View Full Version : The hobba's answer

21-11-2005, 03:09 PM
As the facts saying that hobbas going off on the end of 2005, I was browing on habbo, and asked a very good hobba friend of mine what he/she think about it. (I keep his/her name as "Anonimus" to not get him/her on Troubles =D)

First, I asked him/her how do he/she feel for won't being a hobba anymore.


At the begining, he/she said nothing, so I started asking for details :p lolz


But it wasn't enough, so I asked him/her to tell me one more little detail. So he/she said the final and the most important thingie:


Maybe a new System?
Maybe something else?

only time will tell :) :rolleyes:

21-11-2005, 03:11 PM
ooooooooooooooooooooo!!! and i MeAn oooOoOoooOOooOoO!
Interesting stuff, nice reseach kobi :)

21-11-2005, 03:15 PM
interesting how this could just be a rumour and it gets posted..

21-11-2005, 03:15 PM
I'm afraid i'll have to go with Sox on this one.

21-11-2005, 03:16 PM
This is true, sometime in the next year or so, there will be new teams on habbo that certain ex hobbas might be managing.

I do have proof but I can't post it on the forum :(
If you don't belive me, then you will just have to wait and see for yourselves.

21-11-2005, 03:17 PM
I'm afraid i'll have to go with Sox on this one.

whilst hobbas are not renound for lieing many of the team does enjoy a good joke from time to time. dont believe everything you see and read.

obviously im not trying to say its true or not true just making sure you dont all gets your hopes up if it doesnt happen.

21-11-2005, 03:17 PM
Could be a normal member(as you've blanked it out), who was the Hobba?

21-11-2005, 03:19 PM
There is alot more going to happen, not just habboX's :/ and Sox don't post like you know so much about it because seens as you got debadged before Sulake made there desicion to end the hobba programme, you have just as much info as the rest of us.

21-11-2005, 03:21 PM
There is alot more going to happen, not just habboX's :/ and Sox don't post like you know so much about it because seens as you got debadged before Sulake made there desicion to end the hobba programme, you have just as much info as the rest of us.

I thought he still was a hobba?

21-11-2005, 03:23 PM
Nope he got debadged a while ago for abusing his powers, it's sad if you think about it still pretending to be a hobba....

EDIT: ask him to show you his badge on habbo and he won't, and the only reason his name is still on the hobba list is because it hasn't been updated in months.

21-11-2005, 03:23 PM
Sox didn't get debadged :s

21-11-2005, 03:24 PM
whilst hobbas are not renound for lieing many of the team does enjoy a good joke from time to time. dont believe everything you see and read.

obviously im not trying to say its true or not true just making sure you dont all gets your hopes up if it doesnt happen.
I'm not getting any hopes up over habbo, For i care it could close.

21-11-2005, 03:24 PM
Nope he got debadged a while ago for abusing his powers, it's sad if you think about it still pretending to be a hobba....

EDIT: ask him to show you his badge on habbo and he won't, and the only reason his name is still on the hobba list is because it hasn't been updated in months.

Hmm, I heard about that but wasn't sure if its true.

21-11-2005, 03:25 PM
It is true ask him to show you his badge on habbo, if he say's no then it's obvious....

21-11-2005, 03:26 PM
whilst hobbas are not renound for lieing many of the team does enjoy a good joke from time to time. dont believe everything you see and read.

obviously im not trying to say its true or not true just making sure you dont all gets your hopes up if it doesnt happen.

This coming from the debadged hobba.. intresting..:rolleyes:

21-11-2005, 03:27 PM
Nope he got debadged a while ago for abusing his powers, it's sad if you think about it still pretending to be a hobba....

ive actually just proved to anflex that i am aware of what is happening and believe you and me throughout december you will see me with all the other hobbas partying :)

if you wish to continue talking about my badge being 'removed' or me 'abuse' my powers please go here:


or alternatively you can go to the hobba list located on the FAQ section


alternatively you can private message me about it if you believe you know more about my badge than i do

21-11-2005, 03:30 PM
And how are we to believe you are not just someone who came on this forum and made an account, and started pretending you were a hobba.

21-11-2005, 03:30 PM
ive actually just proved to anflex that i am aware of what is happening

He speaks the truth. He does know what is going on, however the proof he showed me does't proove that he is a hobba.

The Stapler
21-11-2005, 03:30 PM
ive actually just proved to anflex that i am aware of what is happening and believe you and me throughout december you will see me with all the other hobbas partying :)

if you wish to continue talking about my badge being 'removed' or me 'abuse' my powers please go here:


or alternatively you can go to the hobba list located on the FAQ section


alternatively you can private message me about it if you believe you know more about my badge than i do

No it's more simple, you show us your badge on habbo, that's all. But you don't have one so no point. :p

21-11-2005, 03:31 PM
or alternatively you can go to the hobba list located on the FAQ section

EDIT: ask him to show you his badge on habbo and he won't, and the only reason his name is still on the hobba list is because it hasn't been updated in months.

Like i said it hasn't been updated in months.

Okay if you're so sure come to HPD on habbohotel.co.uk and show everyone your badge everyone else coem aswell okay.

21-11-2005, 03:32 PM
No it's more simple, you show us your badge on habbo, that's all. But you don't have one so no point. :p

The point now isn't his badge. Don't go off topic.
And by the way, Trust me that it's the real Sox.

21-11-2005, 03:33 PM
He speaks the truth. He does know what is going on, however the proof he showed me does't proove that he is a hobba.

What did he show to prove?? I guess it wasn't his badge.. or you would have said he actually was one.. i mean.. he clearly isn't if he isn't able to show is badge :) idiot!

21-11-2005, 03:33 PM

The point now isn't his badge. Don't go off topic.
And by the way, Trust me that it's the real Sox.

you make a good point.. all i can say is next year will be eXciting :)

21-11-2005, 03:33 PM
I just asked him to show me his badge in the Welcome lounge and he didn't reply. :s

21-11-2005, 03:35 PM
Don't be to long we're waiting and to your comment about the list...

The list hasn't been modified in months. They stopped modifying the list because of all the hobbas getting "owned" by the people who obtained there pass's in hk.

Example : gringle is still on the list but he handed in his badge just after the HK breaches...

21-11-2005, 03:37 PM
I just sent a call for help saying "Could a Mod please tell me if "Sox" is a hobba or not?"

I got the alert shown below:


Says it all.

21-11-2005, 03:37 PM
all i can say is next year will be eXciting :)

fgs dude stop speaking like you know about the future event's because you know nothing....

21-11-2005, 03:39 PM
fgs dude stop speaking like you know about the future event's because you know nothing....

He does know what is going on, he has seen a recent email sent to all UK hobbas, the same one I have seen.

He does know whats going on, but he is not a hobba.

21-11-2005, 03:40 PM
Lmao sox sthu, your not a hobba! :) Imagine being debadged :\ must have messed up big time! :)

Thanx for that anflex :)

21-11-2005, 03:42 PM

before you start going 'haha owned' please take note of the currently in that sentence

Lmao sox sthu, your not a hobba! Imagine being debadged :\ must have messed up big time!

Thanx for that anflex

actually all hobbas got debadged back when HK was attacked just several of us never got our powers back as of yet however we are still on the database as hobbas just without the badge thus why we are still on the hobba list

alot of you are trying to act like you know how habbo work the hobba system but over the past month practically everything has changed to what we are used to.

21-11-2005, 03:43 PM
Lmao and?? Your not a hobba but you keep pretending you are THATS the point. As i said debadged.. even if hobbas were staying you wouldn't deserve the badge back!

Not the "super hobba" anymore.. maybe you should think about removing them from your signature and avatar :) since you clearly aren't a hobba!

21-11-2005, 03:45 PM
yes currently which means they cannot recieve calls. Come on come to HPD and show us your badge

Note: Don't try and use that alert to say that you don't have a badge because i have justed asked a few hobbas on messenger and they still have there badges.

21-11-2005, 03:49 PM
Lmao and?? Your not a hobba but you keep pretending you are THATS the point. As i said debadged.. even if hobbas were staying you wouldn't deserve the badge back!

Not the "super hobba" anymore.. maybe you should think about removing them from your signature and avatar :) since you clearly aren't a hobba!


read my post properly and you will find out why i still have the signature and avatar

yes currently which means they cannot recieve calls.

no hobbas can mate. also read my post on the page before for more information. all hobbas are able to clarify this :)

21-11-2005, 03:51 PM
Dude your not a hobba.. all the evidence proves this! End of!

21-11-2005, 03:51 PM
no hobbas can mate. also read my post on the page before for more information. all hobbas are able to clarify this :)

He's right, all hobba's have been unable to take calls for 2-3 weeks now.

21-11-2005, 03:52 PM
[ Gay little image of the EX-hobba ]

Super Hobba on Habbo UK

that's your sig which is incorrect you are not a hobba anymore and you won't be one in future times. The fact is you got debadged before they decided to end the hobba programme

21-11-2005, 03:53 PM
Dude your not a hobba.. all the evidence proves this! End of!

as i dont want to continue talking about this as your ruining a good thread i will agree with the final part to stop arguements.

that's your sig which is incorrect you are not a hobba anymore and you won't be one in future times. The fact is you got debadged before they decided to end the hobba programme

im tired of this topic now i really am. if you read my post in page three that explains what is happening but if you are too ignorant to bother paying attention then i am done talking about this.

the end of the discussion is that whilst i currently do not have a badge i am still on the database as a registered hobba

21-11-2005, 03:55 PM
I think Kobi should lock it :P

21-11-2005, 03:56 PM
He's right, all hobba's have been unable to take calls for 2-3 weeks now.

I didn't say they are able to take calls, read it clearly..

I said they CANNOT take calls

21-11-2005, 03:57 PM
Hey Asher,

Sox is no longer apart of the Hobba team, I cannot discuss reasons for his depature. As for the list, it has yet to be updated. Blame GlitterKat! ;)


21-11-2005, 03:59 PM
Thankyou for that ash. urm Sox i think you've been owned?

21-11-2005, 04:02 PM
I didn't say they are able to take calls, read it clearly..

I said they CANNOT take calls

And was I directing that comment at you?

No... don't assume that everything that is said on a forum is directed at you. Don't flatter yourself.

21-11-2005, 04:03 PM
Noone else has posted about calls....

21-11-2005, 04:05 PM
Yes I know, they didn't need to. I was just saying that he was right in general. Not directing it anyone.

21-11-2005, 04:08 PM
I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't sent anyone any
email about you at all.


lies get you nowhere. i have forwarded her to this thread address so she can view it herself.

21-11-2005, 04:10 PM
lies get you nowhere. i have forwarded her to this thread address so she can view it herself.

Good on ya'.

21-11-2005, 04:10 PM
Anyone can make stuff up, idiot.

The fact is you've been misleading people,
you got DEMOTED for power abuse. get over it loser.

21-11-2005, 04:11 PM
"actually all hobbas got debadged back when HK was attacked just several of us never got our powers back as of yet however we are still on the database as hobbas just without the badge thus why we are still on the hobba list"

Funny.. i seen alot of hobbas with the badges :) your the only one who i haven't seen with theirs. Um.. and the point we tried to make was you wouldn't admit you didn't have your badge :) I don't give a flying F... if your still on the system.. your debadged, and you finally admitted it, which i'm happy about now.. so am not saying anymore on this:eusa_danc Unless someone says something even more intresting on it.. :)

21-11-2005, 04:12 PM
Asheer 590 and the other dude, You all are childish you need to grow up what if he isnt hobba anymore for are all you know they can bring some new thing up and he gets that then bans you for comeing up to him on habbo talking smack
You 3 are noobs Sox knows way more about the system then yall do yall have never been a hobba

21-11-2005, 04:13 PM
lies get you nowhere. i have forwarded her to this thread address so she can view it herself.

LMAO! Listen to you! Your the one who lied this whole time you effin' idiot! You kept trying to say you were a hobba.. which you WERE but you got debadged you idiot. So anyone's lying it's you!

21-11-2005, 04:14 PM
LOL... wow, understatement. Being on Habbo for close to 5 years and all, and being extremely close with the first head hobba, Cindy I tend to know my stuff. Oh, and you still haven't learnt, anyone still using the term 'noob' is a friggin ****. Go home, please.

21-11-2005, 04:15 PM
Asheer 590 and the other dude, You all are childish you need to grow up what if he isnt hobba anymore for are all you know they can bring some new thing up and he gets that then bans you for comeing up to him on habbo talking smack
You 3 are noobs Sox knows way more about the system then yall do yall have never been a hobba

I think you need to touch up on your grammar mate ;)

And why call them noobs? You have no idea how long they have been using Habbo...

21-11-2005, 04:16 PM
Asheer 590 and the other dude, You all are childish you need to grow up what if he isnt hobba anymore for are all you know they can bring some new thing up and he gets that then bans you for comeing up to him on habbo talking smack
You 3 are noobs Sox knows way more about the system then yall do yall have never been a hobba

Um.. the annoying part was the fact he wouldn't admit he didn't have his badge anymore! And he's getting the abuse for lying.. wow he knows the system BIG DEAL! nobody's talking about the effin system.. it's the fact he lied about the badge!

21-11-2005, 04:16 PM
Lmao i hate when people lie about being on habbo a sum of years
whens its actually lower then that
even if you did idiot, that was 5 years ago the system has changed in a vast movement, And you are a noob thats a statement you can be on habbo for 1 million years and still be a noob

21-11-2005, 04:16 PM
590, ya. He is just too egotistical to admit defeat, and the fact that he is still acting as a Hobba, and acting as if he is superior to all of us, which if he was a true Hobba, he wouldn't do it anyway.

21-11-2005, 04:17 PM
Oh, and don't forget to use the call for help is he impersonates being a Hobba on Habbo guys!

21-11-2005, 04:18 PM
Lmao i hate when people lie about being on habbo a sum of years
whens its actually lower then that
even if you did idiot, that was 5 years ago the system has changed in a vast movement, And you are a noob thats a statement you can be on habbo for 1 million years and still be a noob

Can you stop trying to inflame the situation please. If you have nothing constructive to say, don't bother posting.

21-11-2005, 04:21 PM
You were just arguing with them so how can you be such a hypocrit to come on to me when i speak the facts

21-11-2005, 04:21 PM
Lmao i hate when people lie about being on habbo a sum of years
whens its actually lower then that
even if you did idiot, that was 5 years ago the system has changed in a vast movement, And you are a noob thats a statement you can be on habbo for 1 million years and still be a noob

Maybe do some research kiddo, this is the bit where I kinda 'own' you?

Asher = 6772 Habbo registered

howdy = 19089 Habbo registered

As for you buddy you're what? 6718305

I'm expecting the old chestnut, BUT ITZ NOT MY FIRST HABBO?!1


21-11-2005, 04:21 PM
If he admit's that he is not a hobba and stop's acting like he is one, then we'll leave the thread, no problem.

21-11-2005, 04:21 PM
Lmao i hate when people lie about being on habbo a sum of years
whens its actually lower then that
even if you did idiot, that was 5 years ago the system has changed in a vast movement, And you are a noob thats a statement you can be on habbo for 1 million years and still be a noob

Sthu.. :\ you could be lying about how long you've been on habbo!..You trust who you wanna.. and you ignore those that you don't trust..

21-11-2005, 04:21 PM
Maybe do some research kiddo, this is the bit where I kinda 'own' you?

Asher = 6772 Habbo registered

howdy = 19089 Habbo registered

As for you buddy you're what? 6718305

I'm expecting the old chestnut, BUT ITZ NOT MY FIRST HABBO?!1
Lmao where did you get that info from? i joined in 2002 so its kinda wierd that my number would be that high when uk was released in 01

21-11-2005, 04:22 PM

to find out your credits code, aka the number your Habbo was registered.

21-11-2005, 04:26 PM
You were just arguing with them so how can you be such a hypocrit to come on to me when i speak the facts

I wasn't argueing with them, we were exchanging opinions. I wasn't insulting them was I, like you.

21-11-2005, 04:26 PM
Lmao yes my habbo is new..who cares :\.. i do have older habbos.. and you can sit there and say am talking bs all you want.. doesn't actually bother me :\

21-11-2005, 04:30 PM
lmao, Bad repping me because you know i'm right?

21-11-2005, 04:31 PM
I think this is the bit where you get ''owned''
This doesnt seem right the ash
i made a clone account 3 months ago the number is


So thats saying callie been on habbo for like a couple months????

21-11-2005, 04:32 PM
:S Is this news? And do we have proof those messages are real?

21-11-2005, 04:35 PM
... i guess ash got owned, Said i did but looks like you were wronh ash

21-11-2005, 04:37 PM
This doesnt seem right the ash
i made a clone account 3 months ago the number is


So thats saying callie been on habbo for like a couple months????

Any code usually with a 0 in it means the account has been registered during 2002. If theres more depending on how many the account can be 2001, or early 2002. Thats how the codes work. If theres no 0's the account is pretty new, I'd say a year max in most cases.

As for Callie, it was registered by Impetuous so it's a new Habbo. Theres still a few thousand between your clone and Callie anyway.

Oh back on topic. Sox got demoted, end off.

21-11-2005, 04:45 PM
the list still has avadakedvra on it and he is habbo X and handed his badge in a few months ago

The Stapler
21-11-2005, 04:48 PM
as i dont want to continue talking about this as your ruining a good thread i will agree with the final part to stop arguements.

im tired of this topic now i really am. if you read my post in page three that explains what is happening but if you are too ignorant to bother paying attention then i am done talking about this.

the end of the discussion is that whilst i currently do not have a badge i am still on the database as a registered hobba

Show me your users Fuse Propperties then I'll believe your a registerd Hobba.

21-11-2005, 04:52 PM
Show me your users Fuse Propperties then I'll believe your a registerd Hobba.

he wouldnt know how to do that:rolleyes:

21-11-2005, 05:05 PM
... i guess ash got owned, Said i did but looks like you were wronh ash

How did ash get owned, he hasn't been blowed out, he's still right....

21-11-2005, 05:06 PM
sox has been banned from habbo..
I couldnt tell you why but if you require proof I could..

21-11-2005, 05:13 PM
Haha, it appears so.

21-11-2005, 05:14 PM
interesting how this could just be a rumour and it gets posted..

http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6892/rumours18ed.png (http://imageshack.us)

21-11-2005, 05:15 PM
sox has been banned from habbo..
I couldnt tell you why but if you require proof I could..

cause i want to... proove it:D

21-11-2005, 05:20 PM
before you start going 'haha owned' please take note of the currently in that sentence

actually all hobbas got debadged back when HK was attacked just several of us never got our powers back as of yet however we are still on the database as hobbas just without the badge [B]thus why we are still on the hobba list[B]

alot of you are trying to act like you know how habbo work the hobba system but over the past month practically everything has changed to what we are used to.

No actualy it just hasn't been updated as sweetpinky handed her badge in a while ago, and dont say she just hasnt got her powers and badge back yet, as she is a good friend of mine and she hasn't been taken off the list.

21-11-2005, 05:28 PM
lol @ my perm ban

21-11-2005, 05:44 PM
why were you banned?

Ziploc Bag
21-11-2005, 05:49 PM
I'm afraid i'll have to go with Sox on this one.

21-11-2005, 05:59 PM
Lmao you got permed? ahaha

21-11-2005, 06:18 PM
why were you banned?

Most likly for impersonating a hobba ;)

21-11-2005, 06:25 PM
Banned? Oh.. not so smart now are you?? :) Reporting this thread to bec's.. and look who has the ban!:o Enjoy ;)

21-11-2005, 06:26 PM
This eXciting event will arrive on Habbo Hotel Denmark this Wednesday ;) [NOTE: Not Habbo eXperts ;)]

21-11-2005, 06:32 PM
Nope he got debadged a while ago for abusing his powers, it's sad if you think about it still pretending to be a hobba....

EDIT: ask him to show you his badge on habbo and he won't, and the only reason his name is still on the hobba list is because it hasn't been updated in months.
I saw Sox in the Welcome Lounge about 2 days ago, He had a Hobba Badge..

21-11-2005, 06:33 PM
thing is, for 3 weeks i fooled over 300 people into thinking i was Sean/Sox

lol... stupid idiots

I saw Sox in the Welcome Lounge about 2 days ago, He had a Hobba Badge..

LOL! the account has been debadged for weeks!

21-11-2005, 06:33 PM
If that's true then why has he just been permed for impersonating a hobba ?

21-11-2005, 06:35 PM
Ah ok my mistake. :) I thought i saw the Account with a Hobba badge. but sorry anyway

21-11-2005, 06:35 PM
thing is, for 3 weeks i fooled over 300 people into thinking i was Sean/Sox

lol... stupid idiots

LOL! the account has been debadged for weeks!

Um wow.. your cool.. not:s :s :s

21-11-2005, 06:38 PM
Un thanks for the bad rep that came out grey so your the idiot.

21-11-2005, 06:41 PM
Nice info tho :D

The Stapler
21-11-2005, 07:36 PM
thing is, for 3 weeks i fooled over 300 people into thinking i was Sean/Sox

lol... stupid idiots

LOL! the account has been debadged for weeks!

I wish I was like you when I'm older..

21-11-2005, 07:37 PM
All thats happening is Habbo Xs and more Mods.


21-11-2005, 07:40 PM
Hmm great news, very interesting.

21-11-2005, 09:21 PM
Hmm. I Read All the Thread It Was Amusing Lmao

21-11-2005, 09:31 PM
http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6892/rumours18ed.png (http://imageshack.us)

Lmao that's what i was thinking.
And does anyone actually remember what this thread was about? It's kinda turned into a debate about whether Sox is a hobba or not.

21-11-2005, 10:22 PM

Sox... Shut up please :) First off... If your not sox youve not fooled over 300 peeps... coz ive never really thought you were
if you really are sox.. and i dnt think you are... But if you are you got owned, permed and now your trying to turn it round and say your not him so you dont look a fool

yes your not the sharpest knife in the drawer.... i wud say your blunter than a spoon ;)


I think i know what is happening ;)

I can;t reveal it yet as its still being cleared by the habbo staff and the people [And site ;)] Involved.

But i can say this.... The people[ AND SITE ;)Bigger Wink] involved are trying to get it sorted and running by January 06


Please note that this may NOT be the only thing that is happening.

But i have heard this and had conformation of it though ;)

I cant post proof otherwise it may mess up my chances ... [Saying no more]

But wait till Jan to see what im talking about :)

21-11-2005, 10:23 PM

you make a good point.. all i can say is next year will be eXciting :)


Sorry, can we just get a clear view on what Habbo Staff (or ex) considers "eXciting"?

21-11-2005, 10:24 PM

Sorry, can we just get a clear view on what Habbo Staff (or ex) considers "eXciting"?

owned ;)

21-11-2005, 10:30 PM
A-thank-you :8

21-11-2005, 10:36 PM
is he a super hobbo

21-11-2005, 10:44 PM
A-thank-you :8


22-11-2005, 02:03 AM
is he a super hobbo
He is a Super Jerk

22-11-2005, 04:14 AM
He is a Super Jerk

Jealous ones envy..

22-11-2005, 05:04 AM
Jealous ones envy..

Another one :rolleyes:

22-11-2005, 05:52 AM
Ok. Everybody get rid of Sox. Your spamming this thread for about 10 pages, and i'm not gonna carry them. If you wanna desscus about Sox talk with him, and not behind his back.

Now back to topic.

le harry
22-11-2005, 06:02 AM
Wow, Interesting :)

22-11-2005, 05:02 PM
My comment wasn't aimed at Sox in particular :P

22-11-2005, 05:04 PM
Could be a normal member(as you've blanked it out), who was the Hobba?

22-11-2005, 05:56 PM
lol u didnt think the hotel could be ran by 1 mod after hobbas were removed?
There will be some backup-team i bet.

22-11-2005, 05:58 PM
So there is NO proof that the message was actually sent by a Hobba?

29-11-2005, 03:16 AM

29-11-2005, 03:33 AM
Habbo rnt stupid you know their probaly make bots with good powers and hire loads mro mods

29-11-2005, 03:53 AM
Could have been anyone,anytime,anyplace.
Let`s not all jump to this one.

29-11-2005, 05:54 AM
i cant say wether or not its true, but i dont think there should be mor organizations around habbo. the hobbas were bad enough (no offence) , cause i got scammed like 10 times and all they replied bak was, USE THE HABBO HELP TOOL, i got so annoyewd that they r so lazy to do their job. I say the post ia a fake tho. because shes posted alot of things and just wants attention, none of it is true tho.
my fansite
go now>>>

29-11-2005, 12:50 PM
LOL! Hobbas can't help you because you get scammed - it's your fault not THEIRS!

29-11-2005, 01:22 PM
lol u didnt think the hotel could be ran by 1 mod after hobbas were removed?
There will be some backup-team i bet.

Lets hope so! :)

29-11-2005, 01:24 PM
As the facts saying that hobbas going off on the end of 2005, I was browing on habbo, and asked a very good hobba friend of mine what he/she think about it. (I keep his/her name as "Anonimus" to not get him/her on Troubles =D)

First, I asked him/her how do he/she feel for won't being a hobba anymore.


At the begining, he/she said nothing, so I started asking for details :p lolz


But it wasn't enough, so I asked him/her to tell me one more little detail. So he/she said the final and the most important thingie:


Maybe a new System?
Maybe something else?

only time will tell :) :rolleyes:

Rep added, :p

02-01-2006, 11:21 AM
Rep added, :p

Thanks. Let's see now what will happen.

02-01-2006, 11:22 AM
Why'd it get bumped o_O

02-01-2006, 11:23 AM
Why'd it get bumped o_O

It wasn't bumped for nothing. It's releated for the current situation.

02-01-2006, 11:24 AM
Oh okay then. But it got bumped by this guy named Sox or something :S

02-01-2006, 11:26 AM
Intresting Find !!
Also someone said this was a rumour and you post it in here why?
Well if you look this forum is called News & RUMOURS

02-01-2006, 11:28 AM
Intresting Find !!
Also someone said this was a rumour and you post it in here why?
Well if you look this forum is called News & RUMOURS

Correct :rolleyes:

02-01-2006, 11:49 AM
Sox why doy ou have Super Hobba on Habbo UK in your sig edit it because you got debadged, also stop talking as if you know everything you got debadged.

02-01-2006, 03:28 PM
Jamie, Sox hasn't posted for ages..

02-01-2006, 06:57 PM
Jamie, Sox hasn't posted for ages..

Also Sox is a scammer :)

02-01-2006, 07:27 PM
As the facts saying that hobbas going off on the end of 2005, I was browing on habbo, and asked a very good hobba friend of mine what he/she think about it. (I keep his/her name as "Anonimus" to not get him/her on Troubles =D)

First, I asked him/her how do he/she feel for won't being a hobba anymore.


At the begining, he/she said nothing, so I started asking for details :p lolz


But it wasn't enough, so I asked him/her to tell me one more little detail. So he/she said the final and the most important thingie:


Maybe a new System?
Maybe something else?

only time will tell :) :rolleyes:

Intresting News. +Rep (Gotta spread :l I repped you the otherday)

interesting how this could just be a rumour and it gets posted..

And this is News AND Rumours. So why shouldn't it be posted?

02-01-2006, 07:29 PM
interesting how this could just be a rumour and it gets posted..
signature , undername , avatar ? your not a hobba ?

02-01-2006, 07:32 PM
Habbo L
Found this while browsing about. Could be another type of thingy to replace Hobbas

02-01-2006, 07:45 PM
I Think that Means Leader Cos Therwes A Post Saying Habbo Replacing some Hobbas with Leaders For The X's

The Professor
02-01-2006, 08:03 PM
Habbo L
Found this while browsing about. Could be another type of thingy to replace Hobbas

HabboL is habboX in spain

02-01-2006, 08:43 PM
Funny.. i seen alot of hobbas with the badges :) your the only one who i haven't seen with theirs. Um.. and the point we tried to make was you wouldn't admit you didn't have your badge :)

Why the smiles? you trying to be over friendly or somthing? quite a few Hobbas i know havent had there badges back...

02-01-2006, 09:06 PM
As the facts saying that hobbas going off on the end of 2005, I was browing on habbo, and asked a very good hobba friend of mine what he/she think about it. (I keep his/her name as "Anonimus" to not get him/her on Troubles =D)

First, I asked him/her how do he/she feel for won't being a hobba anymore.


At the begining, he/she said nothing, so I started asking for details :p lolz


But it wasn't enough, so I asked him/her to tell me one more little detail. So he/she said the final and the most important thingie:


Maybe a new System?
Maybe something else?

only time will tell :) :rolleyes:

Hmmm... Interesting stuff.

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