View Full Version : Guide to making a good free website

05-03-2006, 07:15 PM
Here is my guide to making a good free site
1. Choose what type of site you are making e.g. habbo fansite gaming website etc and choose/make a layout. Some good free layouts are available at http://www.zymic.com (http://www.zymic.com/) but the best way to get some is to google it till you find a suitable one.

2. You need to find a host although there are many free hosts available a good one and the one that i used to use is http://www.addyour.net (http://www.addyour.net/) it has good uptime for a free web host. Then begin to build your site if you get stuck post on the forums people are usually happy to help.

3. So you aren’t stuck with an ugly www.someone.something.com (http://www.someone.something.com/) you need a domain name. Now there are 3 options for this buy one or get one from ezyrewards by referring (www.ezyrewards.com (http://www.ezyrewards.com/)) or in my opinion the best one get a free one. There are a few free domains available but my favirote is .co.nr which are available add free except one small add on the main page from www.freedomain.co.nr (http://www.freedomain.co.nr/)

4. Advertising there are no specific sites for advertising for free that i no of although occasionally a site may let you. The best way to do it is to post on the forums this or any and tell your friends on msn and slowly popularity will increase if its good.

Using this guide you should be able to make a fairly good and effective website.

05-03-2006, 07:17 PM
addyour.net is decent for instant cpanel but it has 30% downtime

05-03-2006, 07:37 PM
What do templeats have to do with anything, makeing your own is just as free "/

Also there are sites persifcaly set up for advertiseing sites free, for exsample. http://s14.invisionfree.com/AdU/

Plus banner exchanges, as search engine listings are good to,

.tk are also a pretty nice free domain, as u can turn off all the ads, plus ezey rewards are just a pryamid skeam "/

05-03-2006, 07:53 PM
What do templeats have to do with anything, makeing your own is just as free "/

Also there are sites persifcaly set up for advertiseing sites free, for exsample. http://s14.invisionfree.com/AdU/

Plus banner exchanges, as search engine listings are good to,

.tk are also a pretty nice free domain, as u can turn off all the ads, plus ezey rewards are just a pryamid skeam "/
yeh but .tk everyone has so they r rubbish cause u cn only get the rubbish ones like www.habbohotel556577.tk (http://www.habbohotel556577.tk) and i got a domain off ezyrewards so they aint tht bad

05-03-2006, 09:59 PM
Heh Heh, well if you want to do a few weeks work, to get what could be got for less than 10 minutes work by a normal humans standards, just so the owner can make a few grand of you, thats your progative "/

Plus, if you have just a little bit or orignalty in your names the .tk problems you mentioned doesnt exist "/

05-03-2006, 10:03 PM
Heh Heh, well if you want to do a few weeks work, to get what could be got for less than 10 minutes work by a normal humans standards, just so the owner can make a few grand of you, thats your progative "/

Plus, if you have just a little bit or orignalty in your names the .tk problems you mentioned doesnt exist "/
well i no he can thats why i said the best option is to get .co.nr and it took me 2 hours to get the .com domain off ezyrewards

And generally people who play habbo have no imagination and are gonna build habbo fansites so names like Thybag arent appropriate they want things like
habbonews etc

And about the templates im telling this to people who dont wanna spend money and probaly havent had a site except freewebs

05-03-2006, 10:12 PM
Yea, but i said origiality, which doesnt include copying my site name ether, orignal names would be ones that aint already been thought of "/

I never had freewebs? i never payed anyone to deisgn my site? HTML is simple for anyone who can be bothered to learn it, if you dont want to, then why would you want a website "/

05-03-2006, 10:46 PM
yeh but .tk everyone has so they r rubbish cause u cn only get the rubbish ones like www.habbohotel556577.tk (http://www.habbohotel556577.tk) and i got a domain off ezyrewards so they aint tht bad
Other than Habbo Hotel, who would want their domain name as that anyway?

05-03-2006, 10:47 PM
Maybe re-think the title... "Good" hard to really make a good free website. ;o

05-03-2006, 11:03 PM
Not realy "/ It just requires two things, knowing someone with a site, and knowing html "/

05-03-2006, 11:08 PM
Good guide :D

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