View Full Version : It seemes like Hc sofas are going up??

17-03-2006, 11:58 PM
Yeah everyone wants pure for their furni now more than ever.

Everyone wants pure for their t sofas and majestics and like two .5's

It wont work if the rare value system just raised hcs to like 80rd

because then all of the other rares would rise too. I dont have a solution because if hcs are raised to 1.2 then that would confuse alot of people

They could run off a .5 system where mochas and dicemasters are the like general term and like 3cs now would be 6 mo

or something like that?

This hc craze might be just at the moment but i think the demand for pure will keep getting larger because people need hcs to fill the new v9 rooms.

Any ideas or thoughts please.

18-03-2006, 09:28 AM
I agree, I don't know, becaause most 1.0's people seem to be offered 1.0 worth for but not 1 hc. I think that possibly, most things on the 1.0's list apart form hcs and study desks, the 2 items that peopel would sell for a hcthen everything should go doen, but the hc should go up to 80 creds. Thw only problem with making hcs 80, would mean that trading exactly would be a it more difficult, because whenever I do an uneven trade I make it even with rollers which are conveniently 0.1 each. It would confuse thigs if they werwen't.

18-03-2006, 11:55 AM
Yeah, I've noticed this, people are getting ALOT more picky.

18-03-2006, 12:38 PM
If Habbo Club Sofas rise in prize generally the rares price go down. eg. The majestic might go too 4.5hc etc. But I don't think there is a lot of difference, I would say about 75rd is right

18-03-2006, 05:40 PM
Raising it to 75RD wouldnt help :S As then everything else would raise with it... I like the .5 idea :P

18-03-2006, 10:01 PM
HC is a set base for trading.


If a T-sofa was 4.2 - 4 HC and a 0.2

Then you raise the HC

The T-sofa would just raise in price aswell. Making it something like 4.3

So changing the price of a HC sofa would be no conviance at all and would solve no trading problems such as 0.1, 0.2 ectect.

Stress Free
18-03-2006, 11:26 PM
i have noticed this too

19-03-2006, 12:23 AM
Pure hcs are wanted more and more now :) This needs to be reflected with values

19-03-2006, 01:44 PM
I hate Hc Sofas.:)

19-03-2006, 06:35 PM
HC is a set base for trading.


If a T-sofa was 4.2 - 4 HC and a 0.2

Then you raise the HC

The T-sofa would just raise in price aswell. Making it something like 4.3

So changing the price of a HC sofa would be no conviance at all and would solve no trading problems such as 0.1, 0.2 ectect.

yeah i agree but that is why i say we should use our rare trade system based on .5's like mochas and dicemasters because they never change in value.

then we can raise the hc sofa to about 2.2mo (mochas)

then all of the other rares can be doubled and it will work out.

we cant raise the hc sofa to like 75 because that wont help because as it is you can get a hc sofa for like 30 credits of norms if they are all the same.

The hc sofa needs to raise in comparasion to the other rares and we need to find a way to do this.

22-03-2006, 04:33 PM
yeah i agree but that is why i say we should use our rare trade system based on .5's like mochas and dicemasters because they never change in value.

then we can raise the hc sofa to about 2.2mo (mochas)

then all of the other rares can be doubled and it will work out.

we cant raise the hc sofa to like 75 because that wont help because as it is you can get a hc sofa for like 30 credits of norms if they are all the same.

The hc sofa needs to raise in comparasion to the other rares and we need to find a way to do this. Easy just ask the Rvr Team.

22-03-2006, 07:28 PM
I don't trade that much on habbo anymore, just post on these forums. so i wudnt kno lol

24-03-2006, 12:59 PM
HC is a set base for trading.


If a T-sofa was 4.2 - 4 HC and a 0.2

Then you raise the HC

The T-sofa would just raise in price aswell. Making it something like 4.3

So changing the price of a HC sofa would be no conviance at all and would solve no trading problems such as 0.1, 0.2 ectect.

thats wrong. if the hc raises, the tsofa goes DOWN as it would take less hc's to make the price of a tsofa.

when hc was 65 rd.... the tsofa's price was higher as it took more hcs to make the price of the tsofa.

but if they had no problem changin the hc from 65rd to 70rd, i dont see the problem raising it to 75/80rd

24-03-2006, 11:43 PM
thats wrong. if the hc raises, the tsofa goes DOWN as it would take less hc's to make the price of a tsofa.

when hc was 65 rd.... the tsofa's price was higher as it took more hcs to make the price of the tsofa.

but if they had no problem changin the hc from 65rd to 70rd, i dont see the problem raising it to 75/80rd

the problem raising the hc to 75/80 rd is that people will give a hc sofa for about 30 credits of furni if it is bulk and what they want.

hcs shouldnt go up in value against rd but they should go up more compared to like all other rares.

If you have pure hc then it is so easy to buy furni

Someone offering 4 hcs for a t sofa is more likely to get one than someone offering like pillers, dragons, mochas and samovars that equal 4.5

it is because hcs are under valued because everyone wants them

The problem is that with out rare value system they cant really go up in value.

If we switch to a rare value system like based on Mochas or dicemaster than we could value the hc sofa at like 2.2 Mo

Then it would be more accurate.

25-03-2006, 11:46 AM
A hc couldnt possibly go up to 1.2 club sofas more like everything else should go down a little i have about 110 hc sofas so i ouldnt mind if they did go up :D

25-03-2006, 01:00 PM
Im not keen on Hc's.

25-03-2006, 03:57 PM
hc sofas are the rare that never changes and is universally reliable, thats why when i have spare rares i always trade em for hc;s

25-03-2006, 04:00 PM
You never know.

They could rise, you'll have to wait and see.

06-04-2006, 08:51 AM
I think some people on this forum will be confused by when people say the other rares will go DOWN in price. The other rares wont be worth less compared with norms or other rares, it will just become say 0.4 if it was 0.5 before the hc's value increased. I think the hc is now the base rare of normal rares, like the throne with super rares.

06-04-2006, 04:33 PM
Im not keen on Hc's.Same.;)

07-04-2006, 09:00 AM
Remember, we can't raise them to a 75 RD worth or something because 0.5's need to be able to be half worth making them 37.5 RD

07-04-2006, 09:49 AM
Remember, we can't raise them to a 75 RD worth or something because 0.5's need to be able to be half worth making them 37.5 RDThey Were 65 Before.

07-04-2006, 10:32 AM
I think they're abut right as they are, because peopl;e know that hcs are more desirable, and habbox is only a guide, so it's ok, and makes things far easierto trade rollers for.

07-04-2006, 03:15 PM
HC is THE FOUNDATION ON HABBO take runescape if u play it u cant make 1gp 1.3gp lol its just not possible same with habbo sorry for bring runescape into this but its a good axsample. hc is habbo credits if u know what i mean like on runescape its 50,000 gp and on habbo its 5 hcs u cant change the FOUNDATION on trading.:rolleyes:
I know people are wanting more hcs than other iteams but again people on runescape wont money not iteams... just as on habbo.

07-04-2006, 06:11 PM
I agree with you guys that hc sofas are wanted, but this is no reason to raise the price. People want hc sofas because they don't go up, so they won't lose their value so people can leave them in their room without doing something with them. If you would trade your throne for 23 samovars, purple pillows are any other item worth 1hc, you don't know if they will stay the same value and if it is smart to leave them in your room without using them. There are far more hc sofas aswell, so it's easier to get pure hc sofas for your rare than other items. Hc sofas are also one of the easiest items to trade, as they are needed in almost every room in large ammount, items like the para's, samovars, oil lamps and other items (no matter what their values are) are less needed in a room so less wanted, so less easy to trade. Just try to trade 2 mochas for a hc sofa and a hc sofa for 2 mochas, you'll get the 2 mochas for your hc sofa much faster than the hc sofa for your 2 mochas. ;)

The super rares are valued with thrones, if the throne goes up, super rare prices stay the same, so why would the other prices go up or down if the hc sofa went up? Even if it went up, the logical thing that would happen is that the other prices would just go down so they still have the same value in RD.

One last thing, hc sofas might be popular, but it's still easy to get them under 70RD, so there would be no point in raising the price only because they are popular and traded a lot. The aloe vera is a good example of a not so popular item that isn't traded a lot but stays on the same price (not on the exact price but it doesn't drop or raise 1hc every time), the aloe vera doesn't decrease in price because it isn't very popular and not traded a lot, its value is based on what it's traded for, and at the moment it is traded for 2.7hc the few times it is traded.

I have spoken. :P:P

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