View Full Version : How to Stop Print Screen

05-03-2006, 05:39 PM
There are really two print screen functions: 1) print current screen
snapshot, triggered by PrintScreen or Shift- PrtSc or Shift-gray*, and
2) turn on continuous screen echo, started and stopped by Ctrl-P or

1) Screen snapshot to printer:

The BIOS uses INT 5 for this. Fortunately, you don't need to mess with
that interrupt handler. The standard handler, in BIOS versions dated
December 1982 or later, uses a byte at 0040:0100 (= 0000:0500) to
determine whether a print screen is currently in progress. If it is,
pressing PrintScreen again is ignored. So to disable the screen
snapshot, all you have to do is write a 1 to that byte. When the user
presses PrintScreen, the BIOS will think that a print screen is already
in progress and will ignore the user's keypress. You can re-enable
PrintScreen by zeroing the same byte.

Here's some simple code:

void prtsc_allow(int allow) /* 0=disable, nonzero=enable */
unsigned char far* flag = (unsigned char far*)0x00400100UL;
*flag = (unsigned char)!allow;

2) Continuous echo of screen to printer:

If ANSI.SYS is loaded, you can easily disable the continuous echo of
screen to printer (Ctrl-P or Ctrl- PrtSc). Just redefine the keys by
"printing" strings like these to the screen (BASIC print, C printf(),
Pascal Write statements, or ECHO command in batch files), where <27>
stands for the Escape character, ASCII 27:

<27>[0;114;"Ctrl-PrtSc disabled"p

If you haven't installed ANSI.SYS, I can't offer an easy way to disable
the echo-screen-to-printer function.

Actually, you might not need to disable Ctrl-P and Ctrl- PrtSc. If your
only concern is not locking up your machine, when you see the "Abort,
Retry, Ignore, Fail" prompt just press Ctrl-P again and then press I. As
an alternative, install one of the many print spoolers that intercept
printer-status queries and always return "Printer ready".

There we go :)

- Snoop

05-03-2006, 05:46 PM
Why is this in the webdesign section?

05-03-2006, 05:47 PM
I dunno :S it was an accendent :S

05-03-2006, 07:31 PM
Would you mind exsplaining, how exsactly that could be consevably useful to any computer use ever to exist in both the preseant and the future?

Most people who didnt want print screen, would go for the much more simple method, of just not clicking print screen "/

05-03-2006, 11:09 PM
huh? lmao :P

06-03-2006, 06:56 AM
Closing Thread Due to i don't know what the hell its on about LOL

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