View Full Version : [Alteration] My Rememberence Day Tribute

12-11-2005, 02:15 AM
My real tribute to Rememberence Day.
The poppy was on habbohotel.com.au homepage and i thought id use that instead of making my own.

I tried to think of a poem
to express my feelings on this day.
But all that i can say
They were the heros
And they are now the legends
We remember their sacrifice
They fought and died for us
We will remember them.
We will not forget.

12-11-2005, 04:27 AM
Well done and Bless, :) Im glad someone did somthing like that, + Rep for the thought.

12-11-2005, 05:54 AM
Great job :eusa_danc

12-11-2005, 08:58 AM
That's nice and that dont come from me often my tribute was the 1100 thought it was appropriate and I landed it.

12-11-2005, 08:59 AM
Well Done Mates! xD

12-11-2005, 11:09 AM
same as first post +rep for the thought

12-11-2005, 12:50 PM
thats really nice well done +rep

12-11-2005, 01:50 PM
Wow ! Thats Great ! i was Trying to do one.. but Im rubbish at Pictures Lmao..
Great 10/10

12-11-2005, 05:39 PM
I like the dudes hair... It's like... Floofy, -Pokes-

12-11-2005, 10:11 PM
All you need is practise recoveryy and then you will be able to do heaps of great alts
Thanks Jen, the hair is from an old alt that was of me.
For the one who was choked up by this alt and didn't comment but commented with a green rep (Name witheld for privacy) Think of your grandfather has a hero. He fought for you, he fought for your family, he fought for the world. Although he is passed now. He is still a legend

le harry
13-11-2005, 09:14 AM
Great Job! Nice Thought :)

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