View Full Version : I need Advice. . .

01-01-2006, 12:01 PM
Okay, my friend gets hit by her dad at home, and slits her wrists really badly, she has loads of this happening in her life atm ie. Love life, Parents divorce, dad hitting her. And she doesn't want to go see an adult about it. Loads of my friends have been slitting their wrists recently and it really scares me - what can i do?

01-01-2006, 01:46 PM
My friend used to slit her wrists and ites really upsetting when people self-harm. I suggest you sit down with them somewhere quiet and talk to them about it properly. If her parents keep abusing her, I think she should speak to the school nurse or a adult as its really serious.

01-01-2006, 03:04 PM
Thanks, i'll try it.

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