View Full Version : Warsong Glutch.

08-01-2006, 11:39 AM

As some of you may of come across, Warsong Glutch is a Battlegrounds where you fight in groups of 10 vs the enemy fraction. You battle in lvl ranges from 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-60.

When you fight you have to use teamwork to steal the opposite fractions flag in their base. If you successfully steal the enemy's flag you will have to run back to base and stand where your flag is held, the problem here is if your enemy's have also stolen your flag. You will have to send out some of your team while still leaving some to defend the flag holder to go retrieve your flag back. Once your team have fought their way to the enemy with your flag and slain him you can quickly run and score.

Doing this 3times in a match before the other team doe's wins you a Mark Of Honor, you can had these in once you have 3 of them to receive experiance (depending on your lvl how much), honor and reputation with the Battleground masters to buy special items etc.


Now here are some tips on winning.

• Always have atleast one defender - He can try and defend and also tell you which exit the flag stealer has gone out of.

• Try to beat the enemy's in the middle rush - When most battles begin, everyone will run out of the tunnel, this results in carnage is the center of the map, try to fight for your life and make sure healers keep everyone alive.

• Use the MiniMap! - If you see an enemy running down and no one else on your team has seen him, always click your mini-map up in the corner of your screen. This will make a sound and a circle on the map to aware your team.

• If your going to die, take someone down with you - If your in a situation where you are outnumbered and know your going to die, look for the lowest lvl and/or the cloth wearer, give them all you got before you die.

• If someone says Help, Help them! - When in the raid group (which you form at the starting 2min of a game by inviting people and converting to raid) if someone says Help when they have the flag, go help them (talk in raid chat by typing /raid).

• Noob, Nub, N00B, Noobz: NO - Don't call people Noobs when they do something wrong like lose the flag or can't capture the flag. The only tiem abbuse is needed is if someone is: dancing with the enemy, not helping, AFK (away from keyboard) or rude to everyone else.


A Sneeky Trick...

I have noticed and start doing myself now is that people in WSG 10-19 and 20-29 are funding low lvl characters with high lvl enchants, blue armour and weapons etc. Its a good way to have alot of fun and do extreme damage and have crazy amounts of health at the lvl.

These Characters are called Twinks by other people.

Here is one of my Twinks:


It is a Lvl 19 Orc Hunter. It basiclly has a Rare weapon, good armour and lots of enchants on weapon/armour.

I hope this one some use to someone and thanks for reading.

08-01-2006, 12:16 PM
Hmm.. I always thought it was Warsong Gultch not Glutch

08-01-2006, 02:39 PM
;o thanks for that! i'll remember them :P

08-01-2006, 07:19 PM
Hahaha Glutch. I think it's Gulch IIRC.

EDIT: Forgot to add my opinion on Twinks. This "sneaky trick" is not so sneaky anymore imo. The other day I was in WSG with my 19 warriors and the other group was basically full of them. There was two 19 warriors with enchants on their Smite's Hammer, a rogue (I dont remember if he had enchants or not) and countless more. Our team lost of course, and all of us were pretty mad. There's nothing particularly bad about it.. it just annoying.

10-01-2006, 06:26 PM
Hmm.. I always thought it was Warsong Gultch not Glutch
Yeah he's wrong, its Warsong GULCH!
Why Horde? Must be good..

15-01-2006, 12:20 AM
/\ Im a pally and AB is way better....ill make a thread on that, lol...and its gulth btw lmao

15-01-2006, 07:01 PM
Its Gulch, go and check.

15-01-2006, 07:15 PM
Stop spamming you silly people. Does it matter if it is Gultch, Gulch or Glutch? *Looks at 2nd post* I guess I did start it all.. but no one needs to know *Shhh*

16-01-2006, 05:18 PM
Yeah, guess you are right, but seriously, go check :P Oh yeah..
/yell Infrontation started it! ^^

16-01-2006, 05:28 PM
Yeah, guess you are right, but seriously, go check :P Oh yeah..
/yell Infrontation started it! ^^
*Kills* :p Back onto topic <3
Nice little guide

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