View Full Version : [Alteration] Im Angry (thread about Lynn)

03-11-2005, 11:29 PM
There has been some stuff going on to make Lynn want to leave. Shes been ''caught out'' lying about her identity when she tried to get away from a past that is not her any more.

Im not going into details but those of you who know what its about, shes not that person any more, now she posts amazing alts, flawless after flawless alts, she always gives constructive criticism, she helped so many people improve their work.

Shes always funny and kind and has never been nasty to anyone.

So what if you are unsure about someones identity, my name isn't Calisse, Calisse is my song writing name, you arent supposed to give out your ID online anyway.

So maybe if you decide you cant trust her as a friend, thats your decision, but online you love the personality not the name of someone, not the way they look but the way they act. You can feel genuine people souls, even if they lie about their job or their name or their home town...

Lynn has a beautiful soul and she has fought her way to be (I believe) the best altist on this forum, because shes genuine and because she likes art, she doesnt do it for rep or for popularity but because she enjoys it, and her passion for it spreads when she helps people improve their own work.

So don't trust her as a friend, what you do with your friendships is your business, but its just childish spite to bring an entire forum against someone based on your own bias opinions of a situation.

Don't leave lynn, don't don't leave. Or if you do leave because you want to explore new things, not because of someone elses opinion. Opinions are subjective, subjected to bias and personal feelings and experience

And my experience is this forum LOVES YOU LYNN

03-11-2005, 11:31 PM
Nice way of saying it, now she is wanting to quit her job cause of thisd, that is totally not fair, just cause of some people trying to put her down, well guess what, i believe she is stronger than you all and will stay, whoever is doing this to her putting her down (not saying names) hould really grow up cause your hurting someone over some pixels.

03-11-2005, 11:34 PM
How they feel betrayed or whatever is up to them I UNDERSTAND THEYRE FEELINGS but they are feelings not fact!

Lynn is now an amazing, beautiful souled, amazing alt artist who is a real asset to this forum

03-11-2005, 11:35 PM
Exactly, and if she leaves cause of you all bringing her down, then you all better just leave too, cause thats just plain rude and so childish

03-11-2005, 11:42 PM
When your the best at something one tiny thing can be used against you to bring you down, lying to your friends is perhaps something to be angry at her as a friend, but theres no need to be malicious and try to make other people gang up against someone because of what you believe.

If you have a belief, stick up for it yourself and let others decide.

Coincidentally, this reminds me of the media hounding David Blunkett...

03-11-2005, 11:44 PM
i have no idea what this is about

03-11-2005, 11:46 PM
Well Lynn had another account called kekea, and she then made lynn cause she wanted to post her work on there, then people found out and kept asdking her and she was dening it, ut then they m,ade a thread and started going at it after her, when it was totally and completly stupid and wrong

and then is staff forums she is saying to leave, cause of these rude people, and we are trying to keep her to stay :)

03-11-2005, 11:48 PM
Lynn made a mistake a long time ago and has since worked to get the good reputation she has on this forum, but she was found out for that mistake and some people think that because she didnt confess it to everyone shes untrustworthy, shes very upset and thinks she should leave

Im expressing my opinion, which is, it was a long time ago, it was a mistake and it has no bearing over the good reputation she has earnt from consistent niceness and genuiness

okay nick posted it all :S lol.

Lynn used the other account a long time ago and started using Lynn to post her alts and as she gained a good reputation around the forum stopped using the other account

03-11-2005, 11:52 PM
It's sad to agree that things like this happen every day in this discriminatory enivornment we call our society. The saying "Never Judge A Book By It's Cover" is one of the best sayings around. Never judge someone by their appearance or what you think you know about them. Recognize an individual by your own opinions; and make sure they're objective.

03-11-2005, 11:53 PM
Im not really sure if thats a supportive or opposing post Jay lol.

03-11-2005, 11:54 PM
this is a beutifull and wonderfull thread, i hope that lynn reads this and all other users, i think its so nice of you well done. for lynn is a fantastic alt artist, i know from habboforum, yes, shes also a great friend to all, this is one of the nicest ways to show it. well done calissie

03-11-2005, 11:55 PM
Thank you, and she is keeping an eye on this forum as far as I know

03-11-2005, 11:57 PM
Yes, she is I think, and I hope she notices all the people that love her and are inspired by her work she makes ... and I hope she doenst leave, she is a good addition to habbox.

03-11-2005, 11:57 PM
its a reall shame if you do leave lynn but in the end it is your option

in this world not everyone will like you and not everyone will like past experiences you've had and etc and frown upon them, leave those people to rot on the past if thats where they bother to stick there heads. and not be bothered with whats happening now, there not worth bothering over if thats how they think and act. the only thing that matters in the end is now and the future the past is done and over with

04-11-2005, 12:01 AM
I never new such rumors were going on about Lynn!! Lynn is awsome! what did she do to deserve being treated like this?!? LYNN DON'T LEAVE WE LOVE YOU!!! and for whoever is spreading these rumors etc... I advise you stop right now!

04-11-2005, 12:04 AM
Lynn made a mistake a long time ago and has since worked to get the good reputation she has on this forum, but she was found out for that mistake and some people think that because she didnt confess it to everyone shes untrustworthy, shes very upset and thinks she should leave

Im expressing my opinion, which is, it was a long time ago, it was a mistake and it has no bearing over the good reputation she has earnt from consistent niceness and genuiness

okay nick posted it all :S lol.

Lynn used the other account a long time ago and started using Lynn to post her alts and as she gained a good reputation around the forum stopped using the other account

Thats what happened to her really colleen .... just people who have fun brining people down by going on and on about stupid things, so what if lynn had another account and didnt want to tell nooone, its her decision, not theres ....

04-11-2005, 12:05 AM
hawtness2 better not leave </3 no one cares about the past its all about the future and the future is she is nice and funny and a good person to talk to so yea if u dont like her bog off and dont leave lynneh <3

04-11-2005, 12:06 AM
we love you lynn

04-11-2005, 12:16 AM

04-11-2005, 12:17 AM
*cough *which one am i *cough* nice thing come back to us lynn <3

04-11-2005, 12:18 AM
your the priest.

Now lets leave Lynn to decide, its her life, she knows we adore her now

04-11-2005, 12:42 AM
This has all gotten way out of hand, all we were saying was that lynn is kekea, kekea is lynn and all the lies she's said/done to us, she's ripped alts (she said so in her pm to me, i have evidence but i won't show it!) in the past, lied, been mean to others in the past go check out some of kekea s older threads/posts her attitude stank towards people. I started to trust/like kekea, but she has just been one big lie and i don't think i'll be able to trust her again which is very dissapointing.

Also i think you should get your facts right, we never said anything about making her leave the forum so what are you on about? You're doing nothing but making us look bad, making us look bad for telling the truth. What kind of world do we live in.. -.-''

This is what Bef thinks and wants to say on this thread;
Message from Bef/Spankadelic:
I experienced Kekea/Lynns nasty streak. It wasn't nice. She may of wanted a second chance and i would have given it to her. Those who know me, will know i am not a nasty person. If she had asked for a second chance then she could of had it but instead she decided to lie and decieve She went about it the wrong way, I don't want to go into to much detail because then Chloe will be banned aswell. i was just wondering how many of you who are sticking up for Lynn knew Kekea. I am not a bully, i never will be. If Lynn want's to talk to me she can Pm Chloe to get in touch and explain to me why she has done the things she has done. Shes upset because she has been caught out. Everything i said was true and i have proof of it all. I am banned now which is not fair. Anyway, don't try and make me out to be the one in the wrong. Because if i was allowed to post the full story you would no i am not. I never once said Lynn should leave. i just think she needs to make it up to those she hurt, me for one. I have tried to be a nice and active member of this forum

I would appriciate that you all stop twisting my words

and slagging me off when i am not their to defend myself.

Loove Bef <3

I'm saying this for myself, Bef, Yayse (abbs) and others who she was sometimes mean to. I have evidence.

04-11-2005, 12:44 AM
This has all gotten way out of hand, all we were saying was that lynn is kekea, kekea is lynn and all the lies she's said/done to us, she's ripped alts (she said so in her pm to me, i have evidence but i won't show it!) in the past, lied, been mean to others in the past go check out some of kekea s older threads/posts her attitude stank towards people. I started to trust/like kekea, but she has just been one big lie and i don't think i'll be able to trust her again which is very dissapointing.

Also i think you should get your facts right, we never said anything about making her leave the forum so what are you on about? You're doing nothing but making us look bad, making us look bad for telling the truth. What kind of world do we live in.. -.-''

This is what Bef thinks and wants to say on this thread;
Message from Bef/Spankadelic:
I experienced Kekea/Lynns nasty streak. It wasn't nice. She may of wanted a second chance and i would have given it to her. Those who know me, will know i am not a nasty person. If she had asked for a second chance then she could of had it but instead she decided to lie and decieve She went about it the wrong way, I don't want to go into to much detail because then Chloe will be banned aswell. i was just wondering how many of you who are sticking up for Lynn knew Kekea. I am not a bully, i never will be. If Lynn want's to talk to me she can Pm Chloe to get in touch and explain to me why she has done the things she has done. Shes upset because she has been caught out. Everything i said was true and i have proof of it all. I am banned now which is not fair. Anyway, don't try and make me out to be the one in the wrong. Because if i was allowed to post the full story you would no i am not. I never once said Lynn should leave. i just think she needs to make it up to those she hurt, me for one. I have tried to be a nice and active member of this forum

I would appriciate that you all stop twisting my words

and slagging me off when i am not their to defend myself.

Loove Bef <3

I'm saying this for myself, Bef, Yayse (abbs) and others who she was sometimes mean to. I have evidence.

all i got to say iz zip it please people change get over it if ur not a good enough friend to deal with it ur not a true friend but for the people that actually like her they can say what they want :\ they will still like her for who she is not who she was so ye no one cares what u say she will always be a good person

04-11-2005, 12:49 AM
Ricky, i'm not even listening to what you're saying because you're talking waffle who doesn't know what he's talking about, we're being made out bad for telling the truth and i find this very hurtful and i'm very upset personally.

04-11-2005, 12:51 AM
Ricky, i'm not even listening to what you're saying because you're talking waffle who doesn't know what he's talking about, we're being made out bad for telling the truth and i find this very hurtful and i'm very upset personally.
well ur making her out to seem like a two faced meanie :\ who cares who she was its how she is now -.- god people get over the past this just shows how childish u really are

how could u listen to me ur reading my posts <.< >.>

04-11-2005, 12:57 AM
Exactly, she got over who she was so she made a new account to restart, then you guys come out saying oh she was so mean, she made a new account and lied to not tell us it WAs her .... well maybe she was doing that cause she knows she was mean and wanted to start over, so she did and she made the account lynn to do that, and she achieved what she wanted to do, she became a habbox pixel artist, and all she wanted to do was forget about kekea but you guys brought it up, cant you just let people be and let them try to restart...

04-11-2005, 12:59 AM
I never said anyone was telling her to leave, please review the thread, I also never ''Slugged anyone off'' i said i understood why youd be upset, having someone lie is an issue of betrayal more than anything else

But whats in the past is in the past, and Lynn has made herself the great person she is now despite her mistakes in the past, and she doesnt use that account any more, and shes not horrible to people

She lied to YOU and YOUR FRIENDS not the forum, the forum acknowledges the person behind the name and the way they act, and Lynn (lynn not kekea) is civil and polite and genuine.

Those in glass houses shouldnt throw stones

Them without sin may cast the first stone at her.

I dont need evidence she ripped alts, shes admitted that and I dont need evidence she was horrible to people

But thats the past, I could tell you my entire past and it wouldnt affect the way I try to be polite to people at all times *now*

If you want an apology from her, ask her for it, and if she feels she should give one she might.

But Lynns apology for the bad things she did is to become the amazing asset to the forum she is today, to be lovely to all members and offer constant support in the art forums.

The past is the past, no one will hold what you said against you, we understand why you'd be upset, but ''pack mentality'' says you should stick by your friends when theyre upset and if someones upset them, rip them apart.

She doesnt deserve that for something she did IN THE PAST. Which she DOESNT DO ANY MORE.

Or if your upset just about the saying it wasnt her, wouldnt you? The whole reason she would of made a new name would be to escape that reputation, people do it in real life? She didnt change her name to Lynn who was already a super star or something, she started all over again and built herself up.

And incidentally, DONT have a go at me for ''slugging you off when i am not their to defend myself'' as how would i know you'd been banned until chloe posted that?

And it is ALWAYS wrong to pick on peoples flaws from their past no matter how hurt you have been by their actions.

As I said before and this is the final time Ill say it, if you want an apology then ask for it, I object to posting it on the forum and basically trying to exploit her like a criminal..

If it upsets you that much that a polite well mannered forum user once was really mean to people then perhaps your too sensitive to use Habbox? Because everyone has been mean to someone. Many people... Most people.

What goes on with yuor friendships is none of my business, if i was in your circle of friends I might act differently, but I still wouldnt try and ''hang someone elses dirty laundry out on the line''.

What gives you that right of superiority?

No - one is perfect. Lynn is not who she used to be. Ask for a private apology if you please, and Lynn, leave if you like, but spite and malice is a vicious thing to be seen in someone. Im locking this thread soon because both sides have had their opinion stated and I think we both agree that its between Bef Lynn and Chloe and any others directly affected now.

From me to bef, we have been friendly in the past and I agree your a great forum user, polite, funny and helpful, I dont stick up for people, I stick up for my beliefs, I have nothing against you and have repeated that I can understand you'd be upset. I hope you don't hold my opinions against me, even if you don't like them.


04-11-2005, 01:04 AM
To Bef:

I was rude and nasty towards others back then. I changed now, cant you see that? I know that I have ripped in the past and you have prooof, I dont deny anything. Except that I was kekea. I came through and told you guys. I didnt think you would post that about me though. I didnt think you should but you did, and look where you are now.

I just wanted to say I changed and u didnt have to show me out like that.

They are just mad at me because I lied.

04-11-2005, 01:08 AM
Yes ^ But you admitted and m,ade Lynn to restart, thats what alot of people do, they hide from certian people cause they know that they will just harass them ....

If this was for me, I would do the exact same thing

04-11-2005, 01:09 AM
okay im going to lock this thread tomorrow morning as a few people still have things to say i think, and my feet are freezing so i need to go to bed.

----- Peace and Love -----

04-11-2005, 01:38 AM
Okay this is from Bef not me, i'm friends with kekea now, this is what bef wanted me to post;

I hate liers, i hate fakes. I have my reasons for this, I have my issues that i don't want to discuss with a bunch of people who hate me. Maybe i am sensitive about people lying and being fake towards me and i have good reason for that. I cant say to much because i dont want Chloe to be banned but a certain lie of Kekeas really upset me. Nothing to do with age or names. Something serious. I didn't realise till today how much I was hated on habbox. Ive always tried to be nice to people. It hurts that half the people involved in this thread were requesting pixel art off me earlier. Lynn, your saying your sorry to Chloe but then theres threads like this about me. I haven't done wrong. Some people do deserve a second chance but you went around it the wrong way, you should of come to us months back and apoligised and explained, but you didn't.
вεf * It's Chico time. <3 says:
Maybe i shoudln't be so hurt over all this, but like i said. I have personal reasons why i am so hurt at the moment. Why the littlest things are getting to me.

I quit Habbox

I hope your happy

<3 Bef

04-11-2005, 01:55 AM
There has been some stuff going on to make Lynn want to leave. Shes been ''caught out'' lying about her identity when she tried to get away from a past that is not her any more.

Im not going into details but those of you who know what its about, shes not that person any more, now she posts amazing alts, flawless after flawless alts, she always gives constructive criticism, she helped so many people improve their work.

Shes always funny and kind and has never been nasty to anyone.

So what if you are unsure about someones identity, my name isn't Calisse, Calisse is my song writing name, you arent supposed to give out your ID online anyway.

So maybe if you decide you cant trust her as a friend, thats your decision, but online you love the personality not the name of someone, not the way they look but the way they act. You can feel genuine people souls, even if they lie about their job or their name or their home town...

Lynn has a beautiful soul and she has fought her way to be (I believe) the best altist on this forum, because shes genuine and because she likes art, she doesnt do it for rep or for popularity but because she enjoys it, and her passion for it spreads when she helps people improve their own work.

So don't trust her as a friend, what you do with your friendships is your business, but its just childish spite to bring an entire forum against someone based on your own bias opinions of a situation.

Don't leave lynn, don't don't leave. Or if you do leave because you want to explore new things, not because of someone elses opinion. Opinions are subjective, subjected to bias and personal feelings and experience

And my experience is this forum LOVES YOU LYNN

I dont know whats been going on about lynn or anything to do with that but if its critisism about her lying about age, where she lives, or anything of the sort then live with it! Believe what you like but in my opinion 80% or more of habbos population.... Infact any online games population lies about that kind of thing. From my expierience on Habbox with various names including this one I havnt seen anything wrong with lynn.... And wow when I read what was said up above... it was pretty sad... made me feel bad for her. I'd expect the same of each of you.

EDIT: Some of what I said above sounded pretty stupid.... Aspecialy after reading what "Lynn" Has lied about, but none the less I support her for changing names and hiding her Identity...

04-11-2005, 01:59 AM
I did not lie about my age or where I live.

04-11-2005, 02:04 AM
I did not lie about my age or where I live.
=\ I dont care what you lied about! ( I hadnt read through any of the posts aside from the 1st one until just a min ago ) From what I can tell? Your a good person. Anyone dragging out the past needs serious help because the past cant be changed in any way whatsoever. So What if you were a ripper or lied about somthing before. Im not even your friend and I can tell your decent! I too would do exactly as you did.... If you've done somthing your not proud of I imagine you apologised or somthing, but if people continue harrassing you then you've got reason to change names! Well Thats my opinion on whatever dispute is happening in this little section of the forum.

04-11-2005, 02:06 AM
Chris, i'm sorry but you don't understand what went on, or what's happened or w/e :S

04-11-2005, 02:31 AM
Chris, i'm sorry but you don't understand what went on, or what's happened or w/e :S

I suppose I dont, Care to explain?
:l I feel really dumb here because so far considering you and lynns responces im out of it... So... I'll just leave now *leaves feeling exceedingly stupid*

04-11-2005, 02:33 AM
I need this thread closed, were done with it.

04-11-2005, 02:47 AM
Yeh mod or someone close this thread plz, it's done and we've made up and that.

04-11-2005, 07:21 AM
Ok i dont think she should quit but this is a forum , not life so its not that big of a deal if she quits she may win the littery the next day for all you know , then she would forget all of this , all im saying basically this is the internet not life , but if she wants to go then let her its her decision not anyone elses

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