View Full Version : What really happened at the pentagon during 9/11?

03-11-2005, 08:46 PM
Well recently, I have been doing some research on 9/11. I have found a neat flash that has to do with the strike on the petagon, it can be viewed at http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/flash.htm#Preloader

I watched the video over 25 times, and most of it is starting to sink in. This flash brings forth a lot of evidence about 9/11. If you are too lazy to watch the flash, I shall explain some things.

The wedge of the pentagon that was "hit" by a "boeing 747" has been in renavations since 1999. The wedge must have been pretty much empty, so there would have been minimal casualties. - Terrorists usually go after large targets and try to murder masses....not break some walls and kill a few people.

The rings that were hit have almost PERFECT circles knocked out. There has been no evidence of a plane at all. Planes usually make large messes when they crash. Check other plane accidents. They all mess up the ground, and leave rubble. In the incident with the pentagon, there are only a few metal scraps, no wings, no tail, no plane. The grass in front of the area that was hit is perfect without any marks.

The incident was captured on some video cameras, but the FBI and DoD have taken the films, and have never released them.

Most people claimed to have seen a smaller jet that would hold 8 to 12 people zoom by before the event. Nobody has ever seen the Boeing 747. At the angle that the "plane" hit the pentagon, the pilot would have been flying at over 500 miles per hour, at TWO feet above the ground. The "plane" would have passed over a highway. This seemed to have happened without any reports of blasts of wind. I think a plane going at over 500 miles per hour at two feet above the ground would be noticed?

A pentagon security camera recorded the incident. There was a small blur that did not at all resemble a boeing 747.

Why can't the american government release any of the tapes to show a boeing 747 indeed crash into the pentagon? For some odd reason, air traffic control lost contact with the stolen boeing 747 a long time BEFORE "it" hit the pentagon. Was a boeing 747 ever found? No.

03-11-2005, 08:48 PM
So your saying that the pentagon thing was a fake?

03-11-2005, 08:50 PM
They have probably not released them on the news or whatever because they probably contain disturbing footage.

03-11-2005, 08:50 PM
wow , i never thaught of it that way

03-11-2005, 08:53 PM
Let's see what they showed on the news:

Violent attacks/bombings in the middle east
Attacks on the world trade centers
Nothing of the "airplane" hitting/heading for the pentagon

Disturbing? Not really, they always showed the planes hitting the world trade centers. Why not the plane coming twords or hitting the pentagon?
There were little, or no people in that part of the pentagon at the time.

Why not show the tapes unless they had something to hide?

03-11-2005, 08:55 PM
Let's see what they showed on the news:

Violent attacks/bombings in the middle east
Attacks on the world trade centers
Nothing of the "airplane" hitting/heading for the pentagon

Disturbing? Not really, they always showed the planes hitting the world trade centers. Why not the plane coming twords or hitting the pentagon?
There were little, or no people in that part of the pentagon at the time.

Why not show the tapes unless they had something to hide?
wow you could be a detective :o

03-11-2005, 08:57 PM
Think about it though.

Planes crash into the world trade centers.

America didn't really like Iraq, they wanted more reason to invade

Great time to make the situation worse by destroying something where nobody is, but will cause fear.

03-11-2005, 08:58 PM
Wow, that's pretty interesting.
Could of ben drunken aliens ;O

03-11-2005, 09:01 PM
Well if anybody could find the pieces of the plane, and show me the tapes that depict a boeing 747, heading and hitting the pentagon I shall give you tons of rep, and a cash reward :)

If you watch the flash, you will also see how neat the holes in the pentagon were.

03-11-2005, 09:02 PM
i like ur post patrick....very impressive...but ... and its a big but....


03-11-2005, 09:07 PM
Well if anybody could find the pieces of the plane, and show me the tapes that depict a boeing 747, heading and hitting the pentagon I shall give you tons of rep, and a cash reward :)

If you watch the flash, you will also see how neat the holes in the pentagon were.
I just watched it
Their far to small and neat for a boeing 747 to go through :o
There would be wing marks

03-11-2005, 09:07 PM
The photo could have been made on photoshop or something.

If that picture is real then please answer the following:

What happened to the rubble of the plane?
Why were the holes in the pentagon so neat?
Why doesn't the American government release any of the videos?
Why is the area around the pentagon perfectly fine? (grass windows etc.)
Why wasn't the plane spotted when it went over the highway etc.
Why didn't the terrorists hit a spot in the pentagon that would have done some major damage?

Also try looking at http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/pentagon&plane.jpeg
The wings and tail would have hit. But no only one clean hole in the pentagon :)

If you can answer those with proof, I shall believe you. :)

03-11-2005, 09:09 PM
i like ur post patrick....very impressive...but ... and its a big but....

that could easily haveb een took a few seconds earlier with a plane flying over?

03-11-2005, 09:11 PM
that could easily haveb een took a few seconds earlier with a plane flying over?

Also look at how close the highway is to the pentagon. Could a pilot desend to 2 feet, and stay level without hitting cars or leaving turbulance? I highly doubt it.

03-11-2005, 09:11 PM
that could easily haveb een took a few seconds earlier with a plane flying over?
Looks quite low?

03-11-2005, 09:12 PM
Have you ever drove right by birmingham airport
They almost touch your car roof.

03-11-2005, 09:13 PM
Review the facts

Size of 757 matches the initial size of hole in the building - somewhere between 13 and 16 feet (757 is 13 feet wide/high)

Rims found in building match those of a 757

Small turbine engine outside is an APU

Same engine has been clearly stated to not match a Global Hawk engine

Blue seats from 757 laying on ground in photos

Part of "American" fuselage logo visible in more than 1 photo

Engine parts photographed inside match a Rolls-Royce RB211

Structural components photographed in wreckage match Boeing paint primer schemes

Large deisel generator in front of building hit by a large heavy object

Large deisel engine outside is spun towards the building - could not be result of bomb blast or missile explosion

Multiple eye witnesses say they saw an airliner

Multiple eye witnesses say they saw an airliner hit the Pentagon

60+ bodies, matching the passenger list and flight crew roster identified and returned to families from Pentagon wreckage

03-11-2005, 09:15 PM
The press hardly ever seemed to mention it though :s

03-11-2005, 09:16 PM
Looks quite low?

Yes, but when a plane that large passes something at that height, it would create MAJOR turbulance. Nobody ever said that there was any. A force like that would have rolled over cars. Did any cars roll over? No. Did anybody complain about it? No. Did anybody get out of their car to watch a plane so low? No.

Two feet is pretty low. A car is over three feet tall. Also, nothing around the area at all was damaged. A plane moving at 530 miles per hour without hitting anything, or hitting the ground at TWO feet above the ground is something pretty magical.

Try looking at http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/pentagon&plane.jpeg
What would have happened to the wings and tail. You guessed it, into the wall and/or on the ground. There was only one NEAT hole, no wings or no tail.

03-11-2005, 09:18 PM

its an aeriel photo....it may be fake....but you cnt tell if the plane is low or not...becuase ITS an aerial photo.

03-11-2005, 09:27 PM
After further research, I have noticed that the plane would have been TOUCHING the ground in the position it hit.

"A white-hot flash explosion consistent with an exploding
missile warhead and totally inconsistent with an aluminum
jetliner carrying orange-red-burning jet-fuel kerosene hitting
a limestone, brick and concrete office building."

Also, watch the only released video. The security camera.
There seems to be a tail of a plane coming to the pentagon. If you compaire that tail with a boeing 747's you will notice that the 747's is MUCH larger. AND more of the 747 would be visible. There is only a bit covered up by something. In compairison, just enough to cover up a fighter jet.

03-11-2005, 09:29 PM
I never realised there was this coincednce? :s

03-11-2005, 09:34 PM
Even if this WAS an act of terrorism, why can't we see any of the video tapes? Is there something to hide? Would they still be investigating it? I doubt they would be investigating it. What would the harm be showing the tapes? There has been a lot worse on the news.

Well ok. We can't show a video showing an airplane hitting a building, but we can show our airplanes bombing other countries? Yeah the plane hitting a building would really disturb our youth. Let's keep everybody out of everything and let's not reveal what really happened.

The tape the "plane" - Harmful? Not at all, why not clear everything up with everybody so there are no arguments? Are you trying to hide something from us? I think so :)

03-11-2005, 10:06 PM
i like ur post patrick....very impressive...but ... and its a big but....


that doesnt look much like a boeing 747, I thought they have an upstairs, that looks more like a boring 737...

03-11-2005, 10:19 PM
that doesnt look much like a boeing 747, I thought they have an upstairs, that looks more like a boring 737...
Rofl, how can you tell :s you can hardly see any details?

03-11-2005, 10:59 PM
Well recently, I have been doing some research on 9/11. I have found a neat flash that has to do with the strike on the petagon, it can be viewed at http://www.pentagonstrike.co.uk/flash.htm#Preloader

I watched the video over 25 times, and most of it is starting to sink in. This flash brings forth a lot of evidence about 9/11. If you are too lazy to watch the flash, I shall explain some things.

The wedge of the pentagon that was "hit" by a "boeing 747" has been in renavations since 1999. The wedge must have been pretty much empty, so there would have been minimal casualties. - Terrorists usually go after large targets and try to murder masses....not break some walls and kill a few people.

The rings that were hit have almost PERFECT circles knocked out. There has been no evidence of a plane at all. Planes usually make large messes when they crash. Check other plane accidents. They all mess up the ground, and leave rubble. In the incident with the pentagon, there are only a few metal scraps, no wings, no tail, no plane. The grass in front of the area that was hit is perfect without any marks.

The incident was captured on some video cameras, but the FBI and DoD have taken the films, and have never released them.

Most people claimed to have seen a smaller jet that would hold 8 to 12 people zoom by before the event. Nobody has ever seen the Boeing 747. At the angle that the "plane" hit the pentagon, the pilot would have been flying at over 500 miles per hour, at TWO feet above the ground. The "plane" would have passed over a highway. This seemed to have happened without any reports of blasts of wind. I think a plane going at over 500 miles per hour at two feet above the ground would be noticed?

A pentagon security camera recorded the incident. There was a small blur that did not at all resemble a boeing 747.

Why can't the american government release any of the tapes to show a boeing 747 indeed crash into the pentagon? For some odd reason, air traffic control lost contact with the stolen boeing 747 a long time BEFORE "it" hit the pentagon. Was a boeing 747 ever found? No.

Awesome rep+ this has got me totally spooked ^_^ glad u brought it up

04-11-2005, 02:13 AM
After further research, one distinguishable piece of "rubble" was found. A piece from the right side of an aircraft.

Here's the catch. When people looked at the rubble, they noticed it was from the RIGHT side of the aircraft.

The piece of rubble was found where the left side of the "plane" would have been. The rubble was ALSO located a considerable distance away from the "crash". It seems that this "plane" must have been flying backwards, into the pentagon while shedding it's metal.

This piece of "rubble" was found 25 minutes after the crash. Let me remind you, the area was already swarming with FBI and DoD agents. By that time, all the security tapes that would have had this "plane" were taken.

The piece of "rubble" had no burn marks, just dents. Now how easy would a piece like this be to get? Pretty darn easy. - Scrap metal.

There were also some "pieces of the airplane" in the holes and around the "crash" site. These pieces of metal are not distinguishable at any degree. There were also construction sites near the area. These construction sites contained pieces of metal similar or identical to what was found.

Pieces of the "engines" were found. These pieces of "rubble" look pretty old, burnt, and rusty. Now why would a up to date aircraft have old engines? - also, what would have happened to the rest of the plane? The LARGE wings? the LARGE body, the LARGE amount of passengers? All of this seemed to...vanish.

Spectators claim to have seen FBI and DoD agents walking to the site with large crates that had tarp over them. They soon walked away from the site, still with the crates. Then "rubble" started to appear.

04-11-2005, 02:27 AM
Hmm very interesting, you seem to know your stuff :) +rep

04-11-2005, 02:55 AM
i like ur post patrick....very impressive...but ... and its a big but....


Great post Patrick :) But I do have one question about the airplane being 2 feet from the ground.

If the airplane was really 2 feet off the ground, wouldn't it's shadow (seen on the grass) be closer to the body of the airplane and less noticeable on the grass? If you take a look at the shadow of the pentagon wall, you can see that the shadow is quite near to the object producing it, which in this case is the wall. But if you take a look at the shadow of the airplane, isn't it a little bit far off from the plane to be 2 feet? If the plane was really 2 feet from the ground, shouldn't the shadow be much closer to it than it is in the picture? But who knows, I may be wrong. ;)

Overall, I really think you're a great problem solver. You have many clues to back your statements up and you think before you say. I'd love for you to continue posting these mystery threads, I like to think sometimes :) You've gotten me stumped about the whole incedent, I just wanted to point that shadow part up though, so yea. :)

04-11-2005, 02:58 AM
that doesnt look much like a boeing 747, I thought they have an upstairs, that looks more like a boring 737...
that could have easily been altered by the cia computer nerds :\

04-11-2005, 03:07 AM
Great post Patrick :) But I do have one question about the airplane being 2 feet from the ground.

If the airplane was really 2 feet off the ground, wouldn't it's shadow (seen on the grass) be closer to the body of the airplane and less noticeable on the grass? If you take a look at the shadow of the pentagon wall, you can see that the shadow is quite near to the object producing it, which in this case is the wall. But if you take a look at the shadow of the airplane, isn't it a little bit far off from the plane to be 2 feet? If the plane was really 2 feet from the ground, shouldn't the shadow be much closer to it than it is in the picture? But who knows, I may be wrong. ;)

Overall, I really think you're a great problem solver. You have many clues to back your statements up and you think before you say. I'd love for you to continue posting these mystery threads, I like to think sometimes :) You've gotten me stumped about the whole incedent, I just wanted to point that shadow part up though, so yea. :)

Loaned posted something like that before, but I didn't notice the plane... Yes that perplexes me too.


04-11-2005, 09:27 AM
Dont be paranoid, and you arnt very smart either, I saw this show called seconds from disasteron national geographic and it had the real security camera image from pentagon, that showed the plane coming and hitting it.

04-11-2005, 09:32 AM
Such a serious subject on such a ******** populated messageboard. Shame.

Concentric - Super Mod
Do not avoid the filter.

04-11-2005, 10:03 AM
The flash was very good and well put together and looked stylish, But i think what you say is True, IT woldnt of been a plane, More like a missle, But they cover it up, so People dont get worried. And flying that Low at that speed with nothing damage in its path, Unbelvieible. Why would they get Rid of the flIm They had? They Didnt of the Twin Towers. There was no Marks or Left Overs of the Plane Not Even Tinys Bits, There are some Great Points there

04-11-2005, 10:15 AM
That was like :o
That's the quietist Ive ever been,
Where could 70 thousand summat tonnes of plane go,
Woah, and WHY wouldnt they show it,
It must have something on it,
but what, What could be worse than the one they
showed of the twin towers were peolple were JUMPING out of
windows, nothing surely, There has to be an answer,
Yeah and if this 'aeroplane' was flying 2foot above ground,
Wouldnt it have churned up the floor ? Like left a huge mud trail,
It cant have been a plane, A bomb, Oh, I dont know,
Thats the best post Ive ever seen on HxF,
+rep, Thank you, Im gonna watch it another 6times <3

04-11-2005, 10:20 AM
Yes They Remove Tapes of a "plane" Flying Over , But Not Tapes of People Jumping out the windows And Stuff

04-11-2005, 12:05 PM
So, I just watched that, it's very interesting.

So, what you're trying to say, correct me if I'm wrong.

America/FBI/DoD etc lied about a plane hitting the pentagon?

Well what hit it?

The picture shows a plane - but that could have been taking hours/minute before something hit it.

04-11-2005, 12:06 PM
The biggest thing that's supporting there WAS a plane was really the security tapes. Why can't they allow others to view them. If it really was a plane, is there THAT much to investigate?

Let me make this simple for the government agents that are constantly "reviewing the tape", so all of us can get the truth.

Plane got hijacked.
Plane flys.
Plane flys into pentagon.

There, that's the story you told us. NOW SHOW US THE TAPES THAT HAVE THIS "PLANE"

Geez...that easy :P showing the tapes would show if I am right or not......If the tapes are shown in the next few years, I would say they have been changed...About 5-6 years is more than enough to change some video clips or pictures.

04-11-2005, 12:08 PM
The biggest thing that's supporting there WAS a plane was really the security tapes. Why can't they allow others to view them. If it really was a plane, is there THAT much to investigate?

Let me make this simple for the government agents that are constantly "reviewing the tape", so all of us can get the truth.

Plane got hijacked.
Plane flys.
Plane flys into pentagon.

There, that's the story you told us. NOW SHOW US THE TAPES THAT HAVE THIS "PLANE"

Geez...that easy :P showing the tapes would show if I am right or not......If the tapes are shown in the next few years, I would say they have been changed...About 5-6 years is more than enough to change some video clips or pictures.

That's true BUT why would they lie about it not 'hitting' the Pentagon.

Something could have, maybe they organized it? But WHY lie..

04-11-2005, 12:10 PM
That's true BUT why would they lie about it not 'hitting' the Pentagon.

Something could have, maybe they organized it? But WHY lie..

America would have used the events of 9/11 to get back at Iraq. Destroying a government building with minimal casualties would have given America more of a reason to attack Iraq. Terrorist try to kill the maximum amount of people. They wouldn't want to take minimal amounts by attacking a government building that is under construction.

04-11-2005, 12:11 PM
America would have used the events of 9/11 to get back at Iraq. Destroying a government building with minimal casualties would have given America more of a reason to attack Iraq. Terrorist try to kill the maximum amount of people. They wouldn't want to take minimal amounts by attacking a government building that is under construction.
Yeh I got that bit, but the bit I'm confused at is; why would someone be so sick straight after the Twin Towers to 'fake' another terroist attack.

Surely some FBI/DoD member knows that they 'probably' faked it and should report it? Though I'm guessing American Police Forces wouldn't believe him/her..

04-11-2005, 12:12 PM
That's true BUT why would they lie about it not 'hitting' the Pentagon.

Something could have, maybe they organized it? But WHY lie..

America would have used the events of 9/11 to get back at Iraq. Destroying a government building with minimal casualties would have given America more of a reason to attack Iraq. Terrorist try to kill the maximum amount of people. They wouldn't want to take minimal amounts by attacking a government building that is under construction. Whatever the media feeds to the people is what they will think.

They say something like "terrorist have attacked the world trade centers, and now they've attacked the pentagon"

People would believe it, because there have been recent attacks on the world trade centers.

Now the american government would say something like "it's now time for them to pay blah blah blah we shall get revenge"

Next thing you know, a war happens.

04-11-2005, 12:14 PM
So really America is to blame for all the bombings happening around the world because Iraqi's (Al Quada) know they did not 'attack' the Pentagon and are getting blamed for it.

And bombing places like Spain, England etc knowing they're close allies with America and believed them.


04-11-2005, 12:23 PM
No, the terrorists just try to kill. America just used the "attack" on the pentagon as more rage, so more people would support the war in the middle east.

America is though responsible for many terrorist groups.
1981 - Reagan administration trains and funds "contras"
1982 - American government gave billions in "aid" to Saddam to kill Iranians
1983 - American government secretly gives Iran weapons to kill Iraqis
1980's - CIA trains Osama bin Laden and other terrorists to kill Russians. CIA gives them 3 billion dollars
1998 - Clinton bombs "weapons" factory - turns out the factory was making aspirin
1991 - present day - America bombs Iraq on a weekly basis
2000-2001 - America gives Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan 245 million dollars in aid
2001 - Osama bin Laden uses his CIA training to murder tons of Americans

04-11-2005, 04:50 PM
I watched something about this on Tv and it said that the only footage they had is on a CCTV cam and tht only takes images every couple of seconds so what did hit the pentigon isn't very clear but why would they lie and someone sed b4 mabe the USA destroyed it themselfs to make more reasons to invade Iraq why would they damage one of the most secure military things in the world. also september 11th has nothing to do with iraq it was ment to be caused by Bin laden and his terrorist dudes. ever since september 11th i have been very intrested in the terrorism subject and have watched many programs and looked at websites about it not because i want to be a terrorist one day but because its something thats getting worse. anyway i think it was the big plane thiny not the little plane thiny even if it was a clean cut hole with no damage caused by the wings.
EDIT: also Al Quada isn't based in Iraq there are many diffrent groups all other the world so just because someones iraqi dosn't make them a Al Quada member and saying the usa faked the terror attacks on the pentigon is silly , also if it was faked who knows mabe in a couple of months tony blair will cause a fake terror attack and make the london eye fall over into the river thames lol

04-11-2005, 06:13 PM
for the american gov to cover up this act (presuming that you are dismissing that a plane hit the pentagon, in tht case i see no other alternative to a conspiracy) then the cover up would be on a massive scale..

fire fighters
pentagon staff etc......

..would all have to lie and about what they actually saw or keep it a secret.
These people are average americans. I doubt they go home to their families knowing they are keeping perhaps the biggest conspiracy in the world to themselves.

....unless there is a deeper much darker explanation to what happened?

04-11-2005, 06:35 PM
for the american gov to cover up this act (presuming that you are dismissing that a plane hit the pentagon, in tht case i see no other alternative to a conspiracy) then the cover up would be on a massive scale..

fire fighters
pentagon staff etc......

..would all have to lie and about what they actually saw or keep it a secret.
These people are average americans. I doubt they go home to their families knowing they are keeping perhaps the biggest conspiracy in the world to themselves.


totally agree by lieing about terroists crashing into the pentigon is making ur own contry look weak and amercans wouldn't do that their all about the spiret un like us english people who look at the logical sides of things for everything and have to question lol :p

04-11-2005, 06:39 PM
In my opinion Bush just wnated an excuse to attack Iraq so he could get rid of Saddam and get all their oil.

04-11-2005, 06:54 PM
In my opinion Bush just wnated an excuse to attack Iraq so he could get rid of Saddam and get all their oil.
ok i jst wanna say something for the last time jst because ppl in iraq are muslim and bush wanted to go to war with them and because they have quite alot of suicide bombers there Does NOT mean they have any connection to 9/11 :@ :@ :@ :@ and i'm not jst piking on u Victimized i'm saying it to everyone cos alot of ppl are talking about it

EDIT: Also i found out alot of people think they were heading for the white house not the pentigon and something went ron also not all terrorists do this jst to kill as much ppl as they can they also do it due to extream beleifs they have so they attack anything that goes against them they h8 americans cos Al Quada don't like gay people and bedding sumone before getting married the usa break alot of their beleifs so bush being the leader would make him a perfect target which backs up my white house theory above

04-11-2005, 08:23 PM
fire fighters
pentagon staff etc......

..would all have to lie and about what they actually saw or keep it a secret.
These people are average americans. I doubt they go home to their families knowing they are keeping perhaps the biggest conspiracy in the world to themselves.

....unless there is a deeper much darker explanation to what happened?

Government agents secured the site before any other officials got there. Anything could have happened while they were there. All the firefighters did, was put out the fire. That is their job. The government agents then looked for evidence. The governement agents were the only people allowed in, after the site was considered safe.

The staff at the pentagon would have not known anything about what hit the pentagon. The government said it was a plane. This would be understandable, because of the attacks on the world trade center.

A fighter could have shot a missile at the white house. The government could have said it was a plane that crashed into it, people would easily believe it. The government tells whatever story they want to the media. The media circulates around what they hear. People will believe what the media says - the government has nothing else to worry about.

04-11-2005, 08:36 PM
Let's see what they showed on the news:

Violent attacks/bombings in the middle east
Attacks on the world trade centers
Nothing of the "airplane" hitting/heading for the pentagon

Disturbing? Not really, they always showed the planes hitting the world trade centers. Why not the plane coming twords or hitting the pentagon?
There were little, or no people in that part of the pentagon at the time.

Why not show the tapes unless they had something to hide?

First I ever heard of the Pentagon being hit by a plane.

04-11-2005, 09:51 PM
First I ever heard of the Pentagon being hit by a plane.

Wow...There was a hit on the pentagon. Just check google or something

07-11-2005, 05:55 PM
The staff at the pentagon would have not known anything about what hit the pentagon. The government said it was a plane. This would be understandable, because of the attacks on the world trade center.
what you said there is sick what kind of sick govement would use another terrorist attack where thousands died ON THE SAME DAY to fool the public then fake a attack and cause even more up set

The US are a very passionet contry even if it dosn't seem it. they always talk about god and refer to him when doing political speeches and always refuse to back down to protect their contry now this kind of govement would neva make themselfs seem weak or damage one of there most important military bases my brother belives you but i think its all wrong. :@

i aint gunna bad rep you but many ppl who belives their family were on tht plane tht was ment to have crashed into the pentigon may be up set byt his thread despite any evidence which is hardly any you have.

that CCTV footage makes the plane looked blurred and smaller because the speed it was traveling and it only takes images every couple of seconds so give me some rock solid proof of a clear image and i may belive but atm i fink this thread is disrepectful :@ and like i said in the other thread bout this let the people who died that day rest in peace don't question what happened

EDIT: ok after reading it again i saw the person who started this thread say this

Even if this WAS an act of terrorism, why can't we see any of the video tapes? Is there something to hide? Would they still be investigating it? I doubt they would be investigating it. What would the harm be showing the tapes?

because tht CCTV was the only thing filiming tht area at the time they aint gunna have a tv crew there for no reson "sayin look heres the pentigon being boring omg look theres a plane" think about it they aint gunna be filming something for no reason so don't ask silly questions

07-11-2005, 09:05 PM
because tht CCTV was the only thing filiming tht area at the time they aint gunna have a tv crew there for no reson "sayin look heres the pentigon being boring omg look theres a plane" think about it they aint gunna be filming something for no reason so don't ask silly questions

There WERE other video cameras that would have seen the "plane". There are highway security videos which were taken by the FBI. There was a gas station that had security cameras that WOULD have filmed the plane. Those tapes were ALSO taken by the FBI. There were many cameras atop a hotel that also would have shown the "plane" on the tape - those films were ALSO taken by the FBI. Please get your facts straight. I am not intentionally trying to disrespect the victims of 9/11. I am just stating a possible event that could have happened. I visited New York after 9/11 and I have given my respects.

Now back on topic. There was more than ONE camera that would have taken footage of whatever hit the pentagon. I would like to see the video from those cameras. Those pieces of footage is what has never been released.

PS. If you find this thread disrespectful (you should conclude from the starting post) please don't read it. It is not my fault if you get offended by whatever I am posting. This is all what is on my personal mind. If you find something that troubles you, then just don't read the thread.

07-11-2005, 09:11 PM
There WERE other video cameras that would have seen the "plane". There are highway security videos which were taken by the FBI. There was a gas station that had security cameras that WOULD have filmed the plane. Those tapes were ALSO taken by the FBI. There were many cameras atop a hotel that also would have shown the "plane" on the tape - those films were ALSO taken by the FBI. Please get your facts straight. I am not intentionally trying to disrespect the victims of 9/11. I am just stating a possible event that could have happened. I visited New York after 9/11 and I have given my respects.

Now back on topic. There was more than ONE camera that would have taken footage of whatever hit the pentagon. I would like to see the video from those cameras. Those pieces of footage is what has never been released.

PS. If you find this thread disrespectful (you should conclude from the starting post) please don't read it. It is not my fault if you get offended by whatever I am posting. This is all what is on my personal mind. If you find something that troubles you, then just don't read the thread.

are you a member of the FBI how do you no the FBI took these tapes? off that website? hmmm very reliable and since when do you know the shape a plane makes when it crash's into a building ?so how do you no these so called "Facts" of yours are true they aint facts they are the opinion of the person who made that flash movie so.. get me some proof that the FBI took these tapes other than they weren't shown on tv. also its a bit late telling ppl not to read this thread if they are offended by it on the 6th page

07-11-2005, 09:21 PM
Ok here's the thing. You were the first person who seem highly offended/disrespected by this thread.

Now, this information was on various TV shows analyizing 9/11. I bet if you were to visit the gas station, and ask the owner, he would say that the tapes have been taken by the FBI.

There are also security cameras on all of the particular hotel's roof. It is a company policy. Now, the cameras ARE in sight of the pentagon. Those tapes haven't been released yet. What has happened to them? Tapes don't mysteriously vanish.

If you think that this thread is garbage, think that I can't stop you.

Once again, these are my own opinions and that's all that I post.

do you know the shape a plane makes when it crash's into a building
Planes don't make almost perfect circles. Check the impact on the world trade centers, the wings make some indentation all the way though. As for "material difference" the world trade centers and the pentagon were made out of the same basic things. Steel inforced concrete.

07-11-2005, 09:29 PM
yeh but u sed tht it was a smaller plane how would tht have made perfect circle ? also lol soz i like debates :P i still don't understand why they would lie about a terror attack and i wasn't offended i jst like argueing o yeh what do u think happened to the plane tht was ment to have crashed into the pentigon then ? ...... well of course i think it did i'm jst asking wot u think happened to it

07-11-2005, 09:42 PM
I never said that whatever hit the pentagon was a "smaller plane" I just said there was a smaller plane that was on the video.

On closer inspection of the third or fourth frame, you can see a faint jet stream in front of the explosion. 747's do not emit such a jet stream. If the plane did have a jet stream, it would have been visible from the other frames.

The explosion too is also not consistant with a 747's. The flame is white and bright. When 747's or fuel explodes, it emits a bright orange/yellow flame. When most propelled explosives explode, they emit a bright white flame.

The plane resembles a figher jet, more than a 747. Don't propelled explosives explode on contact you ask. No, some propelled explosives explode a little while after contact. Some explosives don't even use much explosive power. Explosives in the case of this, could be used to punture large walls like here.

The fighter jet on the other hand, would have time to pull up, above the pentagon and safely fly away as spectators would be occupied looking at the explosive.

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