View Full Version : Official Sites DOWN?!

31-01-2006, 01:09 PM
Very weirdly, allmost all HabboHotel.co.uk 's official sites are down / quited one by one... >;s

-: http://www.habbomania.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://bobbanet.co.uk/uk/index.php (dont get updated for long time)
-: http://www.habbo-info.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://www.habbos.co.uk/ (quited)
-: http://www.habbodemand.com/ (down)
-: http://www.robsladey.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://www.habbolane.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://www.yourhabbo.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://www.habbocafe.co.uk/_sgt/f10000.htm (changing site)
-: http://www.habburgers.net/ (down)
-: http://www.habboforum.com/ (down)

What do you think???
It's more than a half of the official sites :s

31-01-2006, 01:11 PM
A few of the sites are down for individual reasons.

Like Habburgers is down for a make over.

Habbo forum is down for a server change, as are a few of the other.s

But yeah, it's strange that they are all down at the same time. But it's just a coinsidence I think.

31-01-2006, 01:12 PM
Habbo should realy keep on top of the fan site list! There are alot of other sites out there deserving to be official more than others.

- James

31-01-2006, 01:13 PM
Very weirdly, allmost all HabboHotel.co.uk 's official sites are down / quited one by one... >;s

-: http://www.habbomania.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://bobbanet.co.uk/uk/index.php (dont get updated for long time)
-: http://www.habbo-info.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://www.habbos.co.uk/ (quited)
-: http://www.habbodemand.com/ (down)
-: http://www.robsladey.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://www.habbolane.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://www.yourhabbo.co.uk/ (down)
-: http://www.habbocafe.co.uk/_sgt/f10000.htm (changing site)
-: http://www.habburgers.net/ (down)
-: http://www.habboforum.com/ (down)

What do you think???
It's more than a half of the official sites :confused:

He's right... it is sad to see them all down. I need my news!

31-01-2006, 01:14 PM
Habbo should realy keep on top of the fan site list! There are alot of other sites out there deserving to be official more than others.

- James

*Cough* Bobboid.net :D *Cough* lol

31-01-2006, 01:14 PM
Maybe their servers are just down?

31-01-2006, 01:15 PM
Robs ladey is back ;)

31-01-2006, 01:15 PM
*Cough* Bobboid.net :D *Cough* lol

Lol, I think everyone could cough all day Kobi ;)

*cough* Remix *cough*

- James

31-01-2006, 01:16 PM
Habbo seriously gotta pick new ones the old 1s are just boring, seriously

- Sygon

31-01-2006, 01:16 PM
Lol, I think everyone could cough all day Kobi ;)

*cough* Remix *cough*

- James

Btw, anybody knows when the official votes are starting?

31-01-2006, 01:17 PM
fgs, Each time habbo-Info goes down Habbolane goes down (Tis' on the same server ;P)

so that's why Habbolane is down. ;)

31-01-2006, 01:17 PM
Habbo should realy keep on top of the fan site list! There are alot of other sites out there deserving to be official more than others.

- James

You got that right.

31-01-2006, 01:21 PM
maybe for makeover?

31-01-2006, 01:28 PM
The voting for official list was meant to be out at the end of the January *looks*..

Looks like Sulake are too busy at the moment with Mei Ling!

- James

31-01-2006, 03:09 PM
The voting for official list was meant to be out at the end of the January *looks*..

Looks like Sulake are too busy at the moment with Mei Ling!

- James

Mei ling is gone ... I hope they'll release it at the next few days of February.

31-01-2006, 03:18 PM
Good discovery ;o

31-01-2006, 04:12 PM
habbo-mania IS back pfft "/ its renamed as thehabbos.com/forum

Callie does know, and callie is just lazy to edit the fansite list "/ Thehabbos is HABBOMANIA so we are not down.

31-01-2006, 04:13 PM
callie sure is lazy!

31-01-2006, 04:15 PM
Yourhabbo was down to some coding errors. Nothing to worry about. Its back now.

31-01-2006, 04:38 PM
They will just be doing updates to servers and many other things. :p

31-01-2006, 04:43 PM
fgs, Each time habbo-Info goes down Habbolane goes down (Tis' on the same server ;P)

so that's why Habbolane is down. ;)

The Oikee server? Yeahh, there was a server switchover onto a new, faster server, although it caused a few problems. It should be back up soon though.

And whoever said that they need to replace some sites, you are partially right. Some sites are down for well over a month, and should be replaced. Some, like Habbo-Info are down for a week and should not be replaced, so I am afraid I must disagree with you. Habbo give about 3 weeks allowance (?) because they understand that some sites can have server issues...

31-01-2006, 04:45 PM
as i have said habbomania has been replaced by TheHabbos. x]

Callie or whoever just hasent updated the list *GROWLS*

31-01-2006, 05:00 PM
its dionysus that updates the sites etc lol

31-01-2006, 05:28 PM
Habbos.co.uk was the only real descent site out there. HabboForum should be temporarily removed due to it being down and not really updated for 2-3 weeks (changing the message on the front isn't anything major). HabboDemand.com should also be removed, because that is having a name change and should only be done for temp, unless the new site stinks badly. I don't think Bobbanet.com should ever of become Official, they cheated their way in. I never voted for them in and they were never in the voting list to begin with, I don't think Habburgers was in the list either "/

31-01-2006, 05:34 PM
Habbos.co.uk was the only real descent site out there. HabboForum should be temporarily removed due to it being down and not really updated for 2-3 weeks (changing the message on the front isn't anything major). HabboDemand.com should also be removed, because that is having a name change and should only be done for temp, unless the new site stinks badly. I don't think Bobbanet.com should ever of become Official, they cheated their way in. I never voted for them in and they were never in the voting list to begin with, I don't think Habburgers was in the list either "/

As they say, its all down to the people you know..

31-01-2006, 06:18 PM
I Noticed They Were All Down Too.

31-01-2006, 06:54 PM
Habbo should realy keep on top of the fan site list! There are alot of other sites out there deserving to be official more than others.

- James
get used to it, thast how habbo is.

31-01-2006, 07:01 PM
Habbo-Info isn't down, there is a firewall problem which means that not all people can see it. It should be sorted tommororo.


P.S it's acctually callie that deals with the fansites

31-01-2006, 07:12 PM
It is a firewall problem? That must be one heck of a problem considering I don't know one person who can get on it... apart from you maybe? (Site isn't stored offline or in cache or anything is it? :S )

31-01-2006, 07:13 PM
Some new website - www.habhouse.co.uk just got launched. Mass message sent around

31-01-2006, 07:17 PM
Yea, Becs likes advertising weird sites now, doesn't she? Pfft. Usually ones with dreadful layouts. That layout is better than some recent ones, but still unoriginal. Oh, and the banner is a mess. Most decent sites can get visitors by themselves instead of Becs DJing for them. *Yawns*

31-01-2006, 10:43 PM
Yea, Becs likes advertising weird sites now, doesn't she? Pfft. Usually ones with dreadful layouts. That layout is better than some recent ones, but still unoriginal. Oh, and the banner is a mess. Most decent sites can get visitors by themselves instead of Becs DJing for them. *Yawns*

Only Offical Sites should be advertised. It is only fair

31-01-2006, 10:45 PM
It didn't just get launched, its been up for a long time, just as Becs DJayed there she sent out a mass alert. Anyway, whats happening with Habbo Cafe? Is it "MoreHabbo" now "/

31-01-2006, 10:49 PM
Habbo should realy keep on top of the fan site list! There are alot of other sites out there deserving to be official more than others.

- James

like habbohotelguides

31-01-2006, 10:53 PM
The sites which put little effort in become official, the sites which put most work in stay unofficial. There are so many radios out there, Radiohabbo put little work in, they are popular but don't have to put much work in, whilst sites such as mine (just using it for an example) have to work hard in order to become popular as such.

31-01-2006, 11:39 PM
I think www.habbonation.net (http://www.habbonation.net) should become offical, because it's updated daily (which is more then can be said for some offical sites.)

Certain offical sites don't (and like Gommeinc said), never have deserved offical status.

01-02-2006, 12:02 AM
I think www.habbonation.net (http://www.habbonation.net) should become offical, because it's updated daily (which is more then can be said for some offical sites.)

Certain offical sites don't (and like Gommeinc said), never have deserved offical status.

How come habbox aint on there no more?

01-02-2006, 12:27 AM
like habbohotelguides
Considering it has been owned, no.

How come habbox aint on there no more?
Because a certain owner the site got jealous of Cheezy2 being friends with Callie and made a rediculous News Article about how they were dating or something. Callie also found rude images hosted on Habbox which I am not sure is 100% correct, but apparently sierk was told to remove it and he got whiny (like usual) and argued against her, which led to it being removed (he didn't like Habbo going through Habbox's folders, ig this was the case, the daft fool should make them forbidden).

It was also removed for spreading false rumours and jealousy articles in their news also made by sierk again. >Max< also made an article about Version 7 before it was released.

Most of Habbox's problems fall down on sierk, like opinions for example.

01-02-2006, 01:05 AM
Considering it has been owned, no.

Because a certain owner the site got jealous of Cheezy2 being friends with Callie and made a rediculous News Article about how they were dating or something. Callie also found rude images hosted on Habbox which I am not sure is 100% correct, but apparently sierk was told to remove it and he got whiny (like usual) and argued against her, which led to it being removed (he didn't like Habbo going through Habbox's folders, ig this was the case, the daft fool should make them forbidden).

It was also removed for spreading false rumours and jealousy articles in their news also made by sierk again. >Max< also made an article about Version 7 before it was released.

Most of Habbox's problems fall down on sierk, like opinions for example.

Actually, the less rebellious version I was told of, and it may be wrong, was that a certain member hosted a certain rude image and HabboHotel immediately deemed that a breach of the Fansite T's and C's and removed Habbox promptly. I do also remember that that whole "scandal" as some rather extreme people call it, brought us alot of extra attention ;)

As for Kobi's news, good find, the sites need to keep on top of things!

01-02-2006, 01:27 PM
*Cough* Bobboid.net :D *Cough* lol

*Cough* Bobboid hacked a few ppl *Cough*

01-02-2006, 01:29 PM
*Cough* Bobboid hacked a few ppl *Cough*

lol true

01-02-2006, 02:02 PM
*Cough* Bobboid hacked a few ppl *Cough*

Like who? ;-\

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