View Full Version : Shattered Happiness - Chapter Eight

11-12-2005, 12:48 PM
Shattered Happiness
Chapter Eight

Cold blood trickled down Sharons spine. The blood in her back oozed up and down, swaying into her mind as the thoughts of Amy came in. How she was her little angel. Her birthdays, when she was 1, playing in the sandpit and messing around with her dolls. How she grew older going into school and loving to write and draw creative ideas. How later on, she loved her make-up and would put it on herself all the time in her pre-teen years to catch the lads. How she grew up to be the beautiful, young daughter any family would want. How she got hit by a car onto the hard, concrete floor.

Sharon was Amy's mum. Sharon had been with Amy ever since she was born. She loved her to bits. She would care for her everyday. Just like Mum's should. Her Dad on the other hand wasnt always the best person. He spent most of his time drinking. He wouldnt be out the Leap-Frog Inn Pub until the closing time at 1am. He would sit with his Carlsberg beer at home, lazed onto the settee, watching Match Of The Day.

Her Dad Jim wouldnt do anything around the house. He would just sit drinking all day and not even a care in the world on how he looked. Ofcourse he was unemployeed and Amy's Mum could only afford a small 2 bedroom house. Life wasnt exactly what you would call " Heaven "

When Amy entered her 5th year in life. Jim had an affair. Sharon didnt think twice about him. Like most women should do, she chucked him out the house and no reply yet. Jim just left straight away. No note, card, video, call.. Nothing. Amy asked occasionly about her dad to Sharon. She would just say he had to move away. Amy took all that in her mind and thought nothing more to it.

Amy had done what alot of teenagers do. Risking their lives for others.

Amy woke up to the sound of her Mum whispering soft words into her ear. It was the song she always used to sing to her when she was a little girl. How it touched her heart.

" Your my special girl, your the only one who can save me from this misery. I adore you for caring and sharing different thoughts of imagination. Your my pearl, my daughter girl " She sang while stroking my hair.

" Love its alright, you've had a accident, your ok " Sharon said softly
" I love you Mum " Amy replied

Would Amy survive this terrible ordeal?

Would she stay alive for her Mum?

What encountered on the next voyage?

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