View Full Version : FANSITE CLOSED DOWN!

28-01-2006, 07:58 PM
Habbos.co.uk - End of an era
Tuesday 24th January 2006

http://www.habbos.co.uk/images/official.gif Dear Habbos,
Regrettably I have taken the very hard decision to close Habbos.co.uk.

Unfortunately I just don't have the time, commitment or enthusiasm anymore for the mammoth task of running such a popular website.
My 'spare' online time has recently diminished due to working towards my A-levels, work and of course seeing friends in the evenings! It takes me about an hour to sort out trivial problems every time I sign on and it leaves me very little time to enjoy the site. Infact, the making of this page has been the most effort I have put into Habbos for weeks.

During the past 2 years Habbos has achieved so much - exceeding the 20,000 members mark, over 7 million hits and has produced many strong relationships. For some of this time Habbos was THE Habbo Hotel Fansite - an achievement I am very proud of.

The support from a strong site management team, both past and present has been the core to Habbos' success and for all their help I am extremely grateful. Also, I am very thankful to a superb Moderation Team who were often there to brighten up the day - thanks! Thank you also to the newest staff and I apologise that your time here was so short - it is not a reflection on you, but on myself that I don't have the time to guide you as I would desire to.

Finally to all of Habbos' members - I thank you for all of your activity and really hope that you have got something good out of the site. It was built for you to enjoy and express yourselves and I hope that in some ways this was achieved.

If you have any departing comments you may email them to me at [email protected] ([email protected]), otherwise I shall see you around on Habbo!

Best Wishes,
Site Manager

Sorry if already posted

28-01-2006, 08:01 PM
Old News :l

the wombats
28-01-2006, 08:01 PM
We know....

28-01-2006, 08:01 PM

Also looking at your rep its red sooo you arnt the sharpest crayon in the pack are ya. Sorry -Rep

28-01-2006, 08:02 PM
Thats ashame I really liked that site, it was the only other fansite apart from Habbox I visited

the wombats
28-01-2006, 08:04 PM

Also looking at your rep its red sooo you arnt the sharpest crayon in the pack are ya. Sorry -Rep
Yours is the same so it won't affect his rep

28-01-2006, 08:05 PM
i Agree seacat, it was a good site and the only habbo fansite that wasted filtered at my school xD

Habbos did realy good events and gave realy good news. Its a same he closed it he should of passed it on.

28-01-2006, 08:24 PM

Also looking at your rep its red sooo you arnt the sharpest crayon in the pack are ya. Sorry -Rep

Bothered NO I AINT BOVAD! :)

28-01-2006, 08:30 PM
Old news


I'v posted about it allready

28-01-2006, 08:38 PM
I was VIP there and a well known member I'm really sad it was my favourite site and was so perfect :'(

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