View Full Version : making a site but need help

07-01-2006, 10:35 PM
if i was making a site where people could play and sign up , a bit like neopets , how would i make it , i dont know that much i am only 11 come on give me a break geez. how would i make 1 like it?? plz help and i need it to be free

07-01-2006, 10:41 PM
Well it would be quite a bit of work and you need to figure it out conspetaly first as it would be quite complex.
For a basic site based one you would need a server side langwage, so see if you can learn php, try tutorals if they dont help as they didnt me, try installing mods on forums, and writing simple scripts with the ground work and google anything u get stuck with, eventaly youl get to grips with it.
Once you got that plan out exsactly how its going to work before you start so u dont get stuck and have to redue any large sections.
Once you done that u should strat thinking about hosting (small scale) and just builing a beta or test system of it :D

07-01-2006, 10:48 PM
i give up it is too hard

07-01-2006, 11:05 PM
my best guess is learning PHP and MySQL i think those are the languages used to make kingsofchaos.com a game similar to neopets.

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