View Full Version : - ACNE. Causes, myths and what to do about it! -

07-03-2006, 08:20 AM
I've personally put together this information about acne, including what causes it, the myths of acne, and what to do about it, I hope it's useful.


What causes it?
Acne generally begins at puberty.
The bodies hormones start to go a bit wild, all because of an evil hormone called androgens.
For people with acne this hormone causes the enlargement and overstimulation of the sebaceous glands.
For some girls, during periods your sensitive to your hormones, and may experience 'break-outs'.
The extra oil (scientifically called sebum), that the sebaceous glands produce mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria on the skin's surface and this blocks pores. Inside the blocked pore, bacteria multiply and cause inflammation leading to the spots.

The myths

Dirt, or lack of hygiene does not cause acne, unless you get your face very dirty on a daily basis, e.g if your a mechanic.

No acne is NOT contagious, you can't catch it from someone else.

Diet does have an impact on acne, especially with foods that are difficult to digest, for more excellent information on recipes for clear skin, buy or hire a great book by Karen Jessett called 'Clear Skin'.


1. Drink lots of water, if the skin gets dehydrated, dead skin cells don't shed well, which can lead to blocked pores causing further acne.

2. Try to avoid using pescribed antibiotics, they destroy bacteria in your body, you may think, "um isn't that a good thing", but no it isn't, it can lead to more acne, as your body isn't able to get rid of waste & toxins, so they expell through the skin instead -which may lead to poor digestion, constipation and your body becomes unable to absord essential vitamins, nutients and minerals.
(If you must use antibiotics, it's vital to replace the friendly bacteria back into your digestive system with a decent probiotic!)

3. Don't stress! Controlling stress may reduce the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which will reduce the severity of your acne.
If you suffer from stress reguarly, take some action, exercise is great as reducing stress.

4. Always go for natural products, tea tree is renowned for it's natural anti-bacterial properties! :D
Overloading the skin with chemicals that strip the skin's natural oils, will cause the skin to produce more oil to compensate, therefore giving you more acne!

5. Get some sunshine, sunshine stimulates the creation of vitamin D in the body — an essential vitamin for healthy skin. A little bit of fresh air and sunshine every day will also reduce stress and increase oxygen to the skin.
(Don't forget that sunscreen though, too much tanning will form a thick layer on your skins surface, that is difficult to exfoliate, so therefore blocks your pores).

My final tip is to stay positive, a few red bumps doesn't mean your not beautiful! Feel fortunate that you only have a minor skin issue.
Always remember that people who judge you by your appearance are ugly on the inside.

08-03-2006, 12:11 AM
Urmmm? I kinda got lost after you contracicted your self for the 8th or so time..

"Try to avoid using pescribed antibiotics, they destroy bacteria in your body"
"Always go for natural products, tea tree is renowned for it's natural anti-bacterial properties!"

So your saying to not use anything that will get rid of bacteria, then drink tea becuse it has anti bacteral propities...

"Diet does have an impact on acne, especially with foods that are difficult to digest, for more excellent information on recipes for clear skin, buy or hire a great book by Karen Jessett called 'Clear Skin'."
Then again, insted of getting information from people who want to sell you somthing, and get it from someone impartal, who maybe actaly has medial training and a sligt clue what there talking about rather than selling products, you may be interested to know, that has been repatedly discredited, as for one thing it dosnt even make sence?
Sweat is basicly salt and water, simlar to tear drops... Your diet dosnt realy effect this, unless you think if you have bisto to often youl sweat gravey insted "/#

Oh yea, i nearly forgot to point out your contradictiuon
"Dirt, or lack of hygiene does not cause acne, "
"Diet does have an impact on acne"
Alot changes over 3 lines it seems...

> Phiosphy cause's me to read in to things and pick out contradictions and logical flaw to a higher level, hence the compleaing, keep in mind ive only picted up on the most prominate and overwhelmingly obvios ones in there.

08-03-2006, 12:42 AM
Your diet actually has been proven to have nothing to do with acne. It was probably a rumor started by mothers to get their kids to eat healthier. Water helps though.

08-03-2006, 06:33 AM
Urmmm? I kinda got lost after you contracicted your self for the 8th or so time..

"Try to avoid using pescribed antibiotics, they destroy bacteria in your body"
"Always go for natural products, tea tree is renowned for it's natural anti-bacterial properties!"

So your saying to not use anything that will get rid of bacteria, then drink tea becuse it has anti bacteral propities...

Antibiotics destory all bacteria in the body, which is not healthy.
Whereas tea tree is a natural toner, that clears bacteria from the surface as your skin, great for any skin time, and good for broken spots.
It comes in different forms, cleansers, lotions, oils, wipes, and the list goes on
(No I do not mean tea leaves, as in the drink).

"Diet does have an impact on acne, especially with foods that are difficult to digest, for more excellent information on recipes for clear skin, buy or hire a great book by Karen Jessett called 'Clear Skin'."
Then again, insted of getting information from people who want to sell you somthing, and get it from someone impartal, who maybe actaly has medial training and a sligt clue what there talking about rather than selling products, you may be interested to know, that has been repatedly discredited, as for one thing it dosnt even make sence?
Sweat is basicly salt and water, simlar to tear drops... Your diet dosnt realy effect this, unless you think if you have bisto to often youl sweat gravey insted "/#

I did not say diet causes acne, I said it aggravates it.
Some people disagree with this theory, some don't.

Oh yea, i nearly forgot to point out your contradictiuon
"Dirt, or lack of hygiene does not cause acne, "
"Diet does have an impact on acne"
Alot changes over 3 lines it seems...

Dirt and diet arn't the same thing.

Phiosphy cause's me to read in to things and pick out contradictions and logical flaw to a higher level, hence the compleaing, keep in mind ive only picted up on the most prominate and overwhelmingly obvios ones in there.

Bla bla bla, wow boy, your so damn smart.
Please, give me a break, I made this thread for people with acne, not smart aleck's.

08-03-2006, 05:54 PM
Antibiotics destory all bacteria in the body, which is not healthy.
Whereas tea tree is a natural toner, that clears bacteria from the surface as your skin, great for any skin time, and good for broken spots.
It comes in different forms, cleansers, lotions, oils, wipes, and the list goes on
(No I do not mean tea leaves, as in the drink).

Ok... if that were true you would have been dead if youve ever taken any before.... Hell you may as well drink bleech, that gets rid of bacteria.
Antibiotics Are Targeted very persifcialy to effect only certain bacteria, diffent fungi can be used to attack different bacteral strains, althogh its good to have a wide spectrum so as not to leave any bactera which a level of reistcne to repoduce and become immune "/
Antibiotics is essentaly natural, its dervised from funi, and labritory tested and proven effective. The "nartural" whipes are just the same, exspet only act as a plasebo.

I did not say diet causes acne, I said it aggravates it.
Some people disagree with this theory, some don't.

Doctors, scientifc communty... Sails man, Big corportaion... who to trust on matters to do with scientific fact "/... i wonder

Bla bla bla, wow boy, your so damn smart.
Please, give me a break, I made this thread for people with acne, not smart aleck's.
How nice, Althogh i dont like missinformation and propergander being shoved around. If you dont know what your on about, dont try and convince others who dont know somthing that isnt.
Bad advice is often more damageing than no advice at all

10-03-2006, 07:38 AM
Ok... if that were true you would have been dead if youve ever taken any before.... Hell you may as well drink bleech, that gets rid of bacteria.
Antibiotics Are Targeted very persifcialy to effect only certain bacteria, diffent fungi can be used to attack different bacteral strains, althogh its good to have a wide spectrum so as not to leave any bactera which a level of reistcne to repoduce and become immune "/
Antibiotics is essentaly natural, its dervised from funi, and labritory tested and proven effective. The "nartural" whipes are just the same, exspet only act as a plasebo.

Doctors, scientifc communty... Sails man, Big corportaion... who to trust on matters to do with scientific fact "/... i wonder

How nice, Althogh i dont like missinformation and propergander being shoved around. If you dont know what your on about, dont try and convince others who dont know somthing that isnt.
Bad advice is often more damageing than no advice at all

I don't believe anything is wrong with my advice quite frankly, I didn't order people to follow it, it's a choice of their own.
I really do not see what your problem is, being educated or intelligent doesn't make you special.

Lastly, I can't be bothered to argue with you, you are obviously pathetically stuborn, so whatever, if your done..and satisfied with your tedious examining of my thread then goodbye.

10-03-2006, 06:31 PM
''Try to avoid using pescribed antibiotics''

I have to disagree 100% with that comment. My friend had a bad case of acne so he want to see the GP who reffered to a hospital which put him on these prescribe drugs. Around 3-6 months later all signs of acne was gone and left no scaring.

10-03-2006, 10:52 PM
Great tips actually, Tee Tree oil is very good actually and drink lots of water ;p <3

10-03-2006, 10:54 PM
I've only had like 3 spots my whole life.

And I do all the things we're not meant to do to avoid them

10-03-2006, 11:44 PM
I don't believe anything is wrong with my advice quite frankly, I didn't order people to follow it, it's a choice of their own.
I really do not see what your problem is, being educated or intelligent doesn't make you special.

Lastly, I can't be bothered to argue with you, you are obviously pathetically stuborn, so whatever, if your done..and satisfied with your tedious examining of my thread then goodbye.
Well since your attacking me rather than my argument and points, its obvios you know youve been proved wrong and are just trying to avoide facing up to it, Then you call me stuborn ... and pathetic ... nice and hypocrital i see :)

Plus who ever said it did? You can be as educated as you like and still be a *******, and intelegnce is more aimed at makeing you smart, rather than specal (althogh i get the feeling you seem to belive your "specal" as no one is allowed to dissagree or point out flaws in what you say...). But realy, where does this come in to it. I disagreed with you on some of the things you wrote, i posted why and backed it up.
If you think im wrong, you would then disagree, post why, back yours up, in which i would then repond in turn, until normaly ether one person accepts the other persons points or, is to pathetic to and insted just ignores the points and attacks the person "/

11-03-2006, 12:18 AM
Well since your attacking me rather than my argument and points, its obvios you know youve been proved wrong and are just trying to avoide facing up to it, Then you call me stuborn ... and pathetic ... nice and hypocrital i see :)

Plus who ever said it did? You can be as educated as you like and still be a *******, and intelegnce is more aimed at makeing you smart, rather than specal (althogh i get the feeling you seem to belive your "specal" as no one is allowed to dissagree or point out flaws in what you say...). But realy, where does this come in to it. I disagreed with you on some of the things you wrote, i posted why and backed it up.
If you think im wrong, you would then disagree, post why, back yours up, in which i would then repond in turn, until normaly ether one person accepts the other persons points or, is to pathetic to and insted just ignores the points and attacks the person "/

I posted this in the advice section, not the debate section or the article section.
If I wanted it scrutinised I would have asked for it, fair enough if you point out mistakes, but most of them were false anyway, which is why I think your stuborn, as your still posting and trying to argue with me.
No, I am not attacking you..? I'm not ignoring points, I take it in to consideration, but at the end of the day, does it really matter?

Yes antibiotics work, no doubt about it, but they arn't 100% safe, not that alot of medications are 100% safe, but there are safer options for clearing acne.
I understand sometimes if you have bad spots you'd eventually come to the point of having enough and antibiotics have promising results and become tempting, my friend used them and they cleared her skin up well.
If you can cope without using antibiotics, then do so, that was my advice.

20-03-2006, 07:31 PM
''Try to avoid using pescribed antibiotics''

I have to disagree 100% with that comment. My friend had a bad case of acne so he want to see the GP who reffered to a hospital which put him on these prescribe drugs. Around 3-6 months later all signs of acne was gone and left no scaring.

I agree with you 100%

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