View Full Version : Mage Training Arena

05-01-2006, 12:55 AM
What's the hardest one? I think the Enchantment one is so easy and inexpensive. How do you do the Alchemy one? Can someone give me a little guide for each one? Thanks.

05-01-2006, 09:50 AM
Alch - you search the cobourds and on the thing top corner it tells you what alchs best try getting it buy alch anything and go put the money in the coin dispencer and you'll get so much Pizazz Points

Graveyard - Take bones get as many you can and Cast Bones to Banana's and put the bananas in te food chute

Telekenetic - You have to move the peice thats in the maze to the dark Grey square, by using tele Grab on the peice =)

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