View Full Version : Spot on the inside of my nose! Hurts like mad! Sqeeze, leave or go to a doc?

20-12-2005, 08:52 PM
Ok I have a (What feels like) a massive spot on the inside of my nose. It looks poisoned, it's swollen and hurts like mad when I flare up my nostrils and when I rub and touch my nose. Should I sqeeze it (That would be very hard as it's on the inside and may hurt really bad.), should I leave it or should I go to a doc? I really don't think it's bad enough to go to a doctor but if I leave it in might swell up really big then maybe my nostril will get chopped off :s No but really, it could become really badly infected? Please help <3 This isn't a joke. I would post a picture but my cam is dud.

Rep + will be given to helpful sugestions, not just, 'Yea leave it' or 'Go to a doc EWWW!'

20-12-2005, 09:00 PM
It won't hurt to go to the doctors and have it checked out. Just incase, it's always better to be safe than sorry. Book an emergency appointment. But whatever you do, i wouldn't burst it. Just incase you get infected or something.

20-12-2005, 09:02 PM
Thanks for your reply, I'm gonna get my mum to have a look at it, then she may phone my aunt who works for NHS 24 thingy Rep+

20-12-2005, 09:03 PM
Depending on how long you've had it for will give you a rough guess of when it will go? Are you alergic to anything? Have you sniffed something with fine particals?

If you feel its ok then just leave it, if you feel its worrying you then ask for advice at your local GP. Don't squeeze it though, it causes further infection leading to more spots.
I'm sure if you leave it for a night then you should see some difference, hopefully, it'll go down. If you feel it has gotten bigger and feel its a nousence, ask your parents, they'll recommend something :)

Hope this helps.

20-12-2005, 09:07 PM
leav it and treat it with love and care and respect!

it will go in about a week probs!

u no what they say - tlc !

20-12-2005, 09:08 PM
Depending on how long you've had it for will give you a rough guess of when it will go? Are you alergic to anything? Have you sniffed something with fine particals?

If you feel its ok then just leave it, if you feel its worrying you then ask for advice at your local GP. Don't squeeze it though, it causes further infection leading to more spots.
I'm sure if you leave it for a night then you should see some difference, hopefully, it'll go down. If you feel it has gotten bigger and feel its a nousence, ask your parents, they'll recommend something :)

Hope this helps.

Well I wiped my nose with my school cardi (Rough) on Monday, I think that maybe broke the skin, I'm not alergic to anything that I know of and I'm going to ask for my mums advice, thank you for your advice xx

leav it and treat it with love and care and respect!

it will go in about a week probs!

u no what they say - tlc !
sweeeeet! aww, thanks. Made me feel better anyway!

20-12-2005, 09:11 PM
in native china, one remedy for this was incence. we would light (or burni) the incsence stinck and take in full essence. this would sure nose airlements but you should be contacing the hospital remedy service

20-12-2005, 09:19 PM
in native china, one remedy for this was incence. we would light (or burni) the incsence stinck and take in full essence. this would sure nose airlements but you should be contacing the hospital remedy service

Don't think I'll be trying that... I think incence might sting. I dunno why but anyways Rep+

20-12-2005, 10:38 PM
Thankyou :)

And your welcome, hope you feel better.

20-12-2005, 10:40 PM
If it seems to be hurting, and you are worried about it I would suggest going to the doctor. It is better to find out what the problem is right away, before it gets bad. If left alone, it could become something bad overnight. I wouldn't suggest breaking it or touching it at all. This could cause whatever it is to get infected. All in all, I would suggest going to a doctor, to get a professional opinion. Hope it gets better :) - Patrick

20-12-2005, 10:58 PM
If its still as bad or even worse on Friday. Ask your parents if they could drop you down at the local GP about the spot up you nose. If you dont feel like going to the doctors then just leave it. Do Not Burst It. It will make it more visible, it will hurt a lot, and it will be there for even loner. A possibilty is it could get infected if you do burst it.

Hope your better soon. Laura x

21-12-2005, 07:48 AM
It is possible to get spots on the inside of your nose, it's common for people who suffer from acne.
I suggest you don't brust or pick it, it will spread bacteria and that will lead to more spots.
Sometimes, spots can be sensitive and therefore painful, if it's worrying you, or the pain becomes very intense it's probably right to go to the doctors.

21-12-2005, 08:42 AM
Lol, happened to me. Just leave it alone I'd say. It will go away. Lol, or if you're that worried,
go to the doctors. Like the others said.

21-12-2005, 08:44 AM
Not me ;) Best is see the doctor and seek for advice .. i have many spots but its clearing up soon coz im growing up by the time ur 18 the spots will go away ;)

21-12-2005, 10:46 AM
When in doubt see a doctor. Especially if it hurts you. dont touch it or w/e cos that will most likely infect it and dont flare your nostrils lol hope it gets better <3

21-12-2005, 07:51 PM
Thank you for all your help. Your rep is on the way tomorrow cas, given out to much! Anyways, heres the story...

Turns out I wiped my nose to roughly and a hair came out. My mum always bursts/picks spots and I couldn't stop her. She waited until about an hour ago when it had a head on it and picked it. Hurt but it's gone now, it's still sore but everythings on the mend!

Once again thankies! (And a Merry Christmas ;))

21-12-2005, 08:20 PM
Thank you for all your help. Your rep is on the way tomorrow cas, given out to much! Anyways, heres the story...

Turns out I wiped my nose to roughly and a hair came out. My mum always bursts/picks spots and I couldn't stop her. She waited until about an hour ago when it had a head on it and picked it. Hurt but it's gone now, it's still sore but everythings on the mend!

Once again thankies! (And a Merry Christmas ;))

Good too hear. Thanks for rep. :)

Merry Christmas x

23-12-2005, 01:53 PM
Thanks for rep. :)

23-12-2005, 02:53 PM
leave it :) if you pop it it'll leave a mark on ur nose and you'll look *ewwwwww*

leave it and let it do the work itself and drink more water + eat more veggies:)

26-12-2005, 02:07 PM
Leave it and dont pop it
get a cotton bud/Q-Tip dip it in spot removal cream
and more the q-tip around the nostril with the spot in
orr go to superdrug and get there spot
treatment stick
it works :)

26-12-2005, 02:37 PM
Leave it and dont pop it
get a cotton bud/Q-Tip dip it in spot removal cream
and more the q-tip around the nostril with the spot in
orr go to superdrug and get there spot
treatment stick
it works :)

Good advice lol superdrug <3 and omg HI OPAY <3 ;)

27-12-2005, 02:36 PM
Okay here.. If I was you I would wait about three or four days, if its not smaller or gone, Id tell my parents... see what they say.. listen to what they say if its not the doctor.. for 2 or 3 more days, doesnt work then go to the doctor.

27-12-2005, 02:42 PM
pop it with a pin

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