View Full Version : Ugh :(

25-12-2005, 09:58 PM
Im slowly loosing intrest in runescape and probably won't be on much. Not that most of you care, but there are some kind ones. So if i don't come on for a month, i've left k?

If i don't come on, i wish you the best of luck in the future and may you all be healthy and full of joy. * Except Psy *

Merry christmas for the last few hours. Bye ! :)

Ashley 12344
25-12-2005, 10:03 PM
Yeah, its just a case of clicking one thing after another.
Bye if you leave

25-12-2005, 10:10 PM
To be honest, Habbo got boring, now Runescape.

Hopefully i don't go into the Cokemusic phase. Oh dear god.. :'(

Ashley 12344
25-12-2005, 10:11 PM
Same, it gets a bit boring at times.

But, there is some good things about it.

25-12-2005, 10:12 PM
To be honest, Habbo got boring, now Runescape.

Hopefully i don't go into the Cokemusic phase. Oh dear god.. :'(

Lol, cokemusic?! Don't you mean Mokitown :P

I don't blame you, they get boring after a while :p

25-12-2005, 10:41 PM
I'm addicted, and I have to play either habbo or rune.

Used to be oka on habbo, but I got members for my birthday so, yah.

Bye and good luck though if you leave.

25-12-2005, 10:57 PM
Aww dude! Last night i found RS boring...so i just got mage longs and had been alching

26-12-2005, 12:02 AM
I might hold a drop party later, dropping mills, full guilded and much more.

26-12-2005, 12:38 AM
I might hold a drop party later, dropping mills, full guilded and much more.

Aww hunny dont do that! Keep your items! Store them!
If you come back on to rs, even if its years from now, you WILL be joyed that you kept your items. Heck you may even get a tear in your eye when the memories flood back!
I had a few months break from rs a little while ago too.
Now im back im loving it again! If its played too much for some it becomes a chore, instead of a relaxing [yet exhilarating] game.
Keep your items hunny, and anyone who asks 'oh oh when and where?!' shame on you..

26-12-2005, 08:22 AM
Exactly what soyers said. If you come back after few months years what ever you wont have no items anymore because you have dropped them. On the other hand if you dont drop them and come back you dont have to start all over again. You have put time and money into the account, why drop it all now?

26-12-2005, 08:38 AM
Liam donnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt you was a good person on this forum runescape isnt boring

26-12-2005, 11:19 AM
Aww hunny dont do that! Keep your items! Store them!
If you come back on to rs, even if its years from now, you WILL be joyed that you kept your items. Heck you may even get a tear in your eye when the memories flood back!
I had a few months break from rs a little while ago too.
Now im back im loving it again! If its played too much for some it becomes a chore, instead of a relaxing [yet exhilarating] game.
Keep your items hunny, and anyone who asks 'oh oh when and where?!' shame on you..

Yeah this happend to me but with Habbo. Gave ALL my furni away and I came back a few months later.

26-12-2005, 11:55 AM
If i was you I would keep my stuff you could come back in a few days or months. Good luck in the future if you dont.

26-12-2005, 05:08 PM
Thanks for your encouraging comments guys. Im really not sure what to do.

26-12-2005, 05:40 PM
Stay XD The forum needs u :P

26-12-2005, 05:45 PM
Play a nice game of fight pits. O.o

could com with you if you do it today, lemme buy runes. ;)

26-12-2005, 07:31 PM
Yeh i find it boring now a days -.- i usually on for atleast 5 hr a day last week and 3 days i aint even been on an hour

usulally im on about 10 hr a day at weekends / days of skwl but im hardly on -.-

Ashley 12344
26-12-2005, 07:46 PM
nah, if you do quit sell your stuff, for example on ebay.

About 8-10pound, 10usd per mil

(just an average)

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