View Full Version : Angryness.

13-12-2005, 09:31 PM
I often get realy peed of and effing anoid over no reason. I hate it. It seems i can't control myself. My mum and dad hate it aswell. I go in a mood for basically no reason what so ever. Its really annoying. I feel really stressed when this happens to me. I just want to start breaking things, kicking, punching etc. Does this ever happen to you? Tell me your stories. PLEASE! Help will be greatlly appreciated :(

15-12-2005, 10:34 AM
Stress can be triggered from many things. School life gets stressful to some people, I remember in year 10-11, those years at school totally buggered me.

Medical reasons, Tourettes results in anger, twitching, bascially affects you when you feel stressed, I suppose it doesn't really help you when you get angry.

15-12-2005, 02:29 PM
I had it when i was 10/11 and i use to seek loads of attention, when I didnt get it i got angry.

15-12-2005, 07:50 PM
When you want to get annyoed, try closing your eyes, breathing deeply and counting to 10, I know it sounds cheezy but it really releives your anger.

15-12-2005, 08:25 PM
My anger comes from anything I can possible think of, but usally they do. E.g; Sisters, School life, Parents, computer, PS2. My sister is horrible to me, my school is rubbish, you get bullied, nothing happens. Parents just try and get me into a deeper and deeper hole and punish me, computer mess's up often and my ps2, say Im playing a game, I had one more thing to kill, and I completed it, he killed me first and I died. I threw my handset at the ps2, it fell off my tv and didn't work for a week. Lol, my life's not so good, but hey, I just listen to some peacefull music, Coldplay's the best to listen to, its not opera, yet not rock. Awesome! We have a punching bag in my garage, punching that releaves me of my stress sometimes. ;) Try something like that.

16-12-2005, 08:37 AM
It might be because of mood swings because of puberty.

16-12-2005, 11:57 PM
I bash about on my drum kit to releave stress, That helps ;)

18-12-2005, 05:21 PM
I get stressed at points and feel like hitting things, Just close your eyes and count to 10, its really annoying though :P

18-12-2005, 07:15 PM
Another way to control your anger is to go up in your room and start to play with a stress ball. They help. Or just ly on your bed and try to think of happy thoughts. While you are on the bed, you could even go for a nap. Its a bit babyish but it does help, a lot.

A doctor might be able to help you. Its just puberty and all your hormones getting confuzzled up inside your body trying to get used to everything.

If you get too stressed and you dont want to do any of the above then DO NOT self harm. Its no way out. It will make you stress more. And everyone will start to worry about you.

Childline might help.
Call 0800 1111
Or visit there site on http://www.childline.org.uk/

They are both free. ;)

Dan Williamson
18-12-2005, 10:46 PM
Make an appointment with your doctor.

He may diagnose you with ADD Attention Decefit Disorder

And you may have Tourettes but I doubt it.

It could just be a class of hormones.

- Dan

24-12-2005, 06:49 PM
well it could be moodswings, just a part of growing up

24-12-2005, 08:40 PM
This could be due to stress in the family. Have you had a tough time at home? school? friends?

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