View Full Version : PS2, Fifa06 vs. Pro Evo 6

30-10-2005, 09:00 PM
Yo, this crimbo lots of you will get ,if you do not already own 1, a footie game!!!! I have already got Fifa06, and rented pro evo the other day and will also be gettin it for my bday (8th November, Habbo name :JORDAN-2K5 *+*Wink wink, nudj nudj*+*) as it is much better than fifa, ok fifa has better graphic and comentry but with fifa it isnt like a game of football its like a game of fifa, you can figure out how to do most the fings and just play in a certain way every time, eg freekicks, corneres. However pro Evo is like playin footy but playin pro evo, the balls can bounce away from you, you can scuff shots, free kicks, corners, unlike fifa where if u do it the same way wit ur pad every time, the same thing will happen on the game. you figure out how to play the game on fifa, on pro evo u play the game, there r 1/2 chances, balls can bounce away from the defender and fall to ur strikers feet or vice vercer. TAKE MY WORD FOR IT, PRO EVO IS BETTER IF YOU WANT A FOOTBALLING EXPERIANCE BUY PRO EVO. FOR A FOOTBALL GAME WICH U CAN SUSS OUT AND PLAY IDENTICAL MATCHES ECERYTIME, BUY FIFA!!!!


30-10-2005, 09:08 PM
I got lost on your little... debate - NEEDS PARAGRAPHING.

Ok, yeah i agree, Fifa always used to be better but just no real story to it anymore, pro evo has a decent storyline so that wins :P

I think i know what this debate will choose...

30-10-2005, 09:49 PM
Hasn't Pro Evo 5 just been released :s

How can a football game have a better story line than another? It doesn't even have one?

But from my opinion, I've always had fun playing Pro Evo but I really do like Fifa 06. Tis sad that I'm bored of it already though :rolleyes:

30-10-2005, 11:11 PM
Of course it has a storyline, Hence - being the manager of a football team, trying to become first, that is the storyline =/

31-10-2005, 05:48 PM
I think what he means is how can the "storyline" of one football game be really any different from another?

I prefer Pro Evolution because it does a better job of making a good football sim. There's a lot more depth in the gameplay than in FIFA.

31-10-2005, 06:14 PM
Yeah, I like Pro Evo because of the gamaeplay, I think it plays much better than Fifa, you have soo much fun with it too, I havn't played P{ro Evo 5 yet but the recent games have all been really good.

About the storyline thing, there isn't one really, its more of a 'Campaign'. But I do get what your trying to say smurf :)

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