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View Full Version : New Years Resolution - Ends 5th January

03-12-2005, 04:25 PM
Every New year many people give up something to the year coming. They try making themselves better, or fitter or happier. Some people give up chocolate, some people give up smoking. There are so many things we could give up.

What i would like you to do is tell me what you will be giving up this New Year and why. Do you think you'll stick to it? I know i won't stick to mine :P
So what are you waiting for? Get posting :)

To enter this competition you must be a registered member of Habbox Forum. Habbox is giving all its members (not habbox staff) the opportunity to enter competitions, just click on the post reply icon.

1st Prize: 1 Yellow parasol & 1 Green Parasol kindly donated by Hatidia, 1 Gold Ice Cream Maker kindly donated by :Nick!

2nd Prize: 1 disco sign kindly donated by FiShOrChIpS, 1 golden ice-cream maker kindly donated by colaist,1 basketball trophy kindly donated by PixelatedFreak.

Your entry should look like the example below: -

Habbo Name: Aquae
Habbox Name:
My entry:-

This competition will run until 5th January unless otherwise stated. When the competition finishes Aquae and YOUR NAME will pick the winner(s) and the prize will be handed over in Habbo Hotel UK.

One entry per Habbox Member ONLY (this includes 2 different entries in one post).
Please read the terms and conditions at the bottom:

Terms and conditions: To prevent unfair competitions, we only allow one entry for each Habbox member and one pc. If more entries are sent using the same Habbox member and/or pc, all the entries will be withdrawn from the competition. You can send in your entry until the competition is closed at some time on 5th January 2006. The winner will be announced in this forum and in this thread. They will be private messaged by Aquae to collect their prize. Habbox has the right to close the competition at any time before the competition ending date and the winner will be judged from all the entries received up to that point. Aquae will be judging the competition. Any harassment or attempted bribery will get you disqualified and could even get you into trouble on the Forum. ALL Habbox staff are excluded from participating in Competitions, unless Competition states they may. This includes all sites and departments that are involved with Habbox. Trialists may enter any competition whilst they are on trial. Any entries that break the forum rules in anyway will also be withdrawn. Prizes must be claimed within two months of the winner(s) being announced in the announcement forum. Unclaimed prizes will be used again in a future Competition or in any other Habbox competition event.

When in posting the competition forum, please only post competition entries. Do not post questions or comments it is not the place to so. If you need to ask a question, or feel it necessary to make a comment, then please send a message to one of the Competition Moderators or post in the competition question/comments forum.

Congratulations to:

Propergander entry 9 who won 1 Yellow parasol & 1 Green Parasol kindly donated by Hatidia, 1 Gold Ice Cream Maker kindly donated by :Nick!
BLuweesH entry 15 who won
1 disco sign kindly donated by FiShOrChIpS, 1 golden ice-cream maker kindly donated by colaist,1 basketball trophy kindly donated by PixelatedFreak

you'll be contacted soon :)

03-12-2005, 04:46 PM
Habbo Name - Mabealine
Habbox Name - Mabealine
My Entry -

This new year like the rest of the other new years i always aim to give up something. I've tried a variety of different things. I think the strangest thing i've ever tried to give up though would have to be eating chewing gum. Well it shouldn't have got stuck all round my lips and i mean my lips were totally covered white. I was annoyed so i decided to give it up, lol. Very random.

This year i have been thinking what i am going to give up. I am going to give up... doing all the chores around the house, lol only joking. I'm really going to give up chocolate. I've never gave this up before but i am definatly going to start. I do love chocolate and that's why i'm going to give it up. It's something in my life i love but i go over board with it. I mean i eat it constantly and i hardly ever do exercise. I think if i didn't eat chocolate i could loose a fair few calories and also save a few pounds. I'm going to have to scruff all the chocolate down my neck before new year, lol. I hope i could do it and i would be proud of myself if i could. Although i know i couldn't but actually that isn't the right attitude to use i should be saying i will not eat chocolate. I will have a really good try at it.

Good luck to everyone else. :)

Edited By Aquae - Member entered whilst on trial

03-12-2005, 07:33 PM
habbo name:LimePucca
habbox name: pucca-yukka

my entry:

HHm thats a tricky one lol! i think i am going to give up being horrible to ma family! well its not really my fault im just so stressy but i do try but mums and dads get on my nerves! so i think thats what ill give up being nasty to ma family!
I really hope i stik to it because i love my family soo much! :)

LimePucca <3<3

04-12-2005, 02:04 AM
Habbox Name: xAlluringx
Habbo Name: xAlluringx
For my resolution, I thought really hard of what to give up. Yet, I did not find anything I want to give up, perhaps I got rid of most of the bad things already. So for the next year I would like to make two things better. The first one is my relationship with my family, this year I drifted apart from them. Fights always occured in every little or big situation. I want it to change, because I love them, as much as I sometimes dislike them. Family is always first. I also want to get better with playing my guitar. I wanted it badly, but once I got it, I just put it in my closet and never really played it. Well for the next year, I plan on getting better with playing, and actually practice a lot. <3 I know I can make these changes, I just have to try hard.

04-12-2005, 02:07 AM
Habbo Name: Spork-
Habbox Name: Spork
My entry:-

For my new years resoloution I am going to try and give up biting my nails. Every day well, Every minute I bite my nails. They are short and I can't let them grow. So I am going to try and give up biting them. Its annoying becaue I can't dig into things with my nails.

04-12-2005, 12:13 PM
Habbo UK Name: Iamme66
Habbox Forum Name: Iamme66
My entry:

For this New Year's Resolution, I would like to cut down my swearing and try not to be so perverted. Swearing is a horrible habit that is hard to cut down on so I would like to cut that down. Also I'm also mean and horrible to my teachers at school and I would like to cut down that as well.

04-12-2005, 03:49 PM
Habbo(x) name: DJ-Simpson


Over my years on this planet I have aimed to give up loads of things some stuck some didn't.
This year I have decided to give up clicking my fingers back and I think I may stick with it as I have been doing this for years now and I don't want artificial *sp* hands by time I'm 18.

04-12-2005, 04:09 PM
Habbo UK Name - 238gamer238
HabboxForum Name - mystry-man300
Entry -
All year, I have been horrible to my friends and my girlfriend. But next year, I hope to give them more thought, and treat them with more respect. I want them to like me more, and stop turning their backs on me, like I do to them.

04-12-2005, 04:31 PM
Habbo(x) Name - Propergander

I'm giving up self harm, not only does it affect me but the people who care about me. I've caused them so much greif this year and I hope to never do that to them again, I love and care about them and i'm bloody lucky to have friends like that.

04-12-2005, 06:31 PM
habbo name: daedaw
NYE Resolution: This new year i hope that i will bring happiness to my parents through getting good exams, i hope to revise more and put that little bit extra effort in 2 not just please myself but my family aswell

04-12-2005, 09:27 PM
habboname : -arctic.monkey-
habboxname : arctic.monkey

ooooooo my new years resolution would have to be becoming fitter and this year I have to stick to it because I am the great Manchester run this year. It involves running 6 miles in one day and I am really unfit. I mean really unfit

04-12-2005, 10:44 PM
Habbo(x): Sawks.

My Ney Is: 2 Stop messing about and get my head down and get on with my work and stop not doing my homework.. and stop going on habbo everyday!! And Help my mum and dad..!! x ;]

04-12-2005, 10:50 PM
Habbo[x] name: :LazyDude
New year resoloution:
I've never thought about something like this before, I suppose it would be to do more exercise. Im not very healthy. Stupid school. Give us too much h/w.
But yeah, I do need to do less eating and more exercise.
Hope people stick to what they've planned (including me) and good luck to other people.
Present weight: 7. 11.0
Target weight: 5. 08.0 or 6. 00.0

- :lazydude

13-12-2005, 02:52 AM
Habbo name; Nerdx.x
Habbox name; UntoldLie.s
My New Years Resolution, well, it is a tough one, because theres SO many things i need to improve. I guess, i would make it so, I could be better are running, so much people are faster than me, or they can pace eachother better. So i am normally in the bottom eight. So yes, either that for to make better cookies. I always burn mine xD

13-12-2005, 02:57 AM
Habbo name: BLuweesH
My Entry:

For my new years resolution, I plan to give up some of my wasted time and use that time instead to assist my local community and for my friends and family, whoever needs help on anything. I also plan to give up my laziness (I'm not that lazy, just lazy unless I have the right drive) and plan to show my enthusiasm, dedication and effort as I claim to be, cause it is, I just don't have the right drive. ;)

13-12-2005, 03:03 AM
Habbo Name: :-Lozza.


My New ears resolyution is of two. First would be to spend more time with my family. My dad in particular. I hardly see him, every 2nd Satrday. My second is of to try and eat healthily and stick to a healthy diet. And exercise more often, than I do at the moment,

13-12-2005, 03:38 PM
Habbo/x name:hikerman

This is tough because im not good at doing things so here goes i wanat to become 2 stone lighter if i can 3 also run faster do well in cooking and try eating veg

13-12-2005, 04:58 PM
Habbox Name: PinkCrayons.
Habbo Name: The-Quiet-One

My new years resolution is to try harder at school, I've been slipping and my grades are slowly going down, So i'm going to try and do harder and work the best i can.

13-12-2005, 05:02 PM
Habbo Name Dust-Ball.
Forum Name Dust-Ball.

My Entry ~~~

This Year I Am Giving Up My Daily Coffee :'( But i Will be Brushing My Teeth 2 Times A Day or The Dentist Will Have To Give Me Fillings.
Merry Christmas

13-12-2005, 05:05 PM
Habbo Name - JoeyJo21
Entry - My New Years Resolution, i made about 10 minutes ago. I was in my driving lesson doing terribly, and i thought to myself "omg i must stop this crazy driving or else i'll be getting the bus for the rest of my life". So thats what i plan to stop in the new year, my bad driving habits. From now on it will be pure concentration and determenation so that i pass my test, but im sure the effort will last about 1 week and then they'll all be out the window.

16-12-2005, 10:08 AM
Habbo name= .x-aimee-x.

New years resolution -

My New years resolution is to start believing in myself, and that I can achieve my aspirations.
I have no confidence in myself, and I want it to change, because you only live once.

17-12-2005, 03:12 PM
Habbo Name - Mokelle
New Years Resolutions -
1. I aim to be more positive as I'm always thinking of the bad things and I'm always negative. So hopefully, I'll try and think positive alot of the time and give myself a confidence boost and be more active.
2. To study harder, and to not leave assignments and tasks to the last minute. I am always leaving many things and the last minute, so I aim to get on my assignment/task as soon as I get it! Hopefully, I will get better grades on my report card.
3. I've always wanted to help the environment and try and repair the world. So I will try and recycle as much as I can instead of throwing it in the rubbish bin. Also, I will try and not litter (I don't litter anyways:P ) and try and use as little chemicals/sprays/things that pollute the world. Finally, I will try and use public transport instead of using the car to reduce air pollution.

17-12-2005, 06:21 PM
Habbo Name: H.bubbly
Habbox Name: H.bubbly
My entry:- Well I am trying to be nicer To my Dad because we don't seem to get on. And never have. We try year after year after year but bo luck. I wish it was as simple as it were for most people. But hopefully this will be a better year for all of us :)

19-12-2005, 04:23 PM
Habbox name:Feaf
Habbo name:Feaf
My Entry:- My New years resolution is to simply give up smoking.

21-12-2005, 03:24 PM
my resolutions:

STOP biting/picking my nails because since my bracework, biting my nails damages my teeth! 2 yrs of braces would be for nothing!
Revise more and work harder in class since it is my GCSE year(s),
Improve my presentation in my school books because when I look in my books I don't usually like what I see,
Eat less junk food because although I am slim I am not as healthy as I could/should be,
Be more confident because I want to be more outgoing and bubbly, and because I am a little shy at school,
Be more organized with coursework/homework because I cannot keep leaving assignments til the night before!

Habbo name: PinksForum

28-12-2005, 01:20 PM
habbo name:LimePucca
habbox name: pucca-yukka

my entry:

HHm thats a tricky one lol! i think i am going to give up being horrible to ma family! well its not really my fault im just so stressy but i do try but mums and dads get on my nerves! so i think thats what ill give up being nasty to ma family!
I really hope i stik to it because i love my family soo much! :)

LimePucca <3<3

i know this has nuffing to do with the competition but
how is my entry s**king up??
( this is about sum1s rep point)

[Edited - Rachel-100] - When in posting the competition forum, please only post competition entries. Do not post questions or comments it is not the place to so. If you need to ask a question, or feel it necessary to make a comment, then please send a message to one of the Competition Moderators or post in the competition question/comments forum.

28-12-2005, 03:39 PM
Habbo Name: xRoyal15
Habbox Forum Name: xroyal16
Your entry:

In 2006 I will try to pay attention in school and not to log people off the computers. Nor will I not do my homework :). Oh and how could I forget I will only eat chocolate when given it, not go buy it for myself :D

29-12-2005, 05:48 AM
Habbo Name: xCoNfUsEdLuVx
Habbox Name: Colleen

ummm well I soppose my new years resolution isnt really giving something up but actually making something better..... I have been focusing on others too much giving people advice and such... which I love... but I havent focused on problems of my own... I have been sooo cooped up in worrying about other peopls problems (which isnt a bad thing i guess, i mean i dont mind helping out in fact i love it) its jsut I have been doing it so much my problems keep digging me into a deeper whole by not solving them... which is making me depressed... iunno if im going to fallow through with it... i mean I care about others... n how they feel more than how i feel.... ill dig mysle fout of the massive crater i've created... i dont think i cud live if people like my friends etc.. didnt come to me for help.... i wud feel useless.... like i wasn't put on this earth for a purpose... ne way thats my New Years Resolution... its not that great but meh...

Edited By Aquae - This entry has been edited. First sentance removed.

30-12-2005, 01:23 AM
Habbo Name: C6
Habbox Name: Alterate

Okay my revolution is to pay more attention in school I'm easily distracted and this is my last year well I got until May now and I still can't focus. I'm getting pressure off of my mum because she knows I can do better but I still doesn’t sink in. I just had my mocks and that was one hell of a wake up call! I realised that if I don't buck up my ideas and quite frankly learn more I'm not going to get the necessary GCSE's to get to college, which will be a real disappointment. So that’s why to pay attention in school is my new years revolution.

P.s; I advise all kids in high school not to treat it as a laugh but to actually concentrate because you will regret it..

30-12-2005, 10:33 AM
Habbo Name - Mattseh
Habbox Name - Mattseh
My Entry -

I am going to try and do a lot more new things next year. Below are just a few of what i am going to do:

I'm going to help out more around the house because i never do anything and i mean nothing at all.
I'm going to get all my homework done and in on time because recently it's been slacking.
I'm going to be much more helpful, kinder and happier me.
I'm going to study hard and try and aim to revise at least for an hour and half each night.
I'm going to change the way i look and i'm going to have a fresh start. A fresh start for a fresh year.Them are just some of my idea's of what i think i am going to do.

31-12-2005, 02:58 PM
Habbo name: Muppet

Habbox name: xxHayley_Hxx

Entry: Mine is, live life to the fullest, don't take a minute for granted. Show how much you love your loved one.

02-01-2006, 07:15 PM
Habbo Name: Resembled
Habbox Name: Myzas
Well, many people want to give up something different. Maybe even forever. Also, many people may try but they will not succeed. This year, i am not giving up chocolate. Or even Tv. I am trying to GAIN something.
I am trying to gain respect from people around me. People i see in my everyday lives. Most importantly, my family. It is not a matter of hoping you will stick to it. Because these sort of things are instant. This is what i am going to succeed this year and future years from 2006 upwards :).

02-01-2006, 07:21 PM
Habbox Name :- RLC
Habbo Name :- RLC
New Years Resolution :-
This Year I Will Be Trying To Cut Down On Chocolate, Im Doing Well So Far, But Its Only Been 2 Days Lol :), After A Week Or So I'll Sneak A Crafty Cocolate Bar In From The Shops, Then Another And So On Lol :).

03-01-2006, 02:43 PM
habbox name-ally0124
habbo name-ally0124
Resolution- Erm dunno bit tricky well try be nicer to my family ;}

03-01-2006, 04:02 PM
My Habbo (x) Name: Boject

New Years Resolution: To Not Harm Myself, Give Up Smoking And To Not get Stressed toeasy.

Harming Myself - I am going to achieve this because my Wife-to-be is helping me so much.

Smoking - I havent smoked since christmas and i dont want to start again, as we have much more money and the house smells loverly

Stress - Going to anger managment

I would like to stick to all of these because it makes me and anybody around me feel better and i would be more sociable.

03-01-2006, 05:03 PM
Habbox Name: Xegena
Habbo Name: ^^
Entry: This year im going to make my new years resoloution to be a better freind to a couple of people, As i ahvent been the best freind to them but theyve been there for me all year round, so its my turn to help them out.
Do my homework more , im going to do this because this year i have done about 8 -11 pieces of homework. Finally to NOT get moved down as the maths teachers has been hinting i will be. :( Ok 1 more thats just came into my head try harder in maths.

03-01-2006, 07:44 PM
habbo name : djcafc
habbox name: djcafc

new years resoloution would have to be to stop wanting profit on my furni shop i know its not a crime but it is a bit thoughtless thinking about myself and that the otherpeople really need the furni that they gave me as prof

03-01-2006, 09:42 PM
habbox name: goldenbootz
habbo name: goldenbootz

This year im going to try give up football....NOT. LOL no this year im going to try to give up my goal drought for my sunday league football team Norman Wanderes. I have played 3 years and haven't scored once!
DONT laugh! Im a defender! HAHA! Well this year is going to be different!
I am going to score!

I am also trying to give up my addiction to Habbox and Habbo......urge too hard..............NO 4get it im not doing that! Haha lol! Thats bout it!

Hope i win!

04-01-2006, 12:24 AM
Habbox Name: Ainsley
Habbo Name: !!J-Lo!!

This year i have concluded that my resolution is to spend less time on the computer, and more time on school work and with my family.
Over 2005 I realized that time on habbo went by way too fast, and even though i loved it so much, I needed to get out and do something else, because life is only so long.
I couldnt bare to think to myself that my grandparents came to visit me, I only see them once in a few years, and all i did was play on the computer.
Getting outside more could do me some good, physically and physcologically.
So, I have decided to limit my time on the computer to just an hour a day.
Yes, only one hour to check my shares on the neopets stockmarket, one hour to visit friends, and decorate rooms on habbo hotel, and ofcourse...
One hour to read news and enter competitions on habbox.

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