View Full Version : Most Embarrasssing Thing Ever In Your Life

23-11-2005, 12:59 AM
What is the most embarrassing thing ever happened to you in you life?
Mines so embarrassing for even other people to know but I'll tell you.
In year 4 (ages ago) I was a main singer along with another girl in a Lil Babyish band called the Crazy Bad Band and we sang really dodgey song that made are teachers mouths drop open in school concerts. 5 years on people still walk by and say Crazy Bad Band.
Even happened today!
Off topic: Me and the girl who where the main singer went are for 3 years and are now just bezzie mates :D
Originalities / Dazza

23-11-2005, 01:39 AM
Hmmm... Too Many Times.

1. I was on holiday and there was a teacher I was madly in love with. I went on holiday the week of the Valentines assembly. My mate rang me up saying that she hadnt done a card to him [They read them out in front of a full school assembly] On the Friday. At about 4 o'clock i get a text "mwaha ah aha" I as thinking huh! My best mate rang me up saying that my whole Humanities class did it. I came back to School everyone was laughing at me.

2. The teacher I madly fancy this yea [different to the one above] well, I was stood right next to him, because couldnt draw something so I begged him untill he did it. The rest of the class got on a convo about ****ing and barbie. One of my other mates shouts; "Laura I Know who You wanna **** the person whos infront of you!" I was like "NO SIR SHE DIDNT JUST SAY THAT IGNORE THAT!!!" He laughed. Because His desk was over by me and all of my mates he came over and my mate said whats your dream wedding he answered and she goes "There you go Laura keep that in mind". Me and sir started talking loads. My mate butts in and said sir have you heard about Lauras fantasy present for a guy. He said "no why". My mate Said.. "For crimbo She'll get you - a monkey thong with a bana sticking out of its mouth." He couldnt stop laughing for the next 5 mins. I was like Embaressed Loads.

I still talk to both these teachers Lmao.

23-11-2005, 01:46 AM
not alot of embarrassing things happen to me, really. "/

23-11-2005, 01:57 AM
I sung Kiss - I wanna rock and roll all night at my aunts wedding infront of hundreds of people.

23-11-2005, 02:26 AM
1 - When i was about 10 i remember having this bad habbit of kicking my shoe off and see how high it would go, went to high and went on the school roof and i had to weard these really icky pair of sandals for the rest of the day!

2 - Washing my hair yesterday while this guy i adore waited outside and i fell in the shower cause this thing i held onto snapped and looked like a wet myself :P

24-11-2005, 02:11 PM
Keep 'em coming. I need a good laugh right now :P

Ziploc Bag
24-11-2005, 03:37 PM
I sung Kiss - I wanna rock and roll all night at my aunts wedding infront of hundreds of people.

this made me laugh

honestly i dont let embarrassment get to me so it doesnt bother me "/

24-11-2005, 03:40 PM
Walking Into a Lampost And Saying sorry.
I Had My Eyes Closed [Dont ask] :P

24-11-2005, 03:47 PM
My dad being drunk and on the bus with all my friends home from a dance (I was sick)
There was no seats so he sat on my friend Shona's knee, and had an interesting conversation with an ex boy friend -

My dad: "whos that?" (he points at Michael}
Ann Marie : "helens ex boyfriend"
dad : "haha, that ones a bit iffy eh?"
Michael : "im a bit what?"
My Dad : "well ... our helen isnt completly convinced you're straight."

All my friends totally love my dad now "/ It was awful

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