View Full Version : Does Jagex stop freespeech?

13-12-2005, 04:32 PM
Hi, i was wondering if anyone would help me proove jagex wrong, because i believe they block freespeech and so do many others.
When you say they're wrong, the mods automatically delete the thread so no other players can see that they have made a mistake or something that may cause an uproar against them.

My brother hasn't been on runescape for 2 weeks because hes been playing battleon and then he trys to log into runescape and it says he's been banned! He looked in his messages and it says he had been banned for advertising. It says his file on the website he apparently had been advertising was called 'footie mad'. I've seen on my brothers friends list before that footie mad used to be his friend until he started calling my brother names.
I believed he has been framed so i posted about it and instantly the mods lock it because 'They are wrong.'. My brother has put alot of effort into his account with all the money he has and such.

Now im going to present this to poll to Jagex to show that they do not let you speak if its about them being wrong.

13-12-2005, 04:48 PM
well i believe they delete because of the code rules.
Talking about bans is a no no
maybe read the rules and the reason might be because the rules say its not?

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