View Full Version : A sad put true story - Happily turns around ;)

05-03-2006, 03:10 PM
Well, it's summer last year.. And we got are new timetables for school (lesson times/periods) And we had one teacher called 'Miss Brockman' And we went to are lessons, and we finally came to the last one of the day, I enjoyed all my lessons, and people said this Brockman (We call her brock) is very mean and gives you hard work, and will put you in a detention if you don't put a border around a picture.. (Btw she teaches geography) We get in, and my first reaction is.. Wow, this is going to be a tuff lesson.. But i was suprised, she was actually quite nice, wasn't nasty, made work easy and digestable (In a brain way) And she actually gave out fruit pastels to people who got stickers or stamps, btw im not like 7 ;p I know sounds kiddy, but when she gave out chewing gum it was awesome. I'm not a boff, nor a naughty, i just get on with stuff then do as i please at breaktimes/lunch/after school..
Wait a mo. (Back to gay/lesbian part)
We have this really nice person in are year who alot of people bully.. Usually beacuse of how he acts.. At the start of my first year i actually wasn't keen on him, but he was quite .. sad (Not in the idiot way) And he used to come into drama or music, and when teachers explaining stuff bounce up and down growl, bark, fart, cough, spit, burp, dance, and one of my mates used to copy everything he did, like he'd sit in a chair wiggel his legs, shake his head (As a dancing way) Do .. sort of folk dances, and then before secondary school he used to kiss boys. I never got involved or said anything to him really.. But i asked him after we just started secondary school.. 'Why do you act so.. strange, as a four-year-ish-child' And he goes.. " I don't have any freinds, i never did or have.. People are weird (As being imature and naughty to teachers or messing around) And he goes, i try to be weird.. so they like me. I go, thats wrong.. Be yourself, maybe if you didn't act so strange, you might get some new freinds.. And he actually did.. about a year later. And people had had the grudge of him being 'Gay' Since we first started, and it hasn't left him, so everyone never says anything to him.. Unless its 'Shut up Matthew, you little gay boy go eat dog biscuits' Why they say that? Another strange quality.. He admits his brother and him used to eat dog biscuits when they were eight years old.. Which is 'normal' age to recognise dog foods for dogs, And one day one of my close mates Lindsay, was walking around near are school (Theres a huge estate, but not going to say what its called) And it's part of the town around 3 quaters of it. And it's quite 'rough' And the houses are all moldy, and bad handled and usually burgaled everyweek. And Lindsay was walking around with her mobile (Shes quite shallow) Taking pictures of cow nasty and grubby how some parts wer.. She showed us and she had a video of one which had a 9 year old eating out the dustbin.. She showed us in tutor and Matthew (His name) Identifified this strange person as his brother, and we have proof beacuse not last xmas, but the year before (I think..) We went to the church for the last 3 lessons, to sing carols.. We had to walk there, around a mile.. And on the way back Matt's walking with this person who goes to the primary school which is sort of next door to the secondary school. And matt goes, hey it's my brother (They finished and we were a little late getting back to are school) And he was exactly the same as the person on Lindsay's mobile.. Rumours also started about his parents being to 'old' for him to be able to do activities with them, like going bowling.. etc. There in their 50's i think.. And i saw both of his parents, and .. they seem.. a little strange to me but i never said anything.. One day matthew comes out of school and gets in the car with his dad (His dads long beard, 50's old, jeans, rock and roll top and sunglasses) Sort of like these 'hippie people' Same with his mom.. And matthew got in the car as i said, and im walking past to walk to my nans, and his dad puts his arm around matthew, and kisses his ear.. The first thing that pops into my head is maybe a child you know what.. And i wasn't the only one who saw.. And unfortuneatly some of the 'rebel, naughty, idiotic imature' People saw.. And spreaded rumours about it. Whole year knew and other years. We had about 10 assesmbly's asking people to stop with all this unfair rumours. Matthew then stopped playing games, and hardly came to school.. He started to come back again, but didn't play sports.
Back to the top part of this story
Well as i was saying my first impressions of Miss Brockman was ok, as she gave us sweets and letters home, and wasn't fussy. But then another rumour started about Matt being ACTUALLY gay, and people started never chatting to him, like an outkast. He used to ask me if i got 10p, i would give him it, and act normal. Others would say just get a life matt, if you come here youll probs start ******* me. Which i thought was really shallow and cruel. Matt also said that in art once that he had 'you know what' With his cat, and whole year knew about that in about a day, which turned out to be a lie and was seeking attention to look 'cool' As he never had a cat. And then he comes into Maths, and this gay rumours still about.. And miss over hears, and she goes; "Whos gay?" All the class point to matt and giggle. I didn't say anything just got on with my assignments and listened. She then asked him one of the most stupidist questions ever. "So matt, what do you like about boys more than girls? Also i've always wondered what boys do in bed" I sat there shocked. At a lady in her 30's Asking him that.. She then goes "Matt stay back after the lesson i want to talk to you" - It's the end of the lesson, and i wait outside for my mate Greg, whos got a 10 minute detention. I listened in, there convosation was like this if i can remember;
Miss = Miss brockman
Matt = Matt
Miss: So why are you gay, and what do you like about boys? Is it there lovely chests or down below features - or the se'x.
Matt: *Sat there trembling and confused and looks as if hes going to cry*
Miss: Whats wrong? Can't accept who you are?
Matt: But im not gay miss
Miss: Everyone thinks you are, carrie told me you used to kiss boys
Matt: Shes lieing
I was annoyed and thought she needed a good old thump.. I walked in and said Matt your taxi's downstairs and miss says Greg you can go and matt quickly got his bag on and went. I looked at miss like 'How could you have said that? Your in your 30's surely you know what they do, and we have no proof that hes actually gay, so why pick on him? And ask him to stay back' She called me but i went down the stairs and walked home, the next day. She treated him like something different, Brockman gave out the sheets and missed Matt out, and matt goes " Miss, i need a sheet " She goes, just a minute ill go get you one " She doesn't come back for the whole lesson - And gives half the glass some fruit pastels, but not matt
Miss Brockman: Matt, why havent you done any work!? Stay back after school and ill phone your parents
Matt: But miss i have to get the taxi
Miss Brockman: Im sorry, you should have thought about that before you did nothing.
I thought how wrong? She didnt even give him the sheet.
I don't know what went on after that lesson, i went straight home with greg. This went on for a few more weeks, where she just never helped matt, never gave him rewards or any work basicly. She used to pick on him - No one ever noticed that he'd put his hand up and she'd say 'The answers 670 or something, even though he knew' And when she did the seating plan she sat him buy another boy, who not many people like and is kastoff as 'Gay' I had really had enough of this, I told my parents and they filed a complaint, just like some of my caring freinds who actually give a danm. I think it was something like 17 complaints she got, And Mrs Ball are like second year leader anounced she was put on suspension - Then one day are PHSE teacher told us some secrets about it which she shouldnt of, shes the 'smooth, younger' teacher. She told us the amount of complains, she said she didn't really like her and that she had a drinking problem and she didn't even really pass the interview they just needed a teacher to fill in for Mr Auro (I think thats how you spell it) .. After her suspension she came back and apologised to the whole school for what she had done, and she asepted matthew, even though he wasn't gay.. The whole year and other years still hated him for him being strange. I didn't mind, i still was freindly to him, and just got along without trouble. Btw, Miss Brockman actually resigned after about 6 weeks of returning i don't know why though. We got a new teacher called Mrs Messenger whos really nice and no problems. Was nice and equal to everyone - but we didn't get sweets.
Back to matt
A rumour started about him being seriously gay again, and he started to admit in classes but no belived him until he got a boyfreind. After he admitted people started to exept him suddenly, which i thought was nice. He became normal, and started hanging out with kids and me! He came to pizza hut the other week with Paul his boyfreind, there really cute together and it made me think aww hes happy, and is accepted and has someone in the school who he came actually share with. Well thats the story, last bit's rather short but my fingers started hurting!
For the people who don't want to read the above
We had a new teacher who was prejudice to a boy Called Matthew, people thought he strange beacuse of his weird behaviors, the teacher was put on suspension, returned and resigned. He actually admitted to being gay later this year, and has finally been exepted (Even though he wasn't gay to start off with)
Just a little story with i thought i'd share with the forum.. hope you enjoy
P.s i may have cut it short near the end beacuse i was getting tired and my hands where aching.. xD

05-03-2006, 03:18 PM
Oh my god, that teacher sounds really horrible. I read all that and im glad it all worked out well for Matt :)

05-03-2006, 03:20 PM
hmmm i cba reading it, can someone change it into two lines.

05-03-2006, 03:21 PM
lol, took me ages xD

05-03-2006, 03:24 PM
Can you just say it in short
without all your life story lol <3

05-03-2006, 03:25 PM
I wrote it long so i'd sound right, if you cba reading it don't theirs a section at the bottom which sort of puts it all in one paragraph, but naff in detail and doesn't show how matt was actually like..

05-03-2006, 06:01 PM
I read half of that. I thought teachers weren't meant to stop kids picking on other's, not do it themselfs. I never read the rest so i dnt know what happened but i'm glad to hear it turned out okay

05-03-2006, 06:11 PM
Atleast it turned out ok =]

05-03-2006, 06:30 PM
I read all of that.

Its really good that he got accepted in the end.

Sounds like someone in my school "/

05-03-2006, 06:44 PM
I read all of that.

Its really good that he got accepted in the end.

Sounds like someone in my school "/

05-03-2006, 06:50 PM
I read all of that.

Its really good that he got accepted in the end.

Sounds like someone in my school "/

05-03-2006, 08:07 PM
Wow, i would off punched the teacher.

Stress Free
14-03-2006, 01:36 PM
Can you just say it in short
without all your life story lol <3r <> hastaken the time to write it the least u can do is bother to read the full story if ur too lazy then thats ur problem
and its nto even that llong takes about 5 minutes to read

14-03-2006, 04:15 PM
Say Well Done t Matt for me that's good it worked out

14-03-2006, 06:33 PM
Nasty Teacher =[

20-03-2006, 04:56 PM
that's a great story

20-03-2006, 06:27 PM
Brilliant story! Glad it all turned out ok for Matt =D

20-03-2006, 06:45 PM
I read it all, and that teacher sounds horrible =[

20-03-2006, 08:09 PM
Well thats the story, last bit's rather short but my fingers started hurting!

I bet they did ;)

Anyways.. sounds like you knew ALOT about this "boy" sure you're not talking about yourself?

Thanks for the laughs! me and my boyfriend enjoyed the story alot :)

21-03-2006, 01:35 AM
Awwwww, if you ever see Matt again tell him I said Hi

26-03-2006, 07:59 PM
I bet they did ;)

Anyways.. sounds like you knew ALOT about this "boy" sure you're not talking about yourself?

Thanks for the laughs! me and my boyfriend enjoyed the story alot :)

I know, thats storys weird..

14-04-2006, 08:53 PM
Glad it worked out in the end!

14-04-2006, 08:56 PM
Well, it's summer last year.. And we got are new timetables for school (lesson times/periods) And we had one teacher called 'Miss Brockman' And we went to are lessons, and we finally came to the last one of the day, I enjoyed all my lessons, and people said this Brockman (We call her brock) is very mean and gives you hard work, and will put you in a detention if you don't put a border around a picture.. (Btw she teaches geography) We get in, and my first reaction is.. Wow, this is going to be a tuff lesson.. But i was suprised, she was actually quite nice, wasn't nasty, made work easy and digestable (In a brain way) And she actually gave out fruit pastels to people who got stickers or stamps, btw im not like 7 ;p I know sounds kiddy, but when she gave out chewing gum it was awesome. I'm not a boff, nor a naughty, i just get on with stuff then do as i please at breaktimes/lunch/after school..
Wait a mo. (Back to gay/lesbian part)
We have this really nice person in are year who alot of people bully.. Usually beacuse of how he acts.. At the start of my first year i actually wasn't keen on him, but he was quite .. sad (Not in the idiot way) And he used to come into drama or music, and when teachers explaining stuff bounce up and down growl, bark, fart, cough, spit, burp, dance, and one of my mates used to copy everything he did, like he'd sit in a chair wiggel his legs, shake his head (As a dancing way) Do .. sort of folk dances, and then before secondary school he used to kiss boys. I never got involved or said anything to him really.. But i asked him after we just started secondary school.. 'Why do you act so.. strange, as a four-year-ish-child' And he goes.. " I don't have any freinds, i never did or have.. People are weird (As being imature and naughty to teachers or messing around) And he goes, i try to be weird.. so they like me. I go, thats wrong.. Be yourself, maybe if you didn't act so strange, you might get some new freinds.. And he actually did.. about a year later. And people had had the grudge of him being 'Gay' Since we first started, and it hasn't left him, so everyone never says anything to him.. Unless its 'Shut up Matthew, you little gay boy go eat dog biscuits' Why they say that? Another strange quality.. He admits his brother and him used to eat dog biscuits when they were eight years old.. Which is 'normal' age to recognise dog foods for dogs, And one day one of my close mates Lindsay, was walking around near are school (Theres a huge estate, but not going to say what its called) And it's part of the town around 3 quaters of it. And it's quite 'rough' And the houses are all moldy, and bad handled and usually burgaled everyweek. And Lindsay was walking around with her mobile (Shes quite shallow) Taking pictures of cow nasty and grubby how some parts wer.. She showed us and she had a video of one which had a 9 year old eating out the dustbin.. She showed us in tutor and Matthew (His name) Identifified this strange person as his brother, and we have proof beacuse not last xmas, but the year before (I think..) We went to the church for the last 3 lessons, to sing carols.. We had to walk there, around a mile.. And on the way back Matt's walking with this person who goes to the primary school which is sort of next door to the secondary school. And matt goes, hey it's my brother (They finished and we were a little late getting back to are school) And he was exactly the same as the person on Lindsay's mobile.. Rumours also started about his parents being to 'old' for him to be able to do activities with them, like going bowling.. etc. There in their 50's i think.. And i saw both of his parents, and .. they seem.. a little strange to me but i never said anything.. One day matthew comes out of school and gets in the car with his dad (His dads long beard, 50's old, jeans, rock and roll top and sunglasses) Sort of like these 'hippie people' Same with his mom.. And matthew got in the car as i said, and im walking past to walk to my nans, and his dad puts his arm around matthew, and kisses his ear.. The first thing that pops into my head is maybe a child you know what.. And i wasn't the only one who saw.. And unfortuneatly some of the 'rebel, naughty, idiotic imature' People saw.. And spreaded rumours about it. Whole year knew and other years. We had about 10 assesmbly's asking people to stop with all this unfair rumours. Matthew then stopped playing games, and hardly came to school.. He started to come back again, but didn't play sports.
Back to the top part of this story
Well as i was saying my first impressions of Miss Brockman was ok, as she gave us sweets and letters home, and wasn't fussy. But then another rumour started about Matt being ACTUALLY gay, and people started never chatting to him, like an outkast. He used to ask me if i got 10p, i would give him it, and act normal. Others would say just get a life matt, if you come here youll probs start ******* me. Which i thought was really shallow and cruel. Matt also said that in art once that he had 'you know what' With his cat, and whole year knew about that in about a day, which turned out to be a lie and was seeking attention to look 'cool' As he never had a cat. And then he comes into Maths, and this gay rumours still about.. And miss over hears, and she goes; "Whos gay?" All the class point to matt and giggle. I didn't say anything just got on with my assignments and listened. She then asked him one of the most stupidist questions ever. "So matt, what do you like about boys more than girls? Also i've always wondered what boys do in bed" I sat there shocked. At a lady in her 30's Asking him that.. She then goes "Matt stay back after the lesson i want to talk to you" - It's the end of the lesson, and i wait outside for my mate Greg, whos got a 10 minute detention. I listened in, there convosation was like this if i can remember;
Miss = Miss brockman
Matt = Matt
Miss: So why are you gay, and what do you like about boys? Is it there lovely chests or down below features - or the se'x.
Matt: *Sat there trembling and confused and looks as if hes going to cry*
Miss: Whats wrong? Can't accept who you are?
Matt: But im not gay miss
Miss: Everyone thinks you are, carrie told me you used to kiss boys
Matt: Shes lieing
I was annoyed and thought she needed a good old thump.. I walked in and said Matt your taxi's downstairs and miss says Greg you can go and matt quickly got his bag on and went. I looked at miss like 'How could you have said that? Your in your 30's surely you know what they do, and we have no proof that hes actually gay, so why pick on him? And ask him to stay back' She called me but i went down the stairs and walked home, the next day. She treated him like something different, Brockman gave out the sheets and missed Matt out, and matt goes " Miss, i need a sheet " She goes, just a minute ill go get you one " She doesn't come back for the whole lesson - And gives half the glass some fruit pastels, but not matt
Miss Brockman: Matt, why havent you done any work!? Stay back after school and ill phone your parents
Matt: But miss i have to get the taxi
Miss Brockman: Im sorry, you should have thought about that before you did nothing.
I thought how wrong? She didnt even give him the sheet.
I don't know what went on after that lesson, i went straight home with greg. This went on for a few more weeks, where she just never helped matt, never gave him rewards or any work basicly. She used to pick on him - No one ever noticed that he'd put his hand up and she'd say 'The answers 670 or something, even though he knew' And when she did the seating plan she sat him buy another boy, who not many people like and is kastoff as 'Gay' I had really had enough of this, I told my parents and they filed a complaint, just like some of my caring freinds who actually give a danm. I think it was something like 17 complaints she got, And Mrs Ball are like second year leader anounced she was put on suspension - Then one day are PHSE teacher told us some secrets about it which she shouldnt of, shes the 'smooth, younger' teacher. She told us the amount of complains, she said she didn't really like her and that she had a drinking problem and she didn't even really pass the interview they just needed a teacher to fill in for Mr Auro (I think thats how you spell it) .. After her suspension she came back and apologised to the whole school for what she had done, and she asepted matthew, even though he wasn't gay.. The whole year and other years still hated him for him being strange. I didn't mind, i still was freindly to him, and just got along without trouble. Btw, Miss Brockman actually resigned after about 6 weeks of returning i don't know why though. We got a new teacher called Mrs Messenger whos really nice and no problems. Was nice and equal to everyone - but we didn't get sweets.
Back to matt
A rumour started about him being seriously gay again, and he started to admit in classes but no belived him until he got a boyfreind. After he admitted people started to exept him suddenly, which i thought was nice. He became normal, and started hanging out with kids and me! He came to pizza hut the other week with Paul his boyfreind, there really cute together and it made me think aww hes happy, and is accepted and has someone in the school who he came actually share with. Well thats the story, last bit's rather short but my fingers started hurting!
For the people who don't want to read the above
We had a new teacher who was prejudice to a boy Called Matthew, people thought he strange beacuse of his weird behaviors, the teacher was put on suspension, returned and resigned. He actually admitted to being gay later this year, and has finally been exepted (Even though he wasn't gay to start off with)
Just a little story with i thought i'd share with the forum.. hope you enjoy
P.s i may have cut it short near the end beacuse i was getting tired and my hands where aching.. xD

17-04-2006, 01:47 PM
I have to say, that that teacher is a complete b'itch

17-04-2006, 02:13 PM
Grow up you sad, immature person.

I have to say, that that teacher is a complete b'itch

Agreed =]

- Nick xx

17-04-2006, 04:33 PM
Aww, i read it all, the teacher is so horrible! But im glad it worked out for him :]

17-04-2006, 06:45 PM
Formatting would be fun <3

But yeah it sounds cute, im glad for em =]

18-04-2006, 08:57 AM
Dont Really Come On This Thread Much. But Any-Hoo.
Thats A Really Nice Story. Glad Everything Worked Out.
Some Paragraphs Would Be Helpful xD

21-05-2006, 03:26 PM
Aww well I dont know weather Im gay or not and quite frankly I dont want to be but I do in a way..

The story really made me think. and Im going to give yo uplus rep for actually feeling for that kid and caring, and for like writing that.

Your a nice person - Well seem nice anyway.:p

21-05-2006, 05:33 PM
Why bump?

21-05-2006, 06:34 PM
Im gald everything turn out okay for Matt :)

21-05-2006, 07:04 PM
Why bump?

why be a idiot? :rolleyes:

21-05-2006, 07:09 PM
why be a idiot? :rolleyes:

That has to be the worst comment someone has said to look cool.

21-05-2006, 07:10 PM
That has to be the worst comment someone has said to look cool.

And im proud ? :(

22-05-2006, 02:30 PM
Wow that was a long story , but it comes to show that you have to accept people from who they are , if someone wants to be gay let them be , it thier choice

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