View Full Version : Selling

05-11-2005, 09:57 PM
I'm selling all this post offers


Rune platebody
Rune platelegs
Rune kite
Dragon dagger (P)
Dragon scimmy
1 Cadavaberry seed
4 Jangerberry seeds
4 Sweetcorn seeds
3 Dwellberry seeds
3 Krandorian seeds
13 Jute seeds
8 Asgarnian seeds
5 Wildblood seeds
22 Hammerstone seeds
5 Watermelon seeds
5 Redberry seeds
16 Barley seeds
1 Kwuarm seed
1 Ranarr seed
6 Yanillian seeds
2 White berry seeds
1 Belladonna seed
11 Obsidian rings
25 Super att pots
9 Weapon poison pots
93 Potatoe seeds
9 Rosemary seeds
1 Tarromin seed
5 Marrentil seeds
2 Harralander seeds
7 Guam seeds
19 Cabbage seeds
1 Limpwurt seed
2 Strawberry seeds
7 Nasturtium seeds
2 Marigold seeds
3 Woad seeds
6 Tomatoe seeds
1 Acorn
Spined boots
Spined gloves
1 Flattened hide
1 Circular hide

05-11-2005, 10:03 PM
What are the last 2 items?

05-11-2005, 10:04 PM
You only got one rannar seed?

05-11-2005, 10:05 PM
What are the last 2 items?
Flattened hide
Circular hide
That's exactly what they are :eusa_eh:

05-11-2005, 10:06 PM
What are the last 2 items?
The hides to make the other parts of the spined armour

You only got one rannar seed?

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