View Full Version : Well isn't Life Grand?

10-11-2004, 10:22 AM
As i'm sitting here During Matience I thought Well isnt Life grand.... But Seriously why do we have sooo many Matiences I mean Habbos great as it is sure its a tad rough around the edges but yet don't we still get enjoyment out of it... The Thrill of Furni or another month of HC, Meeting someone on a dating Game.... Diving off the board in the Lido..... Does it get any better... habbo isnt lossing Customers so why do we change we have Lag every day isnt that a pain as it is...? Answer me this!!!! Why do We Need Its sooo Badly if the hotel is already good?!?! :s
Ok im Done :eusa_whis :D

Moved from introductions by .x.!Anita!.x.

10-11-2004, 05:50 PM
I think there are more behind-the-scenes and technical reasons why Habbo has maintenance breaks, and they're only usually very short so there really isn't anything to get worked up about.

10-11-2004, 07:55 PM
I have no thrill in HC it is pointless and costs £2.50p a month, what a waste.

10-11-2004, 10:58 PM
All they're trying to do is improve the site for YOU and everybody else. I believe the Hotel would be laggier without the occasional maintenance.

The Hotel receives new members and customers each day and all they're trying to do is accommodate all these new members and customers. Just use your time some other way during the short time it is having a maintenance break.

28-11-2004, 06:27 AM
If Habbo doesnt improve.. in future the graphics and .etc would be OUTDATED !
Like .. Habbo Hotel's Navigator improved and looked better .. ! And just better !

11-12-2004, 08:39 PM
i dont think there is really that many.

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