View Full Version : Telling my friends..

08-02-2006, 10:14 PM
Well, I'm bi and i'm not sure whether i should tell my friends or not. One of my old friends was bi and i think all my friends fell out with him because he was. My best friend also started taking the mick out of him because he was bi, I'm scared that if i tell them they'll ditch me and take the mick. And they gotta know sometime.. What should i do?

09-02-2006, 12:45 AM
tell them if they ditch you they aint true friends.
Find people that are ok they dont care if ur straight gay black white purple ect u know what i mean.

09-02-2006, 06:41 PM
Lol, Thanks <3 +rep

09-02-2006, 08:16 PM
There Not Good Friends If They Dicth You, After All Friends Are For Sticking Up For You Not Dicthing You.

03-03-2006, 08:09 PM
thats very ture :)

03-03-2006, 08:14 PM
I told two of my mates, And now they hold it as a threat to me. So if i say anything or do anything against them or insult them. They'll say something like "Just remember i can tell people your secret" It's so mean :(

04-03-2006, 08:25 AM
That shows there are not true friends true friends would take it on the shoe and support you no matter what.

04-03-2006, 09:53 AM
I suggest just telling them. Honestly if they are true friends they will respect you for who you are and still act the same with you. If they act differently and take the mick out of you then just ditch them because they aren't true friends. At least you have the guts to stand up and maybe tell your friends.

04-03-2006, 06:25 PM
Well, If i do ditch them. Then i'm on my own. I mean they are my only friend's. No-one else will talk to me, Let alone be my friend

12-03-2006, 06:46 PM
Tell them. Those "friends" will most likely tel everybody, so its best you tell them straight.

If they ditch you, find some other friends that are bi maybe...? If not, you have us xD

Hope all goes well<3

12-03-2006, 08:01 PM
Tell them, hold your head up high and take in their comments, and let them sink through you, they can't hurt your feelings, and you know that. They're just lower than low can get, and they're so not true friends. It may be hard to handle with it, but you've got to remember how many people will still like you - yes, loads. Don't let losers get you down, becaus they're pathetic and not real friends. Real friends would stick by you no matter what, so before they ditch you, you ditch them - leave them, they're not worth it and your to good for them, find people or other close friends to hang around with that know or are fine with peoples sexuality, there is nothing wrong with any sexuality, and its something to be proud of too. Also, talk to the guy who they made fun of in the past, you could hang around with him, and get advicde on how he delt with it :)

13-03-2006, 10:45 AM
Tell them, hold your head up high and take in their comments, and let them sink through you, they can't hurt your feelings, and you know that. They're just lower than low can get, and they're so not true friends. It may be hard to handle with it, but you've got to remember how many people will still like you - yes, loads. Don't let losers get you down, becaus they're pathetic and not real friends. Real friends would stick by you no matter what, so before they ditch you, you ditch them - leave them, they're not worth it and your to good for them, find people or other close friends to hang around with that know or are fine with peoples sexuality, there is nothing wrong with any sexuality, and its something to be proud of too. Also, talk to the guy who they made fun of in the past, you could hang around with him, and get advicde on how he delt with it :)
That is seriously well said. +Rep.

13-03-2006, 01:19 PM
tell them if they ditch you they aint true friends.
Find people that are ok they dont care if ur straight gay black white purple ect u know what i mean.purple lmao

but ye if they ditch then thats there loss and they aint true friends as everyone else has alredy sed O.o

14-03-2006, 03:28 AM
Well, If i do ditch them. Then i'm on my own. I mean they are my only friend's. No-one else will talk to me, Let alone be my friend
Welcome to my world, I walk a lonely road, and live one. I don't need friends. I can stick up for my own, I'm an independent person, a loner. You soon will find someone just like you, then you'll become friends and live happily ever after.

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