View Full Version : How much stuff per my Thrones?

22-12-2005, 12:45 PM
How much stuff per my Thrones?

got 11 for trade and 5 dinos.
also alot of hcs, and other rares.

name your price, place and time.

22-12-2005, 06:41 PM
How much stuff per my Thrones?

got 11 for trade and 5 dinos.
also alot of hcs, and other rares.

name your price, place and time.
hey i give 40k per hc.. that's my base price. im in ur friend list on habbo :P i got same name.

22-12-2005, 07:08 PM
i give u 3.5mill for dino?
i wont go first ;o but i have people to back up i dont scam

23-12-2005, 12:18 AM
Which other rares do you have besides thrones dinos and hcs?

Ashley 12344
23-12-2005, 11:05 AM
Ecko seems trusty if you ask me, there ya go iPod, one person backed him up.

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