View Full Version : Selling Credits (Vouchers)

25-02-2006, 02:15 AM
Hi. Even though I just started habbo, it doesn't mean that I can't sell some voucher codes. I just got..
Two 35 Credits Voucher Codes
Three 15 Credits Voucher Codes

Any Offers? If you need more than that, I'll see if I can buy more. :D

Any Offers?

25-02-2006, 04:53 AM
I'll do 2.5 for a 35 creds one, and then 5 hcs for two.

The only thing is, you'd have to go first since you have a post count of 1 =P

I have KF0ST334 to vouch on creds sales, and then babeloverchris and Sally to vouch on neopets to habbo trades.

PM me or post again if you're willing to trade..


25-02-2006, 04:56 AM
Need 70, offering 5 HCs but you first since:
1) No Rep
2) 1 Post
3) I have lozzo2, XMOTOX, and Stuttering to vouch on credit trades
4) I have Lycan and Stuttering to vouch on Neopets trades.

25-02-2006, 10:47 AM
I Need A 15 Cred Code

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