View Full Version : Debate - Skool terms

10-12-2004, 01:41 PM
ive heard that they are going to shorten our skool terms which i find unfair does anyone agree and know why?

10-12-2004, 02:10 PM
they are going to shorten them and give you more terms or longer off at other terms so you dont get one massive holiday, i dont think you will lose time off just have it split more evenly throughout the year.

10-12-2004, 02:18 PM
ye i think it was shorten the main one and have a longer christmas :S i would rather have a longer christmas coz 6 weeks holidays get really boring christmas you get new things dont you and you wont easily get bored.

10-12-2004, 02:38 PM
bored and hollyday in the same sentens =o omg ,i'm like never bored =o ok maybe a day or 2-3 lol

10-12-2004, 04:51 PM
ive heard that they are going to shorten our skool terms which i find unfair does anyone agree and know why?

Lets think about this logically!

I assume you are talking about English schools. Which attend an average of 40 weeks of the year over 3 terms. (Sept - Dec) (Jan - March/April) March/April subject to when Easter falls. (March/April - July). So the majority of students have approximately 6 weeks of the summer to relax, two weeks at the end of each term, and one week half way through a term.

Lets look at this from a financial point of view. The longest break is supposedly the warmest time of year in England. So schools make no savings with heating. Where as if they altered the term time table and created 4 terms they could reduce their winter heating costs. That does not mean anyone would attend fewer weeks. It would be just a change in timetables.

How many times have you heard on the radio during winter, a list of schools announced that are closed due to broken pipes, severe weather conditions, snow, ice etc. etc.

I don't know whether I am right, or even close, but financially I suppose it could make sense ;)

10-12-2004, 05:01 PM
Im not worried dont affect me :D

10-12-2004, 05:08 PM
Is this for schools in the US or in England?

10-12-2004, 05:16 PM
England I think..

We are, next year or sometime in the following years, going to get 2 weeks off in March/april (Cannot remember when) but then only have Bank holiday Monday and Friday off with Easter in the weekend, instead of having 1 week, easter then 1 more week. This is because of easter falling earlier in the year, and it is always changing. So instead we will have the 2 weeks fixed year after yeah... I personally think this is better because we get longer off ( :eusa_danc ) but in some cases it is worse...

I dont like the idea off having more weeks in the Christmas holiday off, as it is cold then :( Summer is warmer...

10-12-2004, 05:22 PM
I thnk we should get more time off, not less.

10-12-2004, 05:23 PM
Its gd, because then you'll have mini breaks now and then, which I'd love.

I do like the 6 week holiday, but maybe cut 3 weeks off so they can b spread about throughout the year, that would be groovay :)

10-12-2004, 05:56 PM
Nah for me that would be bad... ma dad lives in america nd i liv in eng so i need time to see him nd i only see him once a year for 6 weeks so id really lose time wid him if skool breaks were made shorter... :(

10-12-2004, 06:04 PM
Its Hard At School, We Derserve Longer Breaks! :)

10-12-2004, 06:06 PM
Well if you think about it, school's not too bad. Pupils get much more holidays than those in most jobs and I think it would be good to have perhaps slightly longer terms but with nice big breaks at the end of them. ;)

10-12-2004, 06:09 PM
Ah..Good ol' Belgium.
Some years ago they proposed the same but that has been cancelled.
Long live democracy!
In your point of view I would dislike it, but when reading MissAlice's explanation I assume it would be a good idea.;for Brittain..not Belgium.. :p

10-12-2004, 06:50 PM
i keep hearing the ideas that they may put in more holdays but shoter, ro just put some holdays in otehr places so holidays are more equal in lengh, longer easter chrismas etc, but at exspecs of summer. i quite like holidays as they are, as you can always look forwared to the long summer hols at the end.

also i dont think they wil remove any term time, just move it around.

10-12-2004, 07:10 PM
I am happy with my school terms, Easter is only 3 days and we have a more chance to be learning and not killing ourselves.

Christmas holiday I think ends in the beginning of January for us which I dont care because it is my last year as I am in yr 11 :p

10-12-2004, 07:24 PM
Its gd, because then you'll have mini breaks now and then, which I'd love.

I do like the 6 week holiday, but maybe cut 3 weeks off so they can b spread about throughout the year, that would be groovay

i agree with what she said id rather have more breaks then have a big one.

and yes im talking about england.

10-12-2004, 07:34 PM
Lets think about this logically!

I assume you are talking about English schools. Which attend an average of 40 weeks of the year over 3 terms. (Sept - Dec) (Jan - March/April) March/April subject to when Easter falls. (March/April - July). So the majority of students have approximately 6 weeks of the summer to relax, two weeks at the end of each term, and one week half way through a term.

Lets look at this from a financial point of view. The longest break is supposedly the warmest time of year in England. So schools make no savings with heating. Where as if they altered the term time table and created 4 terms they could reduce their winter heating costs. That does not mean anyone would attend fewer weeks. It would be just a change in timetables.

How many times have you heard on the radio during winter, a list of schools announced that are closed due to broken pipes, severe weather conditions, snow, ice etc. etc.

I don't know whether I am right, or even close, but financially I suppose it could make sense ;)

No you're not right, that's just total bull if you ask me. (Don't quote saying "we didn't ask you", that'd make you uncool).

The reason is, and the Government have said this, is that six weeks is too long during the summer, most kids don't want to go back to school, causing truancy levels to go up.

Kids forget what they've learnt, meaning that they have to spend a few weeks at least refreshing on what they have previously learnt, if they had shorter breaks, they wouldn't have to do this.

The whole education system is changing anyway, pretty soon we won't be having GCSE's in England, we'll be having diplomas, by 2012 I think they said.

Also after 2005, exam leave becomes illegal. :eusa_whis

10-12-2004, 10:53 PM
Yay, I get Study Leave right on time!

11-12-2004, 03:11 PM
I bet nobody knows why they are becoming shortened huh?
Well a couple of years ago children used to help around a farm or crops a lot. Normally the summer holidays was a time of hard work and small harvesting. So they gave a 6 week period of school off (for normally the rural parts) For children to help around the farm.
Well since tecnoligy has been introduced the goverement believes to shorten the holidays because of this event. Not many children do this anymore as a result. So thats why they are being shortened.

11-12-2004, 10:10 PM
The SUmmer Term used to be for work I agree,

Now as they invented stuff likes Games Machines and other stuff, people dont work anymore.

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