View Full Version : Your insured Habbo safety

05-02-2006, 11:16 AM
I've seen various people who's accounts and furni have been stolen recently, so I thought of something that might help.

Some sort of Habbo insurance. o_O

(I'm not sure if it has been suggested before of not, so I'm sorry if it has. :D)
For about 5 credits a month, you can purchase an insurance policy that will ensure the safe restoration of all your furni if something were to happen to it.

How does it work?
When you are ready to purchase the insurance, you will create an inventory of all your items. The Inventory Tool will then process all the furni you own at the time the policy was purchased and will track your furni in some fancy way of which I know not of.

If your furni is ever stolen, the Fancy Tracking Device System Thing will then search for your stolen furni throughout the hotel and delete it. After the stolen furni has been deleted, another Fancy Furni Restoration System Type Thing will put all your furni that was in your Inventory List back in your hand and everything will be okay with the world.
Why delete the furni?
Someone might try and get smart by putting the furni in another account and effectively doubling their furni. By deleting the stolen furniture, you can be sure to only be returned the furni if, and only if, it has been stolen.
Furni that was put into your inventory, will automatically be taken out of it and replaced by whatever you were traded. The tracker will be removed from the furni you traded to avoid deletion if your furni is ever stolen.

Giving away furni also disables the tracker.
Leaving Habbo?
Habbo gets boring sometimes and we just think "The heck with Habbo! I'm leaving!" and we resume to deleting all our rooms and the furni inside them.
With the Habbo Insurance, some simple clicks of your mouse can restore all your furni again in case you ever decide to return.

(You must have your insurance paid for though. ;o )
Not all of it was stolen...
If you manage to stop the intruder from stealing your furni, you can simple active the Fancy Tracking Device System Thing to delete the furni that was stolen and have the Fancy Furni Restoration System Type Thing
restore the furni that was stolen.

The idea can prove to be very effective if you're someone that likes accepting files left and right all the time.

For 5 credits a month *WorldVision commercial moment*, you can save all the money and time you've invested in your virtual life.

I tried my best to see if the idea wasn't too flawed, but I'm sure there might be a mistake here and there.

Anyway, I hope you survived through reading this and maybe like this idea.

05-02-2006, 01:08 PM
Sounds good... I guess

05-02-2006, 01:10 PM
Soz dident meen to post two times :)

05-02-2006, 01:14 PM
Good idea but I don't think it's possible. If it was Habbo wouldnt enforce the program.

05-02-2006, 11:20 PM
it wud be cool to have insurance :)

07-02-2006, 06:38 AM
Good idea but I don't think it's possible. If it was Habbo wouldnt enforce the program.
The idea isn't meant to be inforced. Similar to Habbo Club, this idea will be an optional feature you can purchase.

07-02-2006, 06:56 AM
*Buys It*
Habbo Would Lose Money People Loseing Furni Buy it Again! People With Incurance Say like Evalotion Would Get It All abck

07-02-2006, 01:33 PM
*Buys It*
Habbo Would Lose Money People Loseing Furni Buy it Again! People With Incurance Say like Evalotion Would Get It All abck
See? I took that into consideration as well... x]

You see, when people lose their furni, they usually buy it again, ergo, buying credits because of it.

But, also, a large percentage of people who are "hacked" leave Habbo- permanently. This means they won't spend money on Habbo any longer.

With the insurance, people will spend a monthly fee on insurance whether they need it or not. There are thousands (literally) of people who would buy it.

It's just like HC- It isn't needed to play, but it's bought by the thousands, and this is where the money adds up.

07-02-2006, 05:27 PM
Yes but... If the 'hacker' traded the furni to his account then the system would think its a normal trade...

07-02-2006, 05:53 PM
Yes but... If the 'hacker' traded the furni to his account then the system would think its a normal trade...
Not if search piece of furni has its own code.
Similar to a IP Address perhaps?

07-02-2006, 06:00 PM
Each piece of furniture does have its own code.

07-02-2006, 06:07 PM
Habbo would be to lazy to buy it anyway.

07-02-2006, 09:43 PM
Yes but... If the 'hacker' traded the furni to his account then the system would think its a normal trade...
When a trade is made, the item at hand is automatically taken off your Insurance inventory and replaced by whatever you traded, if any.

07-02-2006, 09:49 PM
but then people would give it away and then say " omg i was hacked " or they might trade it and then would be able to retrieve it?

07-02-2006, 09:52 PM
but then people would give it away and then say " omg i was hacked " or they might trade it and then would be able to retrieve it?
When furni is traded, the tracker for the item is removed and it is also removed from your master inventory. ;p

07-02-2006, 10:03 PM
Lol, nice idea. Would prevent hacking etc like you stated. ;)

07-02-2006, 11:23 PM
Great idea SEXYDEATH <3 :eusa_clap

08-02-2006, 12:41 AM
Lol, nice idea. Would prevent hacking etc like you stated. ;) Well, it wouldn't exactly prevent hacking. It would relieve the nasty side effects though, like becoming poor. :P

Great idea SEXYDEATH <3 :eusa_clap Thanks! <3 :D

10-02-2006, 01:26 AM
I just don't feel too well about having to pay 5 credits a month to make sure my
furni was restored without harm, I think habbo should give it back free of charge.

10-02-2006, 01:52 AM
I just don't feel too well about having to pay 5 credits a month to make sure my
furni was restored without harm, I think habbo should give it back free of charge.
Why? It isn't Habbo's fault people get keylogged and have their things stolen. They stress safety issues enough already yet people never learn. "/

23-02-2006, 12:20 PM
What if you traded your furni in a furni hsop for other goodies, then tried to claim it back? :/

23-02-2006, 09:17 PM
What if you traded your furni in a furni hsop for other goodies, then tried to claim it back? :/
Like I said before, when an item is traded, it is automatically removed from your inventory and replaced by the item you traded for if any.

Your furni tracker is replaced by the other person's tracker if they have insurance. If not, the tracker is got rid of altogether.

24-02-2006, 09:19 AM
Amazing idea, I would have never thought of it.

24-02-2006, 11:35 PM
Amazing idea, I would have never thought of it.
Thanks! :D

26-02-2006, 11:35 AM

I think habbo's could double furni though.

Example; if a user of habbo had two computers, they could take all the furni off their main account and put it on another if the IPs were different. Then ask for the furni back. Bing-bong, two sets of furni.

But, wicked idea btw :P

26-02-2006, 12:29 PM

I think habbo's could double furni though.

Example; if a user of habbo had two computers, they could take all the furni off their main account and put it on another if the IPs were different. Then ask for the furni back. Bing-bong, two sets of furni.

But, wicked idea btw :P Actually, no. 8D

That is why I suggested that all furni that was stolen was deleted by the use of the furni trackers before replacements were recieved by the scammed Habbo. Even with dynamic IP addresses, the idea is still pretty much solid. ;D

Oh, and thanks! x]

26-02-2006, 07:58 PM
Oooooh. Ok x].

26-02-2006, 10:45 PM
One major flaw. People who get hacked probably have keyloggers. When they get their furni back from the insurance, they may not have got rid of this keylogger. When the 'hacker' has seen they have the furni back, they will go to their email and get the person with insurance's password again, which then leads to that person being hacked over and over.

Another flaw, a Habbo could claim they were hacked by themselves and ask for their funi back. Another flaw again is that if there was a normal trade that was 100% not a scam and the Habbo who gave it awayt said they were hacked, they would get the furni back and as you said, the person who fairly traded would lose their furniture.

This sounds like a good idea, but sadly isn't.

26-02-2006, 11:16 PM
Its too much fuss to give each piece of furni labels. It should be just for super rares. Because there easier too locate. But if they did do this, they are then saying yes we do get hacked and we cant stop it. And no big company would give in like that. People would take advantage of it?

27-02-2006, 02:28 AM
One major flaw. People who get hacked probably have keyloggers. When they get their furni back from the insurance, they may not have got rid of this keylogger. When the 'hacker' has seen they have the furni back, they will go to their email and get the person with insurance's password again, which then leads to that person being hacked over and over.

Another flaw, a Habbo could claim they were hacked by themselves and ask for their funi back. Another flaw again is that if there was a normal trade that was 100% not a scam and the Habbo who gave it awayt said they were hacked, they would get the furni back and as you said, the person who fairly traded would lose their furniture.

This sounds like a good idea, but sadly isn't.
If you read the whole thing more carefully, you will discover that all of these issues are avoided.

The system will delete the furni that was stolen and it will be replaced by the items in your inventory.

During a furni transaction, or trade, the furni you traded is removed from your inventory and the tracker is deleted. By deleting the tracker, the furni you traded cannot be deleted because the tracker was removed.

Even if the person has not gotten rid of the keylogger, the insurance process can be repeated over and over again so every time the furni is stolen, it is deleted again and again.

Even if Habbos claim to be self-hacked, the system would still have to delete the stolen furni in the furst place, so doing so would just be wasting time on their part.

"Another flaw again is that if there was a normal trade that was 100% not a scam and the Habbo who gave it awayt said they were hacked, they would get the furni back and as you said, the person who fairly traded would lose their furniture."
When furni is traded, the trackers are removed. By removing the tracker, the insurance would not work for tracker-less furni. If the Habbo that was traded had an insurance policy of their own, your tracker would be replaced by their tracker and the furni will be rightfully theirs with no worries about being deleted.

Actually, it is a good idea and it currently has no flaws other than for someone who cannot read correctly.

Its too much fuss to give each piece of furni labels. It should be just for super rares. Because there easier too locate. But if they did do this, they are then saying yes we do get hacked and we cant stop it. And no big company would give in like that. People would take advantage of it?
Actually, by applying this feature to Habbo, it would show that they are, in fact, doing something about the issue.

I don't see how people would take advantage of that other than being worry-free. o_O

27-02-2006, 01:33 PM
"When furni is traded, the trackers are removed. By removing the tracker, the insurance would not work for tracker-less furni. If the Habbo that was traded had an insurance policy of their own, your tracker would be replaced by their tracker and the furni will be rightfully theirs with no worries about being deleted."

Couldnt the person just trade it to their account then after breaking into the other account ;o

27-02-2006, 09:58 PM
"When furni is traded, the trackers are removed. By removing the tracker, the insurance would not work for tracker-less furni. If the Habbo that was traded had an insurance policy of their own, your tracker would be replaced by their tracker and the furni will be rightfully theirs with no worries about being deleted."

Couldnt the person just trade it to their account then after breaking into the other account ;o

The IP is recorded as a safeguard for such instances.

02-03-2006, 06:04 PM
All this stuff about trackers is confusing. I don't think it would be a great idea too introduce a safety policy ;S Ecko 5 credits? etc. I think you should be responsible for your furniture as normally it will be your fault if you are hacked.

02-03-2006, 08:13 PM
I think you should be responsible for your furniture as normally it will be your fault if you are hacked.
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be working.

02-03-2006, 08:45 PM
Actually, there is something like that. It's called a "furni ID" and there is one assigned to every single furniture, bought from the catalouge, or even recieved as an HC gift.

02-03-2006, 09:45 PM
Actually, there is something like that. It's called a "furni ID" and there is one assigned to every single furniture, bought from the catalouge, or even recieved as an HC gift.
Yep. Only a few modifications could be done to have insurance, lol.

Currently, nothing is usually done when one is hacked, but this policy will be a safeguard against that.

02-03-2006, 10:13 PM
Yeah Furni Id used in case of some events like supers going into the catalogue like they did about 6 months ago? Maybe longer I lost track of time. So they can locate that furniture from there databases.
There is no way that I know of that people can be hacked if they stay safe;
Don't accept mysterious or ANY files via msn unless its a real life friend that they trust.
Don't go onto any sites that are "flooded" into a room unless you are sure they are safe/Don't visit sites that sound like a hack or scam site.
Don't type in your habbo name and password anywhere else than the official habbo hotel™ login.
Use different passwords for habbo hotel and forums - So that if you are hacked on the forums you aren't going too be hacked on your habbo account also.
Don't give other people passwords or details that may lead too the succesful guess of your password.
Its simple and if people follow the guidelines that habbo and wise habbo's give then they shouldn't be hacked, but unfortunately for them they decide that they no best and that they want this free furni so they'll give this guy there password. Or that they want the latest dice rigger cause they want too be "1337" just like there friends and they end up keylogged and hacked.

04-03-2006, 02:23 AM
Yeah Furni Id used in case of some events like supers going into the catalogue like they did about 6 months ago? Maybe longer I lost track of time. So they can locate that furniture from there databases.
There is no way that I know of that people can be hacked if they stay safe;
Don't accept mysterious or ANY files via msn unless its a real life friend that they trust.
Don't go onto any sites that are "flooded" into a room unless you are sure they are safe/Don't visit sites that sound like a hack or scam site.
Don't type in your habbo name and password anywhere else than the official habbo hotel™ login.
Use different passwords for habbo hotel and forums - So that if you are hacked on the forums you aren't going too be hacked on your habbo account also.
Don't give other people passwords or details that may lead too the succesful guess of your password.
Its simple and if people follow the guidelines that habbo and wise habbo's give then they shouldn't be hacked, but unfortunately for them they decide that they no best and that they want this free furni so they'll give this guy there password. Or that they want the latest dice rigger cause they want too be "1337" just like there friends and they end up keylogged and hacked.
Basically, you expanded the idea behind your previous post. :P

Anyone can get hacked. People who have never even been to a scripting site can get hacked. There aren't enough precautions you can give people for not getting keylogged unless you ask them to switch their operating system to linux or even a Mac OS.

Like I said before, it's only common sense that this be made into a Habbo feature because of all the risks involved in investing in a virtual world.

Not very many newcomers are aware of the dangers to Habbo and will most likely do whatever someone else tells them to.

(I'm tired right now and don't really feel like explaining again. XD)

Please refer to post #1. :D

04-03-2006, 09:28 AM
Good idea, well thought out but Sulake would NEVER EVER do this because they will lose a TON of money.
But if they do that'd be great. :D

05-03-2006, 03:25 AM
Good idea, well thought out but Sulake would NEVER EVER do this because they will lose a TON of money.
But if they do that'd be great. :D
Thanks! :P

Well, actually, that's why people would have to pay for the service. :P

05-03-2006, 05:25 PM
It would also cost Sulake a lot of money by way of wages for all the extra people who would be needed to moderate the service. There are ways through it too, such as IP changers/masks combined with multiple accounts.. and there's no proof that you didn't just give everything to another account yourself, it's entirely possible that you could do so and get insurance back.

06-03-2006, 03:10 AM
I think this should be on the hotel anyways. The hotel already
tries to help you with these things anyways,
there just not that effective with it thats all..
I think to have to pay 5 creds would be a bit of a rip off :(
Good to see your thinking tho :D

,Your devoted habbo Anothekid3 :eusa_danc

08-03-2006, 12:50 AM
Could be a bit annoying if an item has been traded over and over again along with other items, effectively one person saying they've been scammed could result in thousands of trades being reset.
What happens if someone holds a give-a-way, then decides to take all their furni back?
What happens if you borrow furniture from someone, you "insure" it then take it back? Furthermore what happens if the scammer insures your furni? Or insures something he traded for it?
There is so many complications that an average user of Habbo wouldn't be able to keep on top of it all, the simple soloution is to prevent scamming.

13-03-2006, 08:46 PM
ya but thing with any insurance is the fact that it may not be bloomin well stolen and den u wasted ur money but it is actually a pretty good idea i wud get it copyrighted if i were you so habbo wud have 2 pay u 2 use
(by da way if u wanna know how i know all the stuff about copyrite is becoz im makin a website and had to copyright all my ideas)

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