View Full Version : Depression - The Happy Subject - Take Two

23-11-2005, 08:01 PM
Depression is a Form Of Mind, Its a Negitive View Of Life

Most People Would Go "Duh" At that

Anyone Who Suffers From Depression Unless Exstremily bad won't kill themselves but will "self harm" which involves scratchs themselfs or cutting in hidden areas.

If you no someone who does then just make sure they no your there for them and are someone they can yell if it makes them feel better (yelling is actually quite good, once you've yelled at someone the stress goes for a wihle)

i no most of this because i hav a very complicated past and i just no...

I have many friends who are in the same situation infact some seek help from professionals but we team up and stick together to try and keep happy!

Most Depression is During Teenage Years and Is Over a Family Event Or Boy/Girl friend troubles

All Depression Can be Cured, but If you are there forsomeone remeber if you think there in danger, make sure your in the way between life and death

this is a pointless Post but anyone whos worried about a friend whos depressed / Needs advice or is Depressed theres someone info above that might help, or you could go to the Famous Google Engine and Find More Detailed Info ... Or You Could PM me , I Can Make Anyone Laugh ....

"As its a illness that affects your mind, its difficult to drag yourself away from your condition. Again, confidence plays a key factor in this cycle, gaining it is difficult. As I've explained many times, exercise is the best for it, I won't go in in depth with it because I've said it about a hundred times ;)" As Posted By Nekkle

This is the New Updated Post, Compared to the Previous that was Made By Me, If U Have Something that you think could help others, post it on the end of this one. What ever you think will Help

Many Thanx


29-11-2005, 02:55 PM
i used to have alot of bad sides in my life and started selfharming myself but its not worth it.you get wound over it then stop with cuts right down your arm.

03-12-2005, 12:26 PM
I don't know what depression is like, I hop to never find out. Can't you get soem kind of help though?

03-12-2005, 01:24 PM
I don't know what depression is like, I hop to never find out. Can't you get soem kind of help though?
Help varies I suppose to whether the sufferer is in a bad state or not? Theres lots of help that can help prevent depression, it can be a touchy subject to tickle because the person suffering could be in such a state, there not mentally aware/fit to talk about there depression.

03-12-2005, 01:26 PM
school used 2 depress me loads

03-12-2005, 01:37 PM
school used 2 depress me loads
Alot of stress occurs from school, I used to be really stressed out at school, especially in year 10-11 :$

03-12-2005, 01:46 PM
Not all depression can be cured btw. It can stay with you for life. The docters are worried im going to be on anti depressants for life.

03-12-2005, 01:47 PM
Gah i get really stressed out and depressed sometimes, i'm in year 11, i worry about not getting a good career when im older or, not making the most of my life stuff like that it worrys me, sometimes i feel fine the next i can feel really depressed and down, i also have bad night sleeps, it's really annoying -.-'

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