View Full Version : Need Major Help: One Week Old Newbie

13-03-2006, 10:17 PM
Last week, I started playing runescape, and I like it. I understand basics, like moving and attacking, but it's very confusing and I'm struggling. All the short ways of saying runescape items confuse me. Anyway, I need tips. Here is:

My bank:

My stats:

My equipped inventory:

My backpack:

Yes, I know its extremely lame. When I was browsing this forum, I was shocked and ashamed. I NEED HELP, TIPS, GUIDANCE!

Are there faster ways to increase levels?
What skills should I focus on?
How can I make money faster that killing stupid goblins?? Lol :D
And if anyone would be so kind, could someone write a "runescape dictionary" with all the short ways of writing things and stuff?
Sometimes I trade with people, and I'm not sure I'm getting a good deal.. is there an "item values guide" or something?
What do you do with runes?

Yeah, I need a lot of help. You all were noobs once right? Right? Anything is welcome.

Redmoon Evil
13-03-2006, 10:23 PM
levels: level on something with high hp (member? go to rockcrabs)
skills: main three are fishing, mining and woodcutting (for money)
runes are for the magic skill

check out runehq.com for other information you may need

/special reports for a "runescape dictionary" dunno what its called though you'll have to have a look

13-03-2006, 10:24 PM
Are there faster ways to increase levels?
..depends if you're member or non member.

What skills should I focus on?
All since it's your main.

How can I make money faster that killing stupid goblins?? Lol
Use skills
And if anyone would be so kind, could someone write a "runescape dictionary" with all the short ways of writing things and stuff?
p2p- play to play
f2p- free to play
pk- player killing
lodsa words..

Sometimes I trade with people, and I'm not sure I'm getting a good deal.. is there an "item values guide" or something?
Their official forum is the best

What do you do with runes?
Use them for casting spells.


14-03-2006, 06:52 AM

Link to a list of lots of fansites with beginner guides and stuff. ;)

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