View Full Version : Runescape Help? Rep Given

25-02-2006, 11:15 AM
Right I was kind of thinking of getting back into rune after I only went on it for 2 weeks but it was a fab game. In 2 weeks I got hooked for like 4 days and played from the early hours until the late hours. I was wondering say if I did come back what should I do with the current stats and ways to get money?And anyways that you could help me!!! REP WILL BE GIVEN! Here is what items/stats I currently have:
http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/4936/runepl0x8ya.png (http://imageshack.us)

Thanks in advance, Craig

25-02-2006, 11:17 AM
Buy an Axe and woodcutt for money.

Or get 40 fishing and fish lobbies for money.

And i say train range. If you want my mini range guide, PM me

25-02-2006, 11:17 AM
I'd raise my lower stats if I was you. Raise mage and range also, both excellent stats once they're higher.
Getting money, I dont know with those stats..

25-02-2006, 11:18 AM
I assume you are non-members and will stay like that for a long time.
Get wc up (woodcutting) then when you can cut yews, you can sell them for 300gp each or 330 on forums. You can also get up your mining and smithing till you can make steel plates, then high alch (they'll give 1250gp or something like that if you high alch them)then if you get 55 mage or sell them to a plate shop, they won't be less than 980gp each, I think.

Ashley 12344
25-02-2006, 11:53 AM
Just raise all stats.

Good ones to raise are woodcutting and fishing for money id say.

Its hard to make lots of cash with lowish levels.

25-02-2006, 12:08 PM
Just got wc and fire up to level 32 but I need to do some webdesign now so meh.

I need to find some willows to cut cos I just keep cutting oaks. Could anyone screenie/tell me where they are? I'm still a n00b to it but know my way around the bank near the farm place.

25-02-2006, 12:14 PM
i'm in the same boat. I got my fishing up to get lobbys and went to karajama to get them, however I noticed that this is only really useful for members as you have to keep travveling back to the mainland to bank your lobbys!

Ashley 12344
25-02-2006, 01:18 PM
Willows at Draynor?

They get quite busy at times though.

Ill map screenie if you still need help =]

25-02-2006, 01:22 PM
iron oresb, it sells for 100ea.

You do need 15 mining tho

25-02-2006, 01:22 PM
Screenie please as I'm an utter n00b!

I basically only really know my way around the farm sort of area with the cow herd and chicken coop and back up to the bank near it ;[

Ashley 12344
25-02-2006, 01:25 PM
Ok, 2 minutes then =]

EDIT: Sorry for the delay
http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/2039/craig7tp.th.png (http://img128.imageshack.us/my.php?image=craig7tp.png)

Still doesnt help lemme know and ill take u ther myself =]

25-02-2006, 10:49 PM
Woodcut solid and raise your cash that way then once you're a member (if you become one or if you are) Raise fletching up with the logs you have =]

25-02-2006, 11:18 PM
i'm in the same boat. I got my fishing up to get lobbys and went to karajama to get them, however I noticed that this is only really useful for members as you have to keep travveling back to the mainland to bank your lobbys!

were bout on karajama for lobster fishing?
because i cnt seem to find it :(

26-02-2006, 10:16 AM
Right I just need to try and find the damn willows! I'm so useless at finding my way around.

26-02-2006, 11:27 AM
Where are you at the moment?

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