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View Full Version : something has GOT to be done ..

15-11-2005, 06:03 PM
Heres the story:

my form has been constantly bullied by 2 girls in our form whose names will DAMN WELL NOT be kept anonymus [mel and chloe] and have caused 2 girls to leave our form. they have done really spiteful things such as calling us names, throwing conkers at us and threatening us on msn and over the phone. we have ALL told our head of year whats been going on and she told us to go and talk to them and ask them to stop as it is annoying us.

Monday Lunchtime: Me kel charlotte tamsin and emma went up to them where they were sitting in our form room eating their lunch [in the corner]. we sat down opposite them and started talking, and saying can you stop this now because we're really fed up and we've had enough and were trying to get them to say sorry for the things they've done in the past. but they wouldnt admit to anything and started calling us names [REALLY bad names] and taunting us and in the end my mate kel just snapped and went for them. There was a small cat fight and kels glasses fell of so chloe stamped on them [£85 glasses] and we dragged kerry out the class room [and i really mean dragged, she was figting us to get back at them]. she ran downstairs and started crying so we took her to the pe office so we could get miss moloney to help us [nice teacher]. on the way we met chloe and mel who started yelling at us with their year 10 and 11 mates so we hurried her off. we all burst into the pe office crying and shouting and swearing [mainly me :rolleyes: ] and told her what happened so she got us all to write a statement. Kel was so upset and i was so angry that miss livock took us up to her office so we could tell her what happened. we told her what had hapened and she took us to sit outside mr joneses offfice to calm down. about 20 minutes later our head of year came past with mel and chloe who walked past and laughed at us. i got so agitated that even though nothing had happened to me they wouldnt let me go back to lessons and so i spent about 2 hours getting agitated and beating up a wall to let out my frustration [i have a bruised fist and a sprained ankle now] and all they did was exclude chloe and kerry for 24 hours [which kerry most CERTAINLY did not deserve]

we have had them in our form for 3 years but the teachers still wont get the message and get them at the VERY least moved form.

we really need some advice on what to do ..
any questions; just ask


15-11-2005, 06:37 PM
Go to another authority? Assistant Head or Deputy Head? Someone that is strict and respected.

I dunno, our Head of Year is very good; she would never have told you to try and sort it yourself and if someone dared to laugh about something like that in front of her she'd shout at them so loud the whole school would hear.

Our head of year can wipe a smile off anyones face ;). Respect to her :p.

15-11-2005, 06:39 PM
seriously we have been to the head teacher but nothing has been done, nothing is EVER done about bullying in our school

15-11-2005, 06:40 PM
Take whatever they do and return it twice as bad, only way to get it into stupid people like that.

15-11-2005, 06:43 PM
the thing is that we try doing that but we were called "bullies" by our head of year who actually told us to go and talk to them

thanks for the advice though ..

15-11-2005, 06:47 PM
Going to your head of year is a waste of your time, do what 8freak8 said, go to someone higher up or get your parents in.

15-11-2005, 06:55 PM
my mates dad is gonna phone ofsted if they dont do something nd all i can say is rock on to him!! :eusa_danc

15-11-2005, 06:56 PM
Another suggestion: knifes are going pretty cheap these days, stab and slash in abdomen usually shuts them up for me.

15-11-2005, 06:58 PM
Something you should also tell your Parents about.. (Or have you?)

15-11-2005, 07:00 PM
Yeah of course, they encourage it.

15-11-2005, 07:03 PM
Another suggestion: knifes are going pretty cheap these days, stab and slash in abdomen usually shuts them up for me.

I don't think that is a helpful comment.

15-11-2005, 07:05 PM
I don't think that is a helpful comment.

Hmm I dont care what you think, nice red rep block :)

15-11-2005, 07:07 PM
Hope you get this sorted soon, it's not happened to me before..

Although this girl was constantly bullied and left the school in my form, because the whole form bullied her..


Dan Williamson
15-11-2005, 07:13 PM
Go to another authority? Assistant Head or Deputy Head? Someone that is strict and respected.

I dunno, our Head of Year is very good; she would never have told you to try and sort it yourself and if someone dared to laugh about something like that in front of her she'd shout at them so loud the whole school would hear.

Our head of year can wipe a smile off anyones face ;). Respect to her :p.

My head of year rocks and threatens the lads if they bully someone then she'll chop of your privates and burn them in front of you.

( It's what happened to Guy Fawks ) She's also a little crazy but hilarious.

- Dan

15-11-2005, 07:50 PM
Another suggestion: knifes are going pretty cheap these days, stab and slash in abdomen usually shuts them up for me.

Shes trying to stop getting bullied, not go to a police cell =\

Perhaps contacting the police could help or the headteacher?

15-11-2005, 07:53 PM
Shes trying to stop getting bullied, not go to a police cell =\

Perhaps contacting the police could help or the headteacher?

Ok... get this... its this amazing new thing called SARCASM! So shut up in your face.

15-11-2005, 08:19 PM
well i feel sorry for u but i havent got any advice really! i mean u shud tell the school again if it happens even if they say the tiniest thing and if it dnt work i duno tell sum1 in the media! cos u no thats all newspapers and news are talkin bout u cud be like nuffins be done in my skl..that may sound stupid but good luck:eusa_shif

15-11-2005, 08:23 PM
i dont like seeing people being bullied.. its horrible

btw its national anti-bull week or summat next week or this week

15-11-2005, 08:24 PM
Name-calling? I can never understand how people can get so upset by this. I always think that people should be mature enough to ignore pathetic people who can't accept you for who they are. You shouldn't give them the satisfation of knowing they've got to you.

15-11-2005, 09:51 PM
Name-calling? I can never understand how people can get so upset by this. I always think that people should be mature enough to ignore pathetic people who can't accept you for who they are. You shouldn't give them the satisfation of knowing they've got to you.

Well said code, rise above there level and just ignore them, by reacting they've got what they want, a bit of attention.

15-11-2005, 09:58 PM
Name-calling? I can never understand how people can get so upset by this. I always think that people should be mature enough to ignore pathetic people who can't accept you for who they are. You shouldn't give them the satisfation of knowing they've got to you.
People know that they don't like 'bits' of themselves, and don't need other people to tell them that.

Sometimes people boil over and lash out.

15-11-2005, 10:00 PM
My head of year rocks and threatens the lads if they bully someone then she'll chop of your privates and burn them in front of you.

( It's what happened to Guy Fawks ) She's also a little crazy but hilarious.

- Dan
haha!! she sounds great!! its not really me who's being bullied so much its more my mate kel but they have been picking on all of us.

i wish i never held her back now and let her at 'em ..

15-11-2005, 10:14 PM
Bullying Its Hardly Sorted At Any Schools.


You Could Get Your Head Of House To Spy On Them Or Even Get A Teacher To Spy, Or Keep A Look Out For Them. If They Give You Evuls Then Just Blank Them Even If They Speek To You. Say To Your Form Tutor - If You Dont Sort This Out Them It Will Just Be Them Two In The Form Cos Everyone Has Been Drived Out By Them.

Get Someone To Record A Phone Call - Emails - Msn Convos Thn take them Into School To Show Your Head Of Year.

At My School We Dont Have A "Head Of Year" We Have Head Of House As We Have 4 Houses' - Webb - Darwin - Owen - Clive.

Hope This Helps A Timy Bit And Hope It Gets Sorted <3

15-11-2005, 10:20 PM
Go straight to your headteacher if none of the deputies will do anything. If the head does nothing then get your parents involved or contact your local council or education authority. The teachers shouldn't be ignoring you.

15-11-2005, 10:21 PM
Bullying never gets sorted out by teachers.. believe me.
If the bully is that much of a bully they're not going to listen to some 40 year old women telling them to stop.
The only way to get through these situations is standing up to them and when they start something walking away with your head held high. They will get bored soon enough, sure it annoys you. But you gotta remember, if you respond that will give them the satisfaction of knowing they intimidate you.

15-11-2005, 10:24 PM
Bullying never gets sorted out by teachers.. believe me.
If the bully is that much of a bully they're not going to listen to some 40 year old women telling them to stop.
The only way to get through these situations is standing up to them and when they start something walking away with your head held high. They will get bored soon enough, sure it annoys you. But you gotta remember, if you respond that will give them the satisfaction of knowing they intimidate you.

they must have pretty high unboredness levels as this has been going on for 3 years now .. but i do understand what you're saying so thanks to everyone for advice ..

15-11-2005, 11:05 PM
Okay, what is happening to you and your friends is abuse and it needs to stop immediately.

Get your parents to go up to school and have a good rant at the teachers, if the teachers don't take any actions then go to the police because the police will not egnore you and trust me the teachers WILL help if the police get involved.

If you don't wanna go to the police or tell your parents then write a letter to your LEA , most likely they will start an investigation into the matter.

When Ofsted come round, tell the inspecters too, because he or she will note bullying and probably make your school have an anti bullying campaign.

Hope this helps.

16-11-2005, 07:57 PM
Okay, what is happening to you and your friends is abuse and it needs to stop immediately.

Get your parents to go up to school and have a good rant at the teachers, if the teachers don't take any actions then go to the police because the police will not egnore you and trust me the teachers WILL help if the police get involved.

If you don't wanna go to the police or tell your parents then write a letter to your LEA , most likely they will start an investigation into the matter.

When Ofsted come round, tell the inspecters too, because he or she will note bullying and probably make your school have an anti bullying campaign.

Hope this helps.

1. EVERY ones parents has had a good rant at the teachers. a good rant at any teacher they can find.

2. my mate sorta kinda started the fight so i doubt the police would be too sympathetic for that incident

3. my mates dad is gonna phone ofsted and ask them to sort out this sorry excuse of a school.

4. our school does have an antinullying campaign. apparantly ..

5. thanks for the advice :)

17-11-2005, 02:16 PM
Tell your parents !

17-11-2005, 02:44 PM
Tell your parents, say what happened and what has been going on for 3 years. They should get bored soon, ignore them for the time being while your parents get more involved. Look on the bright side, what will they be when they're older if they carry on?

17-11-2005, 04:51 PM
Tell your parents, say what happened and what has been going on for 3 years. They should get bored soon, ignore them for the time being while your parents get more involved. Look on the bright side, what will they be when they're older if they carry on?

hahah they'll work in McDonaldsss ..

PS im adding to everyones rep- thanks for the advice

17-11-2005, 05:09 PM
lol its grey, Ill send you some for not dropping to there levels of petiness :)

17-11-2005, 05:17 PM
giv 'em a SMACK
if they hit harder go to the head teacher and say now ****ing expell em.

17-11-2005, 05:17 PM
Get your parents involved and tell them if it doesn't stop they'll take action, because the teachers aren't doing anything about it.
Laugh at the bullies.
If I was a teacher, I would take action.Pretty dumb teachers who don't

17-11-2005, 05:22 PM
Hmm YEAH!!
Thats the best thing 2 do ever.
Get ur parents in
Then they will take the pee even more.
SAyin you cant fight your own battles.

Dont let them ruin your lives.
You might get in too trouble but.
Fight back..

17-11-2005, 05:25 PM
Fight back..

i agreeeee.....

17-11-2005, 05:27 PM
Who's Fluffyyyyball
What ever you do
DONT get your parents 2 come in 2 school. That will give the bullies something else too pick on you for..

You might get in too trouble
A few detentions for fighting but tell your teacher its for self defence
and the bullies what ever there names are
Started it.

17-11-2005, 05:29 PM
DONT get your parents 2 come in 2 school. That will give the bullies something else too pick on you for..

You might get in too trouble
A few detentions for fighting but tell your teacher its for self defence
and the bullies what ever there names are
Started it.

i tottaly agree.
they should be stopped.
if your whole form is being bullied.
make a meeting or something and make a super-bully-hating alliance and TAKE EM DOWNN!!!!!

20-11-2005, 08:12 PM
i tottaly agree.
they should be stopped.
if your whole form is being bullied.
make a meeting or something and make a super-bully-hating alliance and TAKE EM DOWNN!!!!!

hahah!! we shall do that!! but the thing is when this happened most of the class were eating their lunch and yet they were called bullies :s for eatine their LUNCH?! we have right to eat Miss Ribolzi ya know ..

13-12-2005, 09:46 PM
If the school are not doing anythign about it, report it to the police.

14-12-2005, 12:42 AM
Our school is very serious about bullying. These girls should seriously think about who the hell they think they are. Anyway, how old are they? Isn't it a bit childish throwing conkors?

14-12-2005, 04:31 PM
Sorry But Realy what can We Do? Eh? Most people would say on here tell a teahcer ect But its Not Good Advice , If tehy cant do any thing we cant i am sorry to say . And How did they get your msn and Phone numbers :S ?

14-12-2005, 04:39 PM
Lmao i know 'Conkers' If i was going to bully someone i wouldent throw conkers. But like haven't you got any cousins that could at LEAST threaten them ?

16-12-2005, 05:55 PM
oh ive been there, teachers dont seem to like me. Some teachers hav eit in for me, and i know how it feels, i swing for people when they pee me off too

16-12-2005, 06:18 PM
Try and get the police involved, it's all diferent types of abuse, schools have to stick to the lawqs of expelsion and supsension. This is what ticks me off you see, the goverment are so busy sending in troops to Afghanistan to fight America's battles, when they should be creating new laws to prevent serious bullying such as this!

17-12-2005, 02:29 PM
Name-calling? I can never understand how people can get so upset by this. I always think that people should be mature enough to ignore pathetic people who can't accept you for who they are. You shouldn't give them the satisfation of knowing they've got to you.

It's not so easy to ignore sometimes. Sometimes you get the feeling you have to get revenge.

17-12-2005, 09:36 PM
Get someone to threaten them :) Like give them a phone call, it'll scare them
e.g. an older bro, a cousin, a friend from 6 form
I've never been bullied so I dunno what to expect really but I have older bros and older cousins and know a lot of older people who look after me O : )

11-03-2006, 11:27 PM
guys i do want to say i thank you all so much for your advice, i really appreciate the fact that you've taken the time to leave a comment but nothing ever happens, we have to have a policewoman come into our form every week and then when we tell her that we're not happy, she just pushes it to one side.
On a positive note, i'm not gonna let them bully me out of my lovely form or my school "with the anti-bullying campaign". and for all of you that just said ignore them and then the fight wouldnt have happened [people at school have been saying thats why it happened, we should have ignored it] well its a load of rubbish. bullies say something to you, you say nothing but a tiny part of your self confidence is ripped away, and then another, and another and so on .. if we had kept on ignoring them, we would have felt like a bit of dirt on their shoes, being trodden down, time and time again.

wow thats quite poetic. lol. I'm not gonna let them get me down though.
THANKS for the advice

12-03-2006, 12:16 AM
way to bump :8

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