View Full Version : My.Poems

03-02-2006, 12:55 PM

I am going to show you lots of my poems, you don't have to read them all xD Cos there is alot :D This could take a very long time!
Age : 13
Age when most of the poems were written : 11-12 xD

Letting it slip through my fingers,
A friendship that was once true,
Letting it slip through my fingers,
A love that I once knew…

Giving away a diamond,
That I once lust,
Giving away a diamond,
That is now fading like dust…


You cannot trust,
Because it *****s with you,
You cannot believe,
Because it leaves you…

I put my faith in you,
You let it go,
I know it may have upset you,
But you let it go…

I cannot trust,
Because you’ve *****ed with me,
I cannot believe,
Because you’ve left me…

I put my faith in you,
You let it go,
I know it may have upset you,
But you let it go…


I cannot hate,
Because I love you,
I cannot hate,
Because I need you…

I put my faith in you,
You let it go,
I know it may have upset you,
But you let it go…

I love you,
I need you,
But now,
I feel like,
I’ve been,


As the stars shine on my face, we sit together under a tree, love gathering in our eyes, a fire burning in our hearts.


Tears rolling down these cheeks of mine,
As I sit alone on this starry night,
Hate gathering in my eyes,
As the fire leaves my heart…

As I look into your eyes, I wonder a nightmare, hate gathering in my mind, a hurt burning deep down inside.


Tears rolling down these cheeks of mine,
As I sit alone on this starry night,
Hate gathering in my eyes,
As the fire leaves my heart…

As the nightmare clouds my mind, I see you get up and leaving, pain gathering inside, a life with nowhere to hide.


Tears rolling down these cheeks of mine,
As I sit alone on this starry night,
Hate gathering in my eyes,
As the fire leaves my heart…

I realise its not reality, You’re not leaving me, you’re here with me, love gathering in my eyes, a love deep down inside.


Tears rolling down these cheeks of mine,
As I sit alone on this starry night,
Hate gathering in my eyes,
As the fire leaves my heart…

As the stars shine on my face, we sit together under a tree, love gathering in our eyes, a fire burning in our hearts.


As the stars fell from the sky that night,
I held my pillow softly,
And the light seeped through my curtains – still,
Shining far beyond me,
I whispered to you through the wind,
‘Hold my hand,
It feels like I’ve always known you’
I grasped my pillow,
And the stars crashed on the land,
You grasped my hand,
From where – only you know,
I pull you closer,
So you can hear,
‘Will you be,
The one tonight?’


Golden shine through the sky,
Wispy clouds flying high,
Trees dancing in the air,
Birds swiftly swaying without a care,
I stare into the distant blue,
I stare as I think of you…

Autumn air,
Feeling fine,
Leaves fluttering in the breeze,
Forever this moment I will seize…


Can you be my razorblades when I’m feeling astray?
Can you be my pills – please may you stay?
Can you be the hurt – always there with me?
Can you be my company – always there to see?

‘Cos I need someone to help me,
Someone here to see,
Someone to stop the hurt – that they’re paining me.

And I’ll try not too tie that rope,
Try to change my every hope,
To something good for me.


Burning inside

Arousing anger,
Burning eyes,
Screaming inside,
As everyone smiles,
Being destroyed,
Falling down…

I look at the blood stained floor,
Tears splashing at my feet,
I’m burning down inside,
Letting it all go,
Like tears rolling down,
Down this discarded face…

My lifes incomplete,
I’m missing the most important part,
The death of this hurt,
The end of this destruction,
The end of this burning,
This burning inside…


You cannot miss,
What you do not have,
I cannot miss you,
For I do not have you…

Living without your touch,
But I cannot miss,
What I want to miss so much,
Loving your smile,
But I cannot miss,
What I want to miss so much…

Hurting inside,
Hurting from what I do not have,
Paining inside,
For I do not have you…

Living without your touch,
But I cannot miss,
What I want to miss so much,
Loving your eyes,
But I cannot miss,
What I want to miss so much…

Needing you,
Wanting you,
Can’t miss you,
For I do not have you…

Living without your touch,
But I cannot miss,
What I want to miss so much,
Loving your smile,
But I cannot miss,
What I want to miss so much…

I cannot miss you…
I want to miss you…


Closer than ever,
Sweet as can be,
Such a sweet peaceful harmony,
My life is now perfect,
Like a complete jigsaw.

The breeze had left me,
The sun in my life,
But now you’re back,
And I have nothing to fear.

My feelings for you are deep enough to swim in,
I’ll gladly take you’re hand,
But this – I surely won’t demand.

Although I love you,
I won’t push nor beg,
I will leave us to be happy,
Happy as can be…


Fallen Angel

Icy darkness,
Coldest stare,
Frozen body,
So blue – so bare,
Touch of an angel,
She rose from the floor,
Warmth from deep down,
Which we have to endure,
Body of glass,
Fragile and weak,
But she has strength from within,
Which we seek,
Eyes like diamonds,
So soft – so clear,
Like the things we most cherish,
So dear – so dear,
Silver trimming,
In the frosty light,
A fallen angel,
Silent in the night…


Running through a field of nightmares,
No sweet dreams,
Nothing like what it seems,
Screams of pain,
So many tears – again and again,
Life so torn,
This task so worn,
Harder than intended,
So emotionally dented,
Take me away from this,
Just let me leave all this,
This field of nightmares…


I follow your footsteps,
I follow them with ease,
While deep inside,
I’m crying softly,
Wondering where to tread next,
Walk a little faster,
So I loose my way,
And I’ll be all on my own,
With no-one here to stay,
I don’t want to be a follower,
I want to be alone,
So no-one can break this heart of mine,
And no-one can hurt me in this mind…


Golden silk - like your blood,
Flowing softly - round and round.

A golden key - to unlock your love,
Set it free like a golden dove.

'Cos your golden to me,
Wonderful and special - all I need.

Wanting to hug you - like I need,
Wanting to see you - all I need to see.

So let me wrap my love around you,
Let me do this - what I want to do...


Her life was so perfect,
It all fit into place,
She was so happy – so many smiles on her face,
She was beginning to fit in;
With the crowd,
She was starting to feel ever so proud,
She got hooked up with a guy,
She knew he was a prat,
I never understood why she ever did that,
Like a blink of an eye,
She was *****ng her bags – saying goodbye,
She was into his place without consideration,
Her mother cried in pure desperation,
‘Why leave now? Why for that guy?’
Her mother cried – and painfully sighed…
So many tears fell on that day,
She was lost on what to say…

He took her down the highway,
In his brand new ride,
Going faster and faster – from side to side,
He took a sip of cider – and took hold of her hand,
She pulled it away – but he struggled in demand,
Sirens close behind them – getting faster at every touch,
Why did he ever have to drink so much?
She screamed in fear as he pushed the brake,
Why, O why, was this a risk she had to take?
And she cried in fear,
Her end was very near…

As she woke – she heard these words,
‘She’s not going to make it through…’,
‘But please keep fighting – it’s all you can do…’.
And her life was over in a flash,
And there was no way she could ever look back…


I love you,
And you know it,
I love you,
And you need it…

I could never want to hurt,
Such a wonderful person,
I could never want to hurt,
Such an amazing person…

Feeling a bond that’s stronger than the world,
So strong,
Feeling a bond that’s stronger than everyone,
So strong…

So let me cry,
These happy tears,
So let me cry,
My love so dear….


We’re all lost in this masquerade,
Taken away,
This happy face means nothing,
Nothing but fear…

We’re all walking through this place,
Smiling – the best fake face,
Screaming this lie,
Screaming this life…

But we’re going to find who we are,
And stick to that path,
And if they don’t like it,
If they fail to see,
We’ll let them leave – ‘cos I wanna be me…


This isn’t a fairytale,
With no shouts, screams and innocent wails,
So many tales of misfortune,
Struggling up this never ending dune,
Death and poverty everywhere,
Evil sneers – hurtful stares,
Children holding onto their mothers as they plead,
As their hearts bleed,
From pain that people cause,
Let’s take it slow – take a pause,
Do you take the time to think about them,
You take them time to stare at them,
Sneer at their hurt,
Treating them like dirt..


Just another smile,
In my torn down life,
Just another chapter,
In this big long book,
Just another word,
In this heart catching sentence.
You’re just another one.
Just another one who decided to leave,
Just another one who decided to go on without me,
Just another person who I loved so much,
Just another one.
Just another person who hurt me bad,
Just another person who made me so sad,
Just another person who caught my heart,
Just another one.
Just another love that I couldn’t live without,
Just another love that made me laugh and shout,
Just another love that made me cry these tears.
Just another one.
Just another romance that struck me hard,
Just another romance that broke into shards,
Just another romance who I love without doubt.
Your not just another,
You were the one for me,
Your not just another,
You are the one for me,
Your not just another,
You were someone I could not live without,
Your not just another,
You are the person I cannot live without.
A wish that came true,
Then faded to dust,
A fire that shone bright,
Then died in the night,
One love I’ll never forget,
One love I’ll always have,
One love.
Not just another one.


Not everyone gets a chance,
Some die before they have lived,
Taken away in a grasp of evil,
From their friends and family,
This poem here is to make you see,
That every moment is the best,
‘Cos this is life’s fateful test,
They could be gone like that,
So make sure you enjoy it while it lasts…


Life can be hard,
I no,
Life can be cruel,
I see,
Life is a war,
So big,
Life is a knife,
So sharp,
Life is full of secrets,
Hard to keep,
Life is a door with a key,
So hard to find.
Life is Life.


Strangled by the confusion,
Suffocated by the way it works,
I struggle to find the way through this mighty battle,
With all its nasty quirks.

So I grasp my life,
I take this gun,
And I let go of my chance…

Tempted by the evil,
Led by this deception,
I search for the answer,
Only to find lies.

So I grasp my life,
I take this gun,
And I let go of my chance…

Lost in this icy winter,
Misplaced in this fake trust,
I will never win,
I have lost,
Lost the will to live…


A emotional ride through my misty heart,
Taken through this hurt and pain,
But the more and more I seem to gain,
Clearer and clearer to passive,
Love is a gamble – and I’m winning,
I’m playing the cards as they appear,
I’m gambling on this love – this love so dear.


I don’t need those *****y sneers,
I don’t need you to make me sit in tears,
I don’t need those evil stares,
I don’t need a day full of lare.

I hope one day you remember me,
The boy you hurt so carelessly,
And I hope one day you look back and see,
How much you really hurt me.

You make me feel like a pile of ****,
Make me feel like nothing but an it,
You make me feel like saying goodbye,
Make me feel like soaring of that building so high.

My hand picks up that pen,
Writing my final words – again and again,
My hand opens that frosty window,
I look down – so low, so low.

Goodbye Goodbye,
I must go now,
I must step forward – my final bow…


I sit here waiting alone,
Waiting for my true love to come home.
The door swings open – you stand there trembling,
You shiver whilst mumbling.
Whats wrong my love?
How can I help my love?
Please my love,
Let me help you.

The first tear is drawn from your eye,
I sit there and let out a sigh.
For there is nothing I can do,
Except sit and cry for you.
What’s wrong my love?
How can I help my love?
Please my love,
Let me help you.

You walk past me like nothing is wrong,
You walk past – smile and sing me a song.
I should have noticed before,
The blood on the open front door.
What’s wrong my love?
How can I help my love?
Please my love,
Let me help you.

The blood runs through your hand,
Like a thousand grains of sand.
And I sit and I stare,
I sit there – do nothing – but I care.
I know what’s wrong my love.
But I can’t help my love.
Please my love,
Let me help you.

The last beat is drawn from your heart,
The loss hits me like a dart.
For there was nothing I could have done,
Except cry and run.
I know what was wrong my love.
But I couldn’t help my love.
Please my love,
Why didn’t you let me help you.


She lays numb on the floor,
Breath caught in her lungs,
Clutching memories of nothing,
Tears embroided on her dead face,
Her son perched on the battered sofa,
‘Mummy what’s wrong?’ He says,
The room remains silent,
Needles surrounding her hell,
‘Mummy wake up....’ He cries,
No answer.
‘Mummy please...’
No answer.
‘Mummy I love you...’
No answer.


I sit on my own,
I sit all alone,
No-one notices me,
They never care to see,
They don’t care about me.

I play on my own,
I play all alone,
No-one notices me,
They never care to see,
They don’t care about me.

I walk on my own,
I walk all alone,
No-one notices me,
They never care to see,
They don’t care about me.

I live my life on my own,
I live my life all alone,
No-one notices me,
They never care to see,
They don’t care about me.

I sit and think on my own,
I think all alone,
Its hard to know that I am dead,
But no-one would have a tear to shed.


Was feeling down and out of place, you made me smile – my little face. Every word you say to me , is like a gentle breeze. Securing me in a perfect harmony, I hope you see. Caring for me like there is no other – making me feel so special – worth your bother. Tears of happiness roll from my eye – making me gleefully sigh. Making me happy – after all this pain, stopping me from going insane. Your there for me – like I am for you. Doing everything – that you can do.


It feels so good,
It brings you joy,
Release that anger,
Release that voice,
Keep it secret.
Keep it down
About I and you
About our future, true,


I tried to see things from your point of view,
Tried to see why I am so bad,
I was searching so far inside your heart to find out,
You’re so far up that *** of yours,
It was hard to find this valuable cure,
You’re so stubborn and such a pain,
My trust – you’re yet to regain,
So when you next frickin’ talk to me,
Try to not beg or plea,
‘Cos I’ll hate you for the rest of eternity,
Go to someone who cares,
‘Cos I sure don’t you make me blare!


Are you tired of this place..?
Are you tired of the fake faces..?
Are you tired of being so tough..?
Are you tired of being so rough..?

This is how this cruel thing works,
With all its cruel quirks,
This is how its got to be,
With all the things we have to see.

Is it hard being so nice..?
Hard to get by without advice..?
Is it hard to be on your own..?
Hard to find your rightful home..?

This is how it’s told,
But you’ve gotta stay strong and bold,
This is how it’s been,
With all things we’ve seen.

Are you scared of being kicked when you’re down..?
Are you scared of being shown..?
Are you scared of what to do..?
Are you scared of what it will do to you..?

I’m tired of this place!
I’m tired of all the fake faces!
I’m tired of having to be tough!
I’m tired of having to be rough!

It isn’t how it should work,
It shouldn’t have a single quirk,
This isn’t how it’s gotta be,
We shouldn’t have to see!

It’s so hard to be nice!
It’s so hard without advice!
It’s hard on my own!
I can’t find my rightful home!

This isn’t how it should be told!
And I’m not gonna stay strong and bold!
This shouldn’t be how it’s been!
We shouldn’t have seen!

I’m scared of being kicked when I’m down!
I’m scared of being shown!
I’m scared of what to do!
I’m scared of what it will do!

So just let me be,
These scars will heal,
And I’ll be just fine,
This is just a hard time…


Kick me,
Tease me,
Punch me,
Bruise me,
But believe me,
I’ll stand strong!

Defy me,
Deny me,
Ignore me,
Affect me,
But believe me,
I’ll stand strong!

I don’t care see,
You’re a fool see,
Your not hurtful see,
That’s why I stand strong!


Look into her deep dark eyes,
Past the happy faces,
Past the fake lies,
Do you see happiness?

Tears welling up inside her,
Tears she has to hide,
From all the pain that’s happening,
Deep down inside.

As the first tear falls,
She wipes her soft face,
Looks in the mirror,
So much hurt to embrace.

Destroyed as she tried to be best,
Tried to be the happiest girl that they’d ever met…


Say one that you like, and rate it xD

03-02-2006, 01:05 PM
Well from what i read 0.o its amazingly good! -claps- Very talented :)

03-02-2006, 02:29 PM
Hehe, what one(s) did you read?

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