View Full Version : Its Courtney, its Courtney!

14-11-2005, 07:05 PM
Courtney's 15 year's old. She has beautiful blonde hair down to her shoulders.
It's hard to believe, but shes the most popular girl at school, her schools called Lucky Junior High. her best friend is Miranda, Miranda and purpley coloured hair, its her original colour, its just.. weird! Courtney's house is bigger than all the Queen's houses put together, believe it or not! Her favourite colour is pink, her room has fluffy carpet, and you guessed it, its pink. Courtney's mother has beauitiful hair just like Courtney's, her father is out on Business trips all around the world, while her little brother Charlie, goes to a school, Lucky Elementary. Courtney lives in California.
Later in the morning, Courtney was taken to school with Miranda in her streach limo, 'Soda Miranda?' she asked. 'Yes please' Miranda said with her cackly like voice. When they arrived, everybody was gathered around the limo door just like usual, Miranda stepped out first and the crowd gathered back, silently. As soon as Courtney stepped out they were cheers and she was being attacked by this mob of people because the crowd was so big!
Some people we're even taking pictures of her, as they made their way through the corridor, Courtney went into the girls bathroom, 'Does my breath smell minty enough Miranda?' Courtney asked as she breathed into Miranda's face, Miranda coughed trying not to shout said 'Yup, thats what I call minty!'
As the school bell rang. It was time for class.

To be continued.

14-11-2005, 07:09 PM
Isnt some of this off
As told By Ginger xD

14-11-2005, 07:09 PM

I knew someone would say that.
Yeah, im making episodes like it :)

14-11-2005, 07:10 PM
:O Lol. Great story... More.:o I'm looking at stories to get ideas for my story,

14-11-2005, 07:12 PM
instead of as told by ginger, this is about Courtney instead.
I changed her brother name to Charlie from Blake..
because the name... 'Blake'.. Its weird! lol :)

14-11-2005, 07:27 PM
'Your late Hope! Where've you been?!' Mrs.Pritchett demanded to know.
'Umm, I was.. at the nurses office, i've sprained my ankle, see?' Hope showed Mrs.Pritchett the badage around her ankle. 'Well, okay, but in future i'd like to know where you are, now sit down and we'll begin todays lesson.'
After lesson, everybody rushed out the doorway, Courtney strolled very casually looking towards the door.
She went outside and hung out where she usually does.
'So who's coming to my house tonight?' She asked to all the people that was around her, everybody screamed yes yes ME ME! 'What time is it Courtney?' Miranda asked with her usual cackle. '8pm till whenever you like, but we finish fully at midnight. 'Woah, that's late!' Miranda shouted. 'Yeah, but it is friday!' Courtney added.
Later that day, Courtney and Miranda set out the buffet table and all the mini snacks, then she set out a table with co'cktails and other drinks.
She then put on the mini bubbles for the bubble pool in the corner of the swimming pool. 'What time is it Miranda?' She asked. 'Quarter to 8' She said,
'We better get ready soon.' They both ran up the spiral stairs and opened the big wooden doors into Courtney's bedroom. 'I want to plan mine and Jake's first kiss in my bedroom, so i've got to get it nice!' Courtney pulled down her shades and dimmed the lights to a red and purple glow, then she put on slow, calm and quiet music and straighted her fluffy pink and purple pillows and sheets on her double, king-sized bed. She then opened the doors into her dressing room which was enormous! She pulled out 6 different bikini's and put them onto her bed. 'Which one shall I wear Miranda?' she asked impatiently. 'Ummm, the white and red heart one!' 'Good choice!' They both said together. And they laughed. After they both got changed.
'Ding donnnnggg' the door had gone.

To be continued :)

14-11-2005, 07:30 PM
OMGERZ THAT LIKE RAWKZ! 100/100!!! :eusa_danc :o

14-11-2005, 07:32 PM
Yay :)Im kinda new to this Story writing business too! :D

14-11-2005, 07:33 PM
Yay :)Im kinda new to this Story writing business too! :D

Lol. Well your good. :)

14-11-2005, 07:33 PM
Yeyyeyeyeyeyey rofl. :)

14-11-2005, 07:39 PM
'Your late Hope! Where've you been?!' Mrs.Pritchett demanded to know.
'Umm, I was.. at the nurses office, i've sprained my ankle, see?' Hope showed Mrs.Pritchett the badage around her ankle. 'Well, okay, but in future i'd like to know where you are, now sit down and we'll begin todays lesson.'
After lesson, everybody rushed out the doorway, Courtney strolled very casually looking towards the door.
She went outside and hung out where she usually does.
'So who's coming to my house tonight?' She asked to all the people that was around her, everybody screamed yes yes ME ME! 'What time is it Courtney?' Miranda asked with her usual cackle. '8pm till whenever you like, but we finish fully at midnight. 'Woah, that's late!' Miranda shouted. 'Yeah, but it is friday!' Courtney added.
Later that day, Courtney and Miranda set out the buffet table and all the mini snacks, then she set out a table with co'cktails and other drinks.
She then put on the mini bubbles for the bubble pool in the corner of the swimming pool. 'What time is it Miranda?' She asked. 'Quarter to 8' She said,
'We better get ready soon.' They both ran up the spiral stairs and opened the big wooden doors into Courtney's bedroom. 'I want to plan mine and Jake's first kiss in my bedroom, so i've got to get it nice!' Courtney pulled down her shades and dimmed the lights to a red and purple glow, then she put on slow, calm and quiet music and straighted her fluffy pink and purple pillows and sheets on her double, king-sized bed. She then opened the doors into her dressing room which was enormous! She pulled out 6 different bikini's and put them onto her bed. 'Which one shall I wear Miranda?' she asked impatiently. 'Ummm, the white and red heart one!' 'Good choice!' They both said together. And they laughed. After they both got changed.
'Ding donnnnggg' the door had gone.

To be continued :)

Lol i remember the episode of As Told By Ginger when Courtney asked her about bikinis.
Cool story :)

14-11-2005, 07:42 PM
Lol i remember the episode of As Told By Ginger when Courtney asked her about bikinis.
Cool story :)
lol thanks.

I still watch spongebob and im 15 :)
Im still a little kid inside <3

14-11-2005, 07:44 PM
lol thanks.

I still watch spongebob and im 15 :)
Im still a little kid inside <3

we all are. Can u do nxt chapter?

14-11-2005, 07:45 PM
we all are. Can u do nxt chapter?

Will soon hun, just doing homework :)

14-11-2005, 07:53 PM
She opened the door,
They all ran into the back yard and Courtney and Jake held hands while jumping into the deep pool holding hands together.
It was a really hot night so it was really cool water and lovely.
After Courtney got out the pool, she got a co'cktail and took it up to her room, she got a towel and rubbed off all the drips of water on her and sat on her water bed and took a sip of the watermelon and pineapple drink.
Somebody knocked on the door, it was Jake.
'Hey' He said in a hot american voice.
'Oh hiya Jake!' She said smiling.
'What are you doing up he-..'
Before she could say anything else, Jake kissing her softly on the lips.
He put his hands on her waist.
'Here' she finished her sentence giggling and smiling at him at the same time.
They held hands walking down the stairs back downstairs to the garden, they both climbed up the ladder to the slide that sheers down into the pool.
'Wanna go down together?' He asked her.
'Sure!' Courtney said eargerly.
She climbed in and held his hand all the way.

To be continued - Tonight or tomorrow. :)

15-11-2005, 03:29 PM
:O 9/10 :P

15-11-2005, 04:34 PM
1 off 10 :(

16-11-2005, 01:44 PM
The next day was Saturday. And Jake came back over to her house and so did Miranda. They went up to Courtney's room and watched a DVD, Mean girls. Even though it was a girly movie, Jake still offered to watch it with them both. In the middle of the movie, the doorbell rang. Everybody just let there on the water bed, not saying anything or not going down to answer it.. 'Umm, shall I get that then?' Jake asked slowly. 'Oh no, the maid will get that.' 'You have a maid...' he said suprisingly. 'Yep.'
On monday, at school, there was a new girl, she was a goth, but she was really friendly but really shy at the same time. She has long black hair down her shoulders, and she had a lip ring and her tounge pierced, basically she was really cool. Courtney went over to her and introduced herself.
They made really good friends and talked all day.
The next day Courtney had died her hair.. black.
'O-o-k-k, am I missing something here?' Jake asked. 'Well, I want Charlie to fit in, so i thought i'd dress more goth!' She said excitedly.
She ran over to Charlie as she entered the school grounds.
'Omg, you look amazing' She squeaked to Courtney.
The day after that, she had her nose done at the piercing shop up now, it was a nose ring and looked so cool!
Her mum felt pleased that she's become an individual, but her brother was just.. shocked.

To be contiued. -Today.
-Next Chapter: 1 month later.

16-11-2005, 01:47 PM
Courtney! Wth have you done :'( Moreeee

16-11-2005, 01:54 PM
I'm making a new thread for this, its going to have a new title, so watch it because i wont post anymore chapters in this thread.
Emmy x
It will have a different title to the story but its still the same story.

16-11-2005, 01:58 PM
I'm making a new thread for this, its going to have a new title, so watch it because i wont post anymore chapters in this thread.
Emmy x
It will have a different title to the story but its still the same story.

:Ok :'(

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