View Full Version : Habboween Spooks - Story

24-10-2005, 08:47 PM
Habboween Spooks!
It was the night of the 31st...All was quiet, suspense lingering in the air. Of course, it was habboween! With big black spiders all over the walls of the hotel, in nooks and crannies and on habbo's heads. Pumpkins lighting up the dark night sky and scaring the dogs and cats away.
Now it was getting creepier. It had seemed that all habbo cats and dogs had disappeared! Snacks, bones and fish hadn't even been touched. Something very weird was going on.
With call for helps sending hobbas up the wall, FarmerJiles had all he could take. He went to seek the truth, where the cats and dogs had really gone. He firstly checked L1C's 100% Confused Mazes, nothing there. He then checked Red Vortex Mafia, nothing there. He wondered where they could be, they couldn't of left the hotel! As he checked hundreds of rooms he was growing bored. "One more room and I'll call it a day" he said. Last but not least he checked a room owned by Glaciated, the Lair of the Beast. It was dark, quiet and stinked of mocha. All of a sudden he was grabbed from the doorway and pulled into what was, the everlasting darkness.....
Now other hobbas seemed to be growing more suspicous, as FarmerJiles did not return. Yatwice, Toadbex and Mizki decided to make a plan and go rescue him, and the 62,462 cats and dogs in the hotel.
* * *
The plan was made. All 3 of these hobbas were going to change into clothes that they had never wore before. They were all going to look like ghosts, see if that would scare off "the thing" that must be here, in the hotel. Now, to do that they need to know where "the thing" is, which they don't have a clue about.
Moderators, hobbas and habbo staff were looking through the CCTV to try and find where "the thing" is, and what happened to FarmerJiles and the cats and dogs. Mod-Elux was looking at a tape when all of a sudden a cat jumped onto his lap!
"Oh my god!" He exclaimed, as the first cat they had seen for ages stared at her.
This was no ordinary cat. It had a black fur coat, pointy ears, fangs with blood dripping from them and red, evil eyes. It was curiosity - the return! Before Mod-Elux knew it, it lept up and bit him. The pain was unbearable, he fainted and fell to the groud with a thud! Curiosity ran off, into the darkness...
After a few hours rest, habbo staff and some moderators had woken up to find that Mod-Elux was no longer there, and there were no hobbas! They pondered and pondered but they didn't know what to do! All of a sudden, Callie turned around to find what was a ghastly Mod-Elux staring right at her. Mod-Elux had fangs, red eyes, and a very long black cape on. He had turned into a dracula!
Dracula-Elux cornered Callie and swung in a left arm, knocking Callie to her knees.
* * *
5 minutes had passes and Callie was so hurt that she could barely move. Unaware of what was going on, help had came. It was Yatwice, Toadbex and Mizki the only 3 remaining hobbas in the hotel.
Without wasting any time Yatwice got out his Smoke Gun and shot Dracula-Elux in the head. Luckilu for Callie and the 3 hobbas, it had a huge affect on draculas and his head shrivelled and died! They all took a sigh of relief and raced over to help Callie. Before they even got to her they heard chanting and footsteps. They looked behind to find hundreds of zombies marching straight towards them. They were the hobbas...
As expected, FarmerJiles was not there. Yatwice quickly reloaded his smoke gun and fired shots and shots at the zombies. It didn't have any effect on them. They were invincible, as they flashed their skull badges to the 3 hobbas.
Suddenly it clicked! In a recent poem written by Callie, hobbas follow their badges, their badge is like their god. All they needed to do was find the real badges!
With zombies slowly marching towards them, a little bit of help was on it's way. Cats and dogs were stampeding down the hallways to them.
* * *
1 minute later and the pets were here! They were all wearing pumpkin masks, and fake fangs. They were not evil. Without a second to waste each dog and cat ran to their owener. It was obvious that each hobba had their own pet. On each pet collar there was a small flash of gold or silver. It was the hobba badges! All the zombies suddenly stopped in their tracks, and kneeled down to their pet. They touched the badges...they turned back into good hobbas!
There was not time to greet each other, as a huge beast rampaged into the room with a rather sick-looking FarmerJiles on his back. It was the beast from the lair. He strolled towards all of the hobbas, goig to crush them, when all of a sudden he stopped! He fell flat on the floor! It was dead?!
"Hoorah!" shouted all the hobbas.
It just turned 12:01 am. The end of habboween. That is what killed him!
A party was later organised and everyone had a luagh about what had happened. FarmerJiles is still recovering but all is well! Everyone was realived, at a good days work! THE END! :p

Closed by -legoman- (Forum Moderator) Due to event finishing.

25-10-2005, 08:59 AM
Thats quite a good story - but the end seems a bit rushed. :P

25-10-2005, 12:27 PM
It was a bit yeah, but I entered it in the comp. on habbo so I had to rush it :s

25-10-2005, 04:57 PM
Gr8 story :)

25-10-2005, 04:59 PM
Thanks, are you that red guy in Bunny Help?

25-10-2005, 05:29 PM
Hey i didn't read it but doing it later,

Its me Unpredictible. in Bunny Help™

27-10-2005, 06:40 PM
Oh cool! I can't blame you for not reading it as it if so long.

27-10-2005, 09:26 PM
Wow thats good , its alot longer than my story which takes like 40 seconds to read .. it's just a little caption for the alt anyways :)

28-10-2005, 07:19 PM
Cheers, I'm writing a series of books atm...

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