View Full Version : Prelude

02-03-2006, 10:09 PM
This is the prelude to my story that I'm currently writing. It doesn't show much what the story is actually going to start like, but when I've finished it should all tie up (unless I make it to have a sequel). Let me know what you think and all.

A labyrinth of colours. The spectrum of the universe opened up to me. Creation… my will. Life… whatever I might choose for it. I sculpt, as if from clay and water, each part of my new world. Some cliffs over the sea, a stretch of coarse desert, wide areas of trees – each one a new model and none the same as the next.
There goes my beginning.
Power of a God. Sorcery, divinity, immortality, all mine for the taking. Light… I am the switch. Death… I am the scythe. Zoom in, zoom out, make a change to my view. Step back and squint. Watching my world: Dæmons ravaging the lands hunted by chivalrous knights, Mer-People exploring new depths of unpolluted clearwater oceans, dragons gliding over grey-blue mountain ranges.
Wait for my beginning.
Energy in my palm. All the rivers of the world flowing within me. Breath… mine to take. Existence… under control. Adding the final touches, the last brushstrokes, the closing of the curtains. A snap of my fingers, a wave of my hand, a nod of my head – weaving the fabric of existence as I move to the music of creation, electrifying exertions erupting into a series of short, stabbing steps.
This is my beginning…

Note that this is just a short prelude, not intended to show a lot as I said, the first chapter is actually 11 pages long (in the page size that an average paperback book would be, it's about 4 and a half packed A4 pages).

10-03-2006, 09:08 PM
brilliant for a prelude keeps you in suspence i take my hat off to you sir when you have finished u must send me it im wtiting a story at the moment aswell no title yet but all the clues i shall give is that its a love story being wripped apart by fate and it ends in tears thats all msg me lol gr8 story prelude!

11-03-2006, 04:29 PM
The finished product won't be done for about a year at the rate I'm going ^_^ I might post the first chapter soon though, but be warned, it's a lot longer than the prelude.

24-03-2006, 06:33 PM
Its excellent i love it +rep

24-03-2006, 08:08 PM
Are you going to publish this when you finish? If you want to, I can help you. I publish for free. Anyways, it sounds awesome. Nice user of wording. Sounds perfect. Good job.

Im actually working on my own book aswell, just finishing today and publishing it today aswell.

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