View Full Version : Hes one annoyin dude

12-03-2006, 11:25 AM
Ok i go to college [ i'm 16] and someone doing my course is in a weelchair. Hes a kool great dude quite nice to talk to etc etc. But Lol theres always a but !
He seems to be favourtised for example when a assignments due in and he gives it in late he never gets it marked as late. The teachers always ignore his bad behavior and if hes like half an hour late for a lession they don't question him even if they hear him boasting about having a great sleep in
There is also this very annoying teacher who asks me to email ALL my work to him so he has ideas but its very obvious hes just copying it every time I talk to my tutor about this she brings up a whole guilt story about him so anyone got any advice becuase i'm thinking of taking legal action over him copying my assignments . . .

12-03-2006, 11:29 AM
And disabled people are the people crying about equality? Pfft..

You should speak with the teacher/head.

12-03-2006, 11:30 AM
Speak with a Guidance Liason .
T'is favouritism , and it's plagiarism to copy someone elses work..
don't you have to sign a lot of things through exams and collage/university saying you shalt not copy ? Well.. he's breaking the rules and it needs sorted .

I'd personally speak with your Guidance figure.. who liases with you like a guidance teacher in school .

Speak with the head master if possible too . bring it to his/her knowledge .

12-03-2006, 11:49 AM
Just say no next tiem he wants to copy your work

12-03-2006, 12:05 PM
Just say no next tiem he wants to copy your work

Good idea ! but he dosn't ask to copy his helper lady asks me to let him see it for ideas and Ive said i don't want to before and she has a hissy fit

12-03-2006, 12:07 PM
Make a fake thingiemabob to show him. So then your not showing him your work and then he's copying something completely different and maybe even wrong. ;)

12-03-2006, 12:12 PM
Make a fake thingiemabob to show him. So then your not showing him your work and then he's copying something completely different and maybe even wrong. ;)
lol tht would be funny

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