View Full Version : scary happenings
24-10-2005, 10:44 PM
hey tell me about you scariest rollercoaster accidents etc
once i wasnt big enough to go on the space mountin ride in disney land paris it fired i broke 3 ribs an arm and almost fell out.
On air at alton towers they hadn't pushed the restraints hard enough onto me so I kept moving around when we was on it.
Also when we'd finished the ride had broke down so we were just lied there in the seats of air for about 15 minuites, we felt so sick. They gave us a free ticket to ride it again but we'd already paid to get in anyway (it was with school) and there was no time left. :@
25-10-2005, 12:04 AM
Well i werent on it at the time but when the Pepsi max broke down at blackpool and people died i went on its 1hr before it happened -counts blessings- i was lucky considering
25-10-2005, 12:52 AM
Jeezo, I swear id be so scared if a roller coaster accident happend while I was on it..
Sometimes theres a local funfair around our area called 'Funderworld' And theres a really big ride there callled 'The big ben' its about 70ft high and it shoots all the way up, then down and up really fast, and it stays up the top for about 5 mins, you get to admire the view for a little bit, I was up there with my cousin lol, we were just talking about the view and stuff then.. 'So how do you like the vie... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!*Scream like a girl*' And while its at the top I closed my eyes on the first time because I fealt sick just imagining it falling over..
Anyway ... Im home on my computer chair now.. Spinning around on that is dangerous.. I broke my little finger!
25-10-2005, 11:05 PM
Sorry for double posting but I found a pic of the big ben :)
Edit by Mit (forum moderator): Please do not double post.
26-10-2005, 10:47 AM
looks big lol
27-10-2005, 07:11 AM
I'm scaried of roller coasters. Cann't say I've ever seen n accident.
28-10-2005, 03:41 PM
Mine has on Colussius, it stopped at top, which is isn't mean to do. Then it started again, was pooping myself. :D
28-10-2005, 07:53 PM
Once when i was at Flamingo Land i was really looking forward to going on the Cliff Hanger for my first time. It was really high and people say it's well scary. We didn't queue long as it was sort of a quick ride. When we got on it i was really scared lol and then when we shooted up i screamed so loudly this man sitting next to me give me a right dirty look lol. Normally when you get to the top they wait about 10 second's and then shoot you back down. We were waiting at the top to come back down and it wasn't budging. We thought it was a joke until 30 minute's later we were still sitting their. Considering it had started to really pour down with rain aswell. One of the men came up the side of the Cliff Hanger on the ladder's which run up the side of it and told us that it had just stopped. He said we were going to have to climb down the ladders so when we were 120 feet in the air the man down below opened the safety bars and told us to climb down the ladders in the pouring down rain. We could have easily slipped but thankfully we didn't. I've never been on it since. :(
29-10-2005, 03:05 AM
On oblivion at alton towers, my shoulder harness was REALLY lose, and I mean really lose, I could slip forwards and stuff, I tried to force it down, but it wouldnt go, when it went down the drop though, the G-force pushed it in [thank god...] lmao
Not physically hurt myself, but I have some stories from Alton Towers and Thorpe Park, from the half-term.
On the harnesses on Oblivion they have a shoulder harness, and a seat belt, The seat belt is incase your restraint goes, to stop it coming out too far. Anyhow, we get to the top of Oblivion, and tip over the edge, then the seat belt falls out on my mates seat! The harness stayed on, then on the brakes, when you suddenly halt, my mates harness shot up!
On Slammer at Thorpe Park, I went down for the first drop and my waist harness was really lose (you have a waist and shoulder harness on Slammer), due to some stupid chav undoing a nut. Staff saw him on security cameras, so I had the last laugh as 5 security staff frog-marched him out.
30-10-2005, 10:26 PM
wooh that oblivion one is dodgy, theyre not ment to release the harness's until the car is inside the station..
Ive hurt myself on almost all the rides at AT, the cork***** hurts anyway, the harness's on submission hurt anyway, Hmm... *thinks* O.o i got hit across the legs with a branch on nemmie*I sat on the end at the front* at the fastest bit, *the bit before you go into the tunnell, not the one before the big loop, the one before that* And that left a nice mark across my legs ;]
06-11-2005, 04:06 PM
At Southport We Was On The Traumatizer and one Of the Wheels that akes you up the Hil Stopped It Had got jammed. Nayway it was forcing itself to go and out came sparks and i was right at the fron then al of a sudden it stopped so everyone behind us got of at the top like an hour later. but if you sit a the front your allready haging over the hills so we were stuck there for another hour untill it decided to go again and i was the only one on coz my brothers were 2 scared when i came down everyone cheered and i was crying. but to make up wht had happened they ave me a free wristband ticket, and the same week i went back on again :P
06-11-2005, 04:11 PM
I've had none thankfully
07-11-2005, 09:04 PM
At Southport We Was On The Traumatizer and one Of the Wheels that akes you up the Hil Stopped It Had got jammed. Nayway it was forcing itself to go and out came sparks and i was right at the fron then al of a sudden it stopped so everyone behind us got of at the top like an hour later. but if you sit a the front your allready haging over the hills so we were stuck there for another hour untill it decided to go again and i was the only one on coz my brothers were 2 scared when i came down everyone cheered and i was crying. but to make up wht had happened they ave me a free wristband ticket, and the same week i went back on again :P
heh... ive been on that before, my mate got stuck on the same ride ones, but i never have [thank yooou :p]
08-11-2005, 10:11 PM
Not physically hurt myself, but I have some stories from Alton Towers and Thorpe Park, from the half-term.
On the harnesses on Oblivion they have a shoulder harness, and a seat belt, The seat belt is incase your restraint goes, to stop it coming out too far. Anyhow, we get to the top of Oblivion, and tip over the edge, then the seat belt falls out on my mates seat! The harness stayed on, then on the brakes, when you suddenly halt, my mates harness shot up!
On Slammer at Thorpe Park, I went down for the first drop and my waist harness was really lose (you have a waist and shoulder harness on Slammer), due to some stupid chav undoing a nut. Staff saw him on security cameras, so I had the last laugh as 5 security staff frog-marched him out.
That second one is quite scary :| He could of bloody killed someone.. What a stupid [BAD WORD]
09-11-2005, 05:28 PM
:o I have a scary one actually, it wasnt at a themepark, but it was at a travelling fair near me, I was on this ride called feel the rush
*gets picture...*
Here we go...
basically you sit in a ring of cariages, and you spin upside down a lot
At first it spins around a little bit on the floor to gain speed, and doesnt go up very high, but my shoulder harness [and the person's opposite me] flipped up, they stopped it after when they noticed, it was really scary, then they tightened it so much I swear it must of cut off the blood circulation to my legs ;p Hmm anyway theres my scary happening of the month, travelling fairs for you :rolleyes:
11-11-2005, 11:52 PM
i was at alton towers last weekend for halloween 31/10/05 and was on oblivion broke down faceing the ground for about 30 so i was really annoyied i started talking to my mate and then they fixed it dropped and i wasnt paying attenetion i was scared then :(
07-12-2005, 07:13 PM
Lmao, I could imagine that, I bet you'd get quite a good thrill from it though? :P
08-12-2005, 07:31 PM
i was at alton towers last weekend for halloween 31/10/05 and was on oblivion broke down faceing the ground for about 30 so i was really annoyied i started talking to my mate and then they fixed it dropped and i wasnt paying attenetion i was scared then :(
it broke down at the top?
There's this fair thing on a rugby field near mine which comes for about 2 days in the summer. And there's this ride that spins you round, going in and out of each other if you get me. And not last summer the summer before, it goes that fast that the cart things flung off and killed the people inside that cart and the people that were watching the ride. It hit them.
10-12-2005, 12:05 AM
hey tell me about you scariest rollercoaster accidents etc
once i wasnt big enough to go on the space mountin ride in disney land paris it fired i broke 3 ribs an arm and almost fell out.
I went on that when i was 11 at the back and it's in seperate file god i was scared anyway i really enjoyed it one of the best rides. I haven't had an accident before really except at when i was at M&D'S (Scottish ThemePark) i was on this rollercoaster and just before it was about to go upside down it stopped so we were hanging to the side for about 10 mins. :(
13-12-2005, 10:15 AM
I went on that when i was 11 at the back and it's in seperate file god i was scared anyway i really enjoyed it one of the best rides. I haven't had an accident before really except at when i was at M&D'S (Scottish ThemePark) i was on this rollercoaster and just before it was about to go upside down it stopped so we were hanging to the side for about 10 mins. :(
I'd hate to get caught upside down ;[
I havent yet though xD thank god
21-05-2006, 10:22 AM
OMG All this is scaring the (CENSORED) out of me!
OMG All this is scaring the (CENSORED) out of me!
Well done! You bumped a year old thread!
Edited by Nets (forum moderator): Don't post off topic.
21-05-2006, 10:33 AM
Thats newbies for ya.
Thats newbies for ya.
be nice mister moderata'
21-05-2006, 10:36 AM
Lol, she's only gone and dug up a year old thread. Only a new member would do that?
Lol, she's only gone and dug up a year old thread. Only a new member would do that?
*sigh* Suppose.
21-05-2006, 10:48 AM
Ive been on big ben 3 times i loved it although the front right seat the restraint is a bit loose lol I heard that 2 people died on pepsi max but how ? plus rep for any info but my friend got stuck on magic mouse a traveling funfair wild mouse ride at my local fair Ilkeston Fair i dont live there btw) i was watching it then suddenly all the lights went of and my mates got stuck then the next day it broke down again!
21-05-2006, 10:51 AM
Thread closed due to bumping :P
Thread opened at a valid request.
21-05-2006, 06:03 PM
Thread opened at a valid request.
Thank you Nets.
Well heres my happening...
When I was in Great American (2003) I was riding Stealth which is this ride right here:
Yeah, its big. Well what happened was, I got ready to get on (I was wet because of the rapids ride, damn people), and I got on. When the restraints were placed on us mine went on so tight it was crushing me. I was trying to talk but I wasn't able to talk right. The right went on... I was having a hard time breathing and I passed out. When the ride was over (well from what my friend said) they didn't noticed me. This one lady said that I got scared and pee'd myself because I was wet. I then recovered because someone did CPR and awaken me. The park isn't responsible for deaths but for injuries or missed something... I got $500 and a year round pass so it will help me cope with my injuries. My friend bought a picture they take while you are on a ride, and I came out all limpy and dead looking in it... I hate him for it.
21-05-2006, 06:38 PM
Thank you Nets.
Well heres my happening...
When I was in Great American (2003) I was riding Stealth which is this ride right here:
Yeah, its big. Well what happened was, I got ready to get on (I was wet because of the rapids ride, damn people), and I got on. When the restraints were placed on us mine went on so tight it was crushing me. I was trying to talk but I wasn't able to talk right. The right went on... I was having a hard time breathing and I passed out. When the ride was over (well from what my friend said) they didn't noticed me. This one lady said that I got scared and pee'd myself because I was wet. I then recovered because someone did CPR and awaken me. The park isn't responsible for deaths but for injuries or missed something... I got $500 and a year round pass so it will help me cope with my injuries. My friend bought a picture they take while you are on a ride, and I came out all limpy and dead looking in it... I hate him for it.
Hooray for Nets! Someone with sense. Nice rollercoaster, and rofl at your friend buying a picture from them when you had passed out halfway through the ride.
23-05-2006, 02:18 PM
My aunt showed me a video clip of when my cousins were on the Pepsi Max and she said that it always broke down at the top of the second hill or something :o
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