces but not so good with thin faces.
In my opinion anyway
Its nice to have a bit of bounce to your hair too.
Soo thats a sometimes.
Hehe I straightened some guys hair before :P Didn't like it
Girls who start screaming when they've straightened their hair and it gets touched are a little over sensitive.
I guess I get annoyed too though.
I love doing my hair up though

24-10-2005, 04:36 PM
It depends how I wanna look.
TOO straight hair doesnt look too good..
Just looks a bit fake.
It depends what kind of face you have
It can look really nice with round faces but not so good with thin faces.
In my opinion anyway
Its nice to have a bit of bounce to your hair too.
Soo thats a sometimes.
Hehe I straightened some guys hair before :P Didn't like it
Girls who start screaming when they've straightened their hair and it gets touched are a little over sensitive.
I guess I get annoyed too though.
I love doing my hair up though

Not when it touches your ear and you walk outside and your boyfriend wonders why you have a red ear :l

I straighen Alex's hair xD
And i staighten mine sometimes...
I sometimes curl it though ;o
And sometimes just.. mess it up? ;D

24-10-2005, 06:06 PM
Depends how I feeel, I straighten it quite a lot though

24-10-2005, 06:10 PM
Not when it touches your ear and you walk outside and your boyfriend wonders why you have a red ear :l

I straighen Alex's hair xD
And i staighten mine sometimes...
I sometimes curl it though ;o
And sometimes just.. mess it up? ;D

Hair looks HOT when its messed up.

24-10-2005, 08:12 PM
i dont straighten my hair..
but a few "Goths" in my school do

25-10-2005, 12:37 AM
I have pretty curly hair, most of the time it drys pretty straight, but somedays it drys in like ringlets, then I do a trashy job with my moms straightner!!

25-10-2005, 03:48 PM
I don't as my hair isn't long enough but some of my friendss do. It looks fab :D

Tom x

25-10-2005, 08:01 PM
o.O ide LOVE curly hair

26-10-2005, 11:06 AM
Nah, I use gel, sometimes wax. I would, if my hair was long enouth, well i'd give it a go anyway. :rolleyes:
Ynwa <3

26-10-2005, 03:40 PM
My uncle does its kinda scary really lol he spends lots of money on his hair. Once he was arguing with his girlfriend and he phoned my mom to see if he could get a wash and stuff at my house. So he came over and he brought this bag it looked like a laptop bag. In it he had straighteners and lots of hair gel and stuff like that it was over flowing with hair products.

26-10-2005, 03:50 PM
I don't straighten my hair as much as I used to. I don't for school no more, soooo cba! I straighten it some days though. But it isn't that bad natural so I just leave it some days.

26-10-2005, 04:28 PM
I dont coz my hair looks gai when its straightened

26-10-2005, 04:36 PM
I straighten, my hair is naturally curly and it looks so wrong with me so i straighten but it goes wavy like an hour later >:l

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