View Full Version : XBOX 360 latest update

16-12-2005, 04:37 PM
right i know theres a thread about the recall but heres some other stuff you might not know!

Acording to rumors, Microsoft only sent Game (the largest supplier for games in the UK) 10 CONSOLES!!! apparently a mix up in the system caused mayhem!

Xbox 360's have been selling on various sites for £400-£1000, E.G eBay and Amazon private sellers are making a fortune!!!

The Xbox can run on a normal TV.

Stores arent expecting stock for 3 months

And i have the sneaking suspicioon my mum has one, i heard her saying she was lucky to get it, and she said to me, if i wer to get one, do you think we should sell it to make money, of course im to in love with computers to wait another three months for one so i dont want to. YES CALL ME A STUPID GEEK!

But its not just the Xbox 360 with these problems, the PSP when it first came out, had a huge waiting list, sony even said they were building more factories for it, and when i pre-ordered one, amazon said i wont get it till christmas (this was in september)

16-12-2005, 09:08 PM
The psp also had HUGE problems with the screen when it first came out ill explain:

My dad works in woolies and they sold loads first week it was out then they got loads back saying the screen didn't work after a few hours gameplay. Sony rushed the screen on the PSP a bit.

16-12-2005, 09:56 PM
Hmm.... i think you mean dead pixels, pretty much all LCD screens have them, if you don't know anything about dead pixels you'll probably never realise.

People are just gay and expect everything to work fine, but sony said the the manual this is suppected and if you have a dead pixel you cannot get a exchange or refund.

You can get a program to unstick the pixel

Anyways, now cleared that upp

Microsoft have lost this war i think, the HIT of the 360 isn't very good compared to the PSP or PS2 or even the xbox, this just doesn't float my boat:D

17-12-2005, 04:42 PM
Hmm.... i think you mean dead pixels, pretty much all LCD screens have them, if you don't know anything about dead pixels you'll probably never realise.

People are just gay and expect everything to work fine, but sony said the the manual this is suppected and if you have a dead pixel you cannot get a exchange or refund.

You can get a program to unstick the pixel

Anyways, now cleared that upp

Microsoft have lost this war i think, the HIT of the 360 isn't very good compared to the PSP or PS2 or even the xbox, this just doesn't float my boat:D

yeah i hate those people who say the Xbox 360 is rubbish cos of its problem with overheating, its just some teething problems. Like the PS2, there isnt one PS2 model without a problem, mine has Lazer problems, and of course the fan problems, even the slimline, the so called soloution, overheats rapidly. And i love the new Xbox 360 the only problem is this time it came out early, last time it of course came out after the PS2 so it could beat it, now Sony may be able to beat the Xbox for the first time.
But the PS3 at the moment is impossible, why? Well at E3 when they had a preview of Thae getaway 3, the system they were using for the preview was huge, it was 1mx1m Box and sonys designs are, although beautiful, at the moment, they are not possible. But im sure they can cram it into this lil thing.

17-12-2005, 04:45 PM
The psp also had HUGE problems with the screen when it first came out ill explain:

My dad works in woolies and they sold loads first week it was out then they got loads back saying the screen didn't work after a few hours gameplay. Sony rushed the screen on the PSP a bit.
no the problem was there is no cooling fan in the psp and all those nerds out there playing their psp played it for hours straight overheating the they system and the lcd crystals in the screen causing dead pixels so this is something sony couldnt prevent it was the buyers fault -.-

17-12-2005, 05:10 PM
no the problem was there is no cooling fan in the psp and all those nerds out there playing their psp played it for hours straight overheating the they system and the lcd crystals in the screen causing dead pixels so this is something sony couldnt prevent it was the buyers fault -.-
Its not necesserely the consumers fault? Its obvious that its the supplier, designer, producer. We buy products that should have no faulty conponents, however, on this one, I guess it was Sony's bad for not designing it to a certain level of acceptance.
Your bound to play games, GTA got me playing on my PSP for some time.

17-12-2005, 05:47 PM
right i know theres a thread about the recall but heres some other stuff you might not know!

Acording to rumors, Microsoft only sent Game (the largest supplier for games in the UK) 10 CONSOLES!!! apparently a mix up in the system caused mayhem!

Xbox 360's have been selling on various sites for £400-£1000, E.G eBay and Amazon private sellers are making a fortune!!!

The Xbox can run on a normal TV.

Stores arent expecting stock for 3 months

And i have the sneaking suspicioon my mum has one, i heard her saying she was lucky to get it, and she said to me, if i wer to get one, do you think we should sell it to make money, of course im to in love with computers to wait another three months for one so i dont want to. YES CALL ME A STUPID GEEK!

But its not just the Xbox 360 with these problems, the PSP when it first came out, had a huge waiting list, sony even said they were building more factories for it, and when i pre-ordered one, amazon said i wont get it till christmas (this was in september)

GAME got more than 10.. "/ I know at least 5 people in my school alone that got it out of game..
You can now pick up a Xbox 360 console [No 20gb hardrive] for £280-300 [Not inc. p&p]
360's can run on normal television, but if you use a HDTV you will get much improved graphics
Amazon expects stocks in January

17-12-2005, 06:36 PM
yeah it did getr sorted but at first thats how many they got (before release date)

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