View Full Version : What's wrong with EMO..

30-12-2005, 08:35 PM
Alot of people I know make fun of Emo's...
I don't see what the point is :s

30-12-2005, 08:38 PM
Nothing is wrong with emo

30-12-2005, 08:39 PM
Nothing is wrong with emo
Everyone else seems to think so :l

30-12-2005, 08:41 PM
No, they have a problem with the posers.

30-12-2005, 08:42 PM
Yeah i think its with people who act it and not are it

30-12-2005, 08:44 PM
I like emos but hate chavs. :p

30-12-2005, 08:46 PM
I don't care anymore. People can be who they wanna be.. if they wanna be a chav, let them. If they wanna be a poser, let them. Its there life.

30-12-2005, 08:50 PM
we hate posers =)

30-12-2005, 08:51 PM
No, they have a problem with the posers.


There's nothing wrong with emo, which is just a genre of music, it's the people who take it too far and try too hard.

30-12-2005, 08:52 PM
I like emos but hate chavs. :p Second that 200000%

30-12-2005, 08:54 PM
Nothings wrong with them...

30-12-2005, 08:56 PM

There's nothing wrong with emo, which is just a genre of music, it's the people who take it too far and try too hard.

I hate it when, someone actually is depressed but then.. like say an emo acts depressed for attention. I HATE it when people say I lie about my depression. It pees me off so.....:@ God I'm so annoyed. I don't wanna be banned though.


Get a life, pls.

30-12-2005, 08:59 PM
I hate it when, someone actually is depressed but then.. like say an emo acts depressed for attention. I HATE it when people say I lie about my depression. It pees me off so.....:@ God I'm so annoyed. I don't wanna be banned though.


Get a life, pls.

Some people are depressed for attention, but you've got to be careful when you say these things.
I'm not saying, 'if you slit your wrists your emo'
You just find loads of people going:
When they say that, they can shut up because i'm sure they will have got the attention they wanted.
Some people on this forum don't think before they speak, and if somebody is depressed and they don't believe them, it can make them more and more depressed and it's really sad to watch.
I don't think anything is wrong with emo, and I listen to 'emo' music.
But I don't label myself, because i'm just ME. =]
Emmy. x

30-12-2005, 09:13 PM
I'm often depressed and I used to resort to self harm yet people said I was doing it for attention, they didn't understand that I hate attention and that all I wanted to do was curl up and die unnoticed.

30-12-2005, 09:16 PM
Some people are depressed for attention, but you've got to be careful when you say these things.
I'm not saying, 'if you slit your wrists your emo'
You just find loads of people going:
When they say that, they can shut up because i'm sure they will have got the attention they wanted.
Some people on this forum don't think before they speak, and if somebody is depressed and they don't believe them, it can make them more and more depressed and it's really sad to watch.
I don't think anything is wrong with emo, and I listen to 'emo' music.
But I don't label myself, because i'm just ME. =]
Emmy. x

Yeah i suppose. cant really trust anyone online, well i can trust jane and luke but i dont really know anyone else to tell them that much. i got my friends in r/l too though.

i also think its nasty when people make fun of others who slit their wrists. some don't do it for attention. some people do actually have problems.. some people can't understand that though....

30-12-2005, 09:17 PM
Yeah i suppose. cant really trust anyone online, well i can trust jane and luke but i dont really know anyone else to tell them that much. i got my friends in r/l too though.

i also think its nasty when people make fun of others who slit their wrists. some don't do it for attention. some people do actually have problems.. some people can't understand that though....
In other words.
Emmy. x

30-12-2005, 09:19 PM
In other words.
Emmy. x

yar lol

30-12-2005, 09:53 PM
I'm often depressed and I used to resort to self harm yet people said I was doing it for attention, they didn't understand that I hate attention and that all I wanted to do was curl up and die unnoticed.

Yeah, when I was 11.. I used to self harm because I hated my life, and I used to tell some people and they were saying i was doing it for attention :l But I wasn't..

30-12-2005, 10:09 PM
Eh this is my own opinion so don't bother having a go at me but thats like me saying what wrong with CHAV
but im thick so if that don't make sense ignore it kfnx :)

30-12-2005, 10:15 PM
Alot of people I know make fun of Emo's...
I don't see what the point is :s
no such thing as emo unless you're a genre of music

30-12-2005, 10:18 PM
no such thing as emo unless you're a genre of music

Owned :x

30-12-2005, 10:31 PM
Owned :x

30-12-2005, 10:32 PM
Maybe because they don't know what an emo is?

31-12-2005, 02:51 AM
no such thing as emo unless you're a genre of music

Can't believe there's a damn filter on here. It's like Habbo... -grumblemutter-

I've gotta say... damn. I managed to delete all that. Start over, eh?

Yeah, just a type of music... o_o I know! All of the emo fashion, and culture, must be a clever ruse, mixed with fantasy, space and time! All thought up, of course, by the ever blamed chavs! (Don't you think it's ironic people get unhappy over stereotyping of emos, then say chavs are stupid in the same sentence? If I didn't want to live, I'd be hitting my head on my desk as hard as I could right now.) -cue emoticon I just noticed... :eusa_wall. heh-

'k, so, answered that quotey... thingy... (I don't know what it's called. o_o) On with the real point of me answering to this thread title!

So, I'll be blunt. (And to be blunt, you need bullet points!)

• Emo is not just a genre of music, but also a fashion, or culture. As is goth music, rock music, hip hop... hmm. Dayumm, I'd say it'ss aaaall 'bout identity maaayennn. \m/
• If you're gonna complain about stereotyping of emos, then stop making fun of every chav, goth, skater, group #6, group #7 you see... (or should I say individual member of one of said groups that pis'ses you off? Oh my).
• These "I'm an emo, I cut myself, I hate myself" jokes are pis'sing me off so much now. Have you never been depressed? Have you never, ever, contemplated suicide, or just curling up and dying? Maybe, even, disappearing forever? It's natural, c'mon. (And by natural, I mean everyone goes through it.)
Do you want the lives of people feeling like that more miserable? By telling them they're stupid for cutting themselves? Or for being sad? Is there now a law that says humans are only allowed to be happy? 'Cause, damn, I think you all just broke it. Sadness is a human emotion, stop twisting it to make fun of a god damn culture.

Oh no, someone listens to emo! They're listening to sad lyrics! Why do lyrics have to all be happy? Are you saying that all lyrics should be upbeat? Or is it just another way of making people feel stupid, or dare I say it, weak for being sad? Don't tell me people shouldn't listen to sad music because it makes them sad, or I'll slam whatever metal/hip hop/pop/dance/punk/rock/techno/whatever album over your head.
I listen to emo and I'm not crying in the corner of my room about the existence of my life. Sometimes people listen to sad music when they're sad. Sometimes people listen to love songs when they're in love. What a damn crime. Let me call the emotion police and say that people are feeling something they're not allowed to feel! Let's put laws, and taxes, on it!


If you want to be sad, be sad.
Just have the common sense not to talk about it to people who'll metaphorically backhand you with insults. ja?

As for the "we don't hate emo, just emo posers", yeah, it's annoying. But if you're going to insult them, insult THEM, not emo music/fashion in general.

Now, I'll be damned if I don't know more than one person who jokes about emos and cutting when they haven't done it themselves.
It's all about fitting in, right? Cutting... it's not cool. They make fun of people who cut, these people who don't cut because they find it cool, but 'cause they're depressed. Tell them they're seeking attention, but tell me if you know anyone who'd be willing to slice their skin for that long a time to be cool. Yeah, there'll be people who say they cut, when they don't, or people who cut mildly to say they do. Imagine it as five eggs... three of the eggs are dead, so you smash them all. But two of them had chicks in. Ouch. (Bad metaphor? xD)

I'm just not sure it's worth causing depressed people more insecurity, just to make fun of the people who do it to try and fit in (ooh, is that HC?). I mean, kick someone while they're down why don't you...


31-12-2005, 07:27 AM
My opinion, just like you all have opinions : Every every single person that say theyre either goth chav emo townie everything is a poser.. just be a human!

31-12-2005, 09:42 AM
Well, its so broad, it’s like thinking that to most wearing black is what defines someone as a goth. this is bs.

I think the emo scene is about emo music, which was mostly stuff in the late 90s to late 2000s. The followers of it seem to think they are all musicians and rock stars and try to emulate the look of the artists they like.

I know a lot of people who love emo music who look like a regular old person who work in an office building. I mean it is fan fare at its finest. I like it personably.

I think its cool people dress up and look weird. Everyone makes up their rules about each genre and how to dress and who is a poser etc.

But in the end it was the artists who fueled the scene and set off the looks and fashions. I like the realm of the freaks who look weird because its cool, and to p-- off the “normal” people.

But now its so hard to shock people.. Now its a clique, like the jock, the preppy, the nerd etc.. I don't think it will ever fade, the music is strong like rock and roll is and it’s timeless.

The Emo song! :O ---> Here (http://www.blogupload.com/49111/Emo.wma) *Requires Windows Media Player*

31-12-2005, 11:09 AM
Nothing is wrong with Emos, there are just a lot of wannabe emos which is really annoying, its like the new trend to dress like an emo,
I know a load of emos and don't have a problem with them.
I'm not emo either, but you can still tell when theres a wannabe emo around *they try too hard* :)

31-12-2005, 11:14 AM
roflmao @ this thread

31-12-2005, 11:19 AM
I don't care anymore. People can be who they wanna be.. if they wanna be a chav, let them. If they wanna be a poser, let them. Its there life.

Mm.. that is kinda true...

Also it's kinda whether you label someone/they label themselves emo..

31-12-2005, 11:50 AM
roflmao @ this thread

yeah, it's gotta be funny.

ooh, discussing emos.
lololz, i see exactly what you mean.

or maybe... we shouldn't be saying there's nothing wrong with them?
either way. -slams head against wall-

31-12-2005, 04:16 PM
emo music <3

31-12-2005, 04:28 PM
no such thing as emo unless you're a genre of music
Very unture, as emo can mean either a deprived teen/child, or an emotional teen/child.

31-12-2005, 05:03 PM
Very unture, as emo can mean either a deprived teen/child, or an emotional teen/child.

:s So, according to your theory, the term emo describes children who are deprived..

So, would a child deprived of anything (including food, water, shelter, etc.) be considered emo?

"Omg. I feel so emo. I have no food."

No offense (lol :rolleyes: ), but you're very ignorant.

31-12-2005, 05:11 PM
The one thing I dislike about emo's is suicidal attempts, it's just.. weird.

31-12-2005, 05:35 PM
Not one of these threads again -Runs away screaming-

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