View Full Version : ExHobba ::Denzel:: Interview! One of the most loved SH!

10-01-2006, 07:44 PM
Well i made this interview yesterday, ::Denzel:: is one of the greatest hobba or exhobba and my favorite one. All this was directly pasted from the conversation and never edited.
For the ones who dosnt know, ::Denzel:: was one of the first Venezuela's hobba, during years he helped habbos and eaven became SH (Super Hobba).

I say:
Hello Denz! how are you
Denz says:
hey dude, GD ty
I say:
Heh well im reachydude from Habbox forums and id like to ask you, one of the most famous hobbas a few questions
Denz says:
Well man thanks for that, sure go ahead
I say:
Well first of all, We would like to know how feels to be the most loved hobba by all the latin comunity and a great number of UK people too
Denz says:
well man, its very cool to see that all the people you help, give ya some good words, and start helping ya back, its very cool and a good experience thanks for all the support that you people gave me when i was a hobba, now that im not a hobba, its the same for me i still love all of ya, and the love its tha same
I say:
Heh pretty nice =) now lets go on with the next question. We know that the hobba's charge removal was a bit hard for all of you and we would like to know if you liked beeing a hobba enough like to try to join again the staff team as a mod.
Denz says:
well man, being a hobba was very cool for me, it was a new experience, but nah man, habbo for me its friendship, i will still helping others for free, i will never be a mod cause i dont want to get payed for helping others in need, i dont like that!!
Denz says:
help others its something beautifull, well for me, i also joined tha Red cross of my country, so loads of ppl that read this will say oh man this guy is crazy or gay, but nah man, i love live, i live to help, and i help to live!
I say:
Hah thats pretty good actually! Man now, we know that most of you are not allowed to talk about this but we all think that de hobba's dissapear was a bit sudden (and the cause too). If you could erease that clue of our minds
Denz says:
dude, if you wanna know why all hobbas got debadged, read the newsie its all true man
I say:
Wow, heh well thanks I hope you enjoyed this interview and if you want to take a chance to greet or say hi to someone please do it =)
Denz says:
well i would like to say some words man, please guys figth for your dreams, leave the fake live for what you love, loads of guys ask me hey dude now that theres no hobbas, and i wanted to be one, what do i do now? you guys were heros. i answer this: man remeber that any good action become anyone a hero, if you see a guy in habbo just help him ad dont ask nothing for change, that becomes you a hero
Denz says:
never give up!!! trust in you, maybe some guys will say this is pure !#@#$ but man im saying this with ma hearth, and with own experience, i always loved to write books and read, but it was hard to me do it, but i figthed for it and now im writing ma own book, its all for real baby, remeber live its 1, so go and live it and dont hurts others!!!! thats all for me baby
I say:
Hah well thanks dude for those awsome word and i thank you in word of all you helped. Bye Denz =)
Denz says:
no man, i thank you for th eoportunity all you guys gave me in the habbo world, remeber if you need help or something, you know where to find me

10-01-2006, 07:54 PM
Seems fake =/

The Professor
10-01-2006, 08:02 PM
Thats nice, now read the title of this forum and get back to us.

10-01-2006, 08:16 PM
This is not fake and i will try to get Denz to post here so u can beleave me...

10-01-2006, 08:22 PM
Denzel doesnt say dude not man, and surely not in an interview

10-01-2006, 09:07 PM
It is... Fake.

10-01-2006, 09:09 PM
Fake or not, this isnt the correct section for it. It honestly is not that hard to realise the fact this particular area of the forum is for NEWS AND/OR RUMOURS ONLY!

Either you cant read, you are stupid or you want as much popularity and attention from this thread as possible.

Thread closed :@

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