View Full Version : I have a parrot :D

03-02-2006, 10:34 PM
READ: ITS QUITE GOOD lolZ:eusa_danc I have had my parrot for 3 or 4 years [ only just seen this part of the forum lolol] he/she is like 5 or 6, we don't actually know if its boy or girl, its a Blue fronted amazon and can say

Tickle Head
It can also laugh like ma grandma
and it used to do chicken noises
and cries like me when i was younger ;)
its does a better chicken tham the one at tropical world lololololololol

I not sure how you tell if its male for female
well it mostly bites my mum
my bro is scared of it lolol
and it like loves me n ma dad but still bites like either scared or thinks we being mean lolol, we trying good to train it lol, when u say hello its says it back [ dont think it knows what it means lolol ] and when u say ticklehead near him with your finger by his head, he puts it down for you to tickle it lolol, he once flew away when ma dad was making our upstairs, we found him next day in this womans and mans garden lolol and it took a big chunk outta ma mum :(:( oh and also, if you put ur finger near him, he puts his head down for it to be tickld, i sometime [ or maybe most of time ] I do like a tweet noise lolol I like dont know when i do it :S maybe all time, but it also settles him down I think lolol so.
So i do that, i think I do it most of time rofl, i really cant member :| lolol, i will see next, he is like next to me, but i cba to test it lol, when I have in on ma shoulder he sometimes poops rofl! i sometimes have him on webcam to ma mates, so they can see him :) i have it on ma shoulders or on the back on ma chair, usually if it poo's once i stick some paper behind it, then i turns around so i have to put another one down lolol. so its like really cute, sorry if i put "him" lolol, I love him though, did i mention its name? lolol nearly said him again :| i really think its a boy lol, but maybe if its girl is likes boys and if its boy it likes girls, so could be girl, coz it likes me n ma dad lol, thats just a thery rofl, and no i dont see a willy lmao if anyone asks :P don't think u do anyway lol, anyway lets get to its name [ btw my dad says u dont see its willy ] lolky :) Its called Sparky, mum thought of it lol, i do have some pics, but I am on ma Dads laptop, so no pics on here, I need to take anufa lol coz I dont want you to see my face :P:P anyway, if you read this coz it took me ages to write rofl, [ quicker read than wrote rofl ] anyway thanks :D I hope i didn't miss anything useful or not useful out lolol, thanks again lolZ :eusa_danc

05-03-2006, 08:07 AM
:O A Parrot !!! Mint!! Got a picture?

24-03-2006, 06:19 PM
I'd like a parrot that speaks it wud b kl

24-03-2006, 06:21 PM
My next door have a parrot..
I went in and it flew around the room and pooped on the door

26-03-2006, 03:43 AM
Does it like Crackers?!

26-03-2006, 09:35 AM
Cool. My nan has got a Grey-African Parrot which also talks a lot and can be quite funny when it is around strangers. Do you have a picture of it?

27-03-2006, 11:42 PM
Ooooooooh a parrot. I love parrots. =) Especially the colourful ones. Haha. But they get annoying sometimes when they mock you a lot or when they talk at night. =P Just wakes you up

01-04-2006, 12:45 PM
Ooooooooh a parrot. I love parrots. =) Especially the colourful ones. Haha. But they get annoying sometimes when they mock you a lot or when they talk at night. =P Just wakes you up
Mine dont talk at night ;] its sleeps :P never once has it talked then again we upstairs so we wudn't hear it, i was down stairs we couldn't hear it at night, i dont think it makes muff, during day itdoes, squarks like a mad man, when we shut curtain it shakes, getting ready for sleepy bye bye's...... ufa dayu it went xrzy and flew around whn dishwasher men were around lol it was funny, then i checked on it and it was on arm chair of single sofa... ;o cooooooooooooool, they sleep with there leg up lmao.... its kwl.... oh ye and we have its cage open all time now... even when it sleeps, its fine like that lol... coooooooool <3<3 http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g56/Ell090/4_15_6.gif http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g56/Ell090/4_15_6.gif

11-04-2006, 02:51 PM
screeching is the wort thing lmao [during day] :D:D never at night :P

20-04-2006, 08:53 PM
Parrots are cool.
Like I said on that other post.
Don't you have a picture of it?

24-04-2006, 09:11 AM
Does it anwser the phone?

Lol my dads' old parrot did that.

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